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Good Friday not a holiday

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Dr. Solomon R. Thokala
Reg. Good Friday not holiday
by Dr. Solomon R. Thokala on Apr 11, 2004 08:54 PM

It is ridiculous on the part of the Gujarath Govt. to delete Good Friday from the list...... of holidays. As the bar coucil member lamented that too many holidays will hamper the economic growth. Yes, if it is applied to so... many holidays given for satisfying the desires of three million dieties of this snake-country. As a practising christian, I can loose a holiday or a leave at the cost of observing Good Friday remembering the supreme sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ, but I'll be glad if they apply this rule to the other religious festivals too. The christians in this country are always hardworking, patriotic, and relentlessly striving to lighten this country through education, primary health, and counselling. For example, the so called gujjus became prosperous/ and becoming prosperous by the blessings of a christian country like USA. Think of if the doors of western world are shut down for the snake cacthers[Indians], what would have happened to this country?
Honestly speaking, as an Indian, you are receiving[actually minting] lots of money for no work. Is there any accountability? Is there any followup for the money received from the few honest tax payers and Worl bank? Solom

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Prof Rajendra Aggarwala Lt.Col.(retired)
Good Friday not a public holiday in Gujrat
by Prof Rajendra Aggarwala Lt.Col.(retired) on Apr 09, 2004 05:09 AM  | Hide replies

Christians comprise only 2% of India's population. Why should 98% of those, who do not celebrate or even understand anything about Good Friday, be forced to take a holiday if they don't want it, and certainly don't need it. This is criminal waste of time. India is not a christian theocratic state to do that. The whole of India does provide a holiday on Christmas, a major festival for Christians. Even Hindus and Muslims often participate in the festivities.

Show me one country in the world, where any or more than one major Hindu festival(in most not even Dewali, or Dusshera)are declared as national or provincial holidays? Hindus have to either celebrate Dewali on a non-working day, missing the sactity of their most important festival completely, or celebrate it in a very subdued way, without the participation of the family or the community. In USA, while Christian students can spend all their religious holidays with families(Christmas, Thanksgiving, Good Friday), Hindus cannot do anything of the kind.

In India there is a system of 'restricted holidays', which can be utilised by any community, without forcing others. Good Friday can be a restricted holiday.

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nelson rodrigues
Re: Good Friday not a public holiday in Gujrat
by nelson rodrigues on Apr 14, 2014 12:42 PM
To put your notice, every state has prioritized the holidays according to their caste relegion, why christians doesnt have the right to celebrate their festival , if comparing with other religions , do you recollect how many public holidays do christian religion have....answer me if you can...

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There are just too many holidays; we just cant afford them any more.
by chanakya on Apr 08, 2004 04:02 PM

Bharat Varsh is basically a Hindu Rashtra and excepting for Diwali and Holi there just should not be so many holidays in the name of national integration and that largely misused and misinterpreted "secularism" which is responsible for all the ills currently prevailing in Bharat Varsh, including the cross-border terrorism, which,too,is an offspring of this false and fraudulent interpretation of secularism of last 50 years.

Imposed upon ourselves are so many holidays and they differ state to state that we no longer work with meaningful cohesion.

We are always in search for a valid excuse for keeping matters perpetually pending.

For the Jains, Budhdhaas, Parsis, Sikhs, and Muslims
the facility can be cleared for sectional holidays for that particular minority rather than the whole country closing shop.

What has a Jain got to do with Buddha Purnima, or a Parsi with Mahavir Jayanti?

Arent we permitting ourselves to be fooled by the wily politicians who want to book votes from each and every community, besides those of Hindus which they assume are already in their pockets ?

So many holidays are clearly meant to please all at the expense of the national economy.

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I would suggest that entire India reduce the number of holidays
by Shashi on Apr 08, 2004 01:05 PM

In the so called "Christian coutries" like the United states of america we don't see holidays for "Good Friday". It is only a politically motivated move to either declare a holiday or protest against not declaring. One thing that we need to learn from such protests is that, we really don't care what religions have to say, what scriptures speak, what "God" wants us to do - we only want to change rules and laws for convenience and selfish motives and also protest for very similar reasons.

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Good Friday not a holiday! But it is a Restricted Holiday.
by Nakul on Apr 08, 2004 11:02 AM

Why they make such hue and cry for this issue which is not a issue. Govt. just made a gazetted holiday to a resticted holiday once in a year. Still it is a holiday. Are they not enjoying holiday for each Sunday for each week where as our muslim brothers don't have it on the Friday.

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Good Friday
by Reuven on Apr 08, 2004 10:50 AM

Hate is shining, communalism is shining. If that is what India is all about then India is shining as well.

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nitish williamson
N Modi's Aggression
by nitish williamson on Apr 08, 2004 10:10 AM

This is another display of Mr N Modi's aggression and support of intolerance towards the minorities - both muslims and christians. The decision in view of the fact that compared to other communities Christians already have maybe the least number of religious holidays only suggests that the Christians are the second class citizens of this country and that the likes of Mr Modi are doing a favour by allowing them to stay. I am proud of the fact that I grew up in this country in very loving, safe and secure environment but since the last couple of years the situation is drastically different.

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Gujarat is MESS
by scorpio on Apr 08, 2004 10:07 AM

Does the gujarat government is so weak that it fears that if they decllared Good Friday as holiday then christians will rule the Gujarat , I wanna ask Narendra Modi that Mr. chief minister when u were studying in school didn;t u got good friday as holiday if yes then it is partiallity. Mr. chief minister broaden your mind not religion nad then look the world is so beautiful

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Holiday for Good Friday?????
by Moulik on Apr 08, 2004 09:57 AM  | Hide replies

Somebody tell these guys, neither the Good friday and nor the Easter, are a holiday in the US. And if someone thinks even Gujurat goverment is anti-christian, then guys, its time to face the truth now!

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nelson rodrigues
Re: Holiday for Good Friday?????
by nelson rodrigues on Apr 14, 2014 12:45 PM
please check your stats....

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