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Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by Chiru on Apr 15, 2007 11:54 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I have worked in TCS, Chennai. Though TCS is a very good company the Managers are the worst i have ever seen. Here are some of the facts that makes everyone laugh:
i) One Team Lead used to work form 9 am to 6 pm but ask's all team members to work from 8-am to 11 pm
ii) The onsite TCS staff based in Dallas, Texas never used to work and they just pass all the work to Offshore. They dump all the work to each one of us that requires minimum 14 hrs of work a day
iii) Account manager at off-shore has openly given a statement - "14 hrs of productivity a day is expected from each and every employee"
iv) Andother Team lead has monitored the time taken by his staff for going to rest rooms

I did not want to name their names to protect their privacy.

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by priya l on Apr 16, 2007 01:09 AM   Permalink
Chiru, Because of employees like you, a company gets a bad name. I am also a TCS employee for a long now and I know how authenticate are "the so called facts" you have given above.
There are many lines of communication to bring these things highlighted within the organization but did you ever try to use those.
It is very easy to blame company and management but did you do what was required. I bet no one can ask you to work 14 hrs a day in TCS forcefully(without you willing to do), did you ask for a written note for such statement from ACCT Manager.
I am glad you left, TCS doesnt need cowards & backstabbers like you, who just did not dare to stand against 2 or 3 bad persons and just gave up, And now trying to badmouth an organization of more than 85 Lakh headcount.

Try not to be a coward in your next assignement, else you'ld keep filling such blogs blaming others whole the life.

~Proud to be a TCSer.

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by Pushpendra Rathore on Apr 16, 2007 02:14 AM   Permalink

Girls are always forgiven..:).. but i too have gut feeling that TCS is very very very bad in people management..

Since India's population is approching 1 Billion.. They are able to get so many guys .. who will work like 10-14 hours.. but any smart person will not join knowingly...
and pay package is also not so good..

so what for you should join TCS ????

Please remember these quotes "Bull Shit might take you to the TOP, but wont keep you..."

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by Pooja Banga on Apr 16, 2007 01:35 AM   Permalink
I don't understand y anyone wud be a part of tcs, infy, wipro except u r a fresher..they r worst payers in india and abroad...labor policies.. unless u r very non-technical and not getting a good job outside stay there n keep complaning...

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  RE:RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by Shashank Dixit on Apr 16, 2007 03:42 AM   Permalink
Hi Priya,
I agree with you that one should try escalation paths but the fact cannot be denied that such managers exist. I have worked with cognizant and developers from almost all the project used to work whole night everyday (9am to 2-3pm in night)(and mangers used to leave early). When this happened to our project, I escalated matter to higher management but the reply I got was meaningless. "We are talking to our clients on it, till then you can go early at 12 pm" (Is not that funny ?)

Organizations with big headcounts does not mean they have good management. It is just that they are getting projects because they are providing solutions by charging less (and thus giving less salary to their employees and making them work like donkeys) and they get headcount because in india you get people for work.

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  RE:RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by Sonu on Apr 16, 2007 01:41 AM   Permalink
I DO agree with Chiru, what chiru has highlighted is true for almost all Indian S/W companies. All statement are true for almost all Indian and for few MNC companies.

Regarding communicating these things, let me tell you "Priya" this does not work. it does NOT work at all, I have seen (even I have done) people communicating to higher ups, but the only thing matters for higher ups is "bottom line" and that profit... if company is going good, they dont care for if people are happy with 14 hours or not.

and yes Chiru is NOT a coward, instead I guess you are, may be you are NOT getting a better job, so stuck to TCS :D.

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by Chiru on Apr 16, 2007 02:20 AM   Permalink
Thanks Sonu.
Even I have taken the matter to higher Manager to the level of GL. But what he has given a strange reply indicating that he used to work more till 3:00 am in the morning while starting work at 9:00 am the previous day.

The other important factor is in TCS there several employees listed under absconding list. I think no other company in this record number of employees in absconding list. TCS should be awarded Guinness record.

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by Dhanesh Chakrapani on Apr 18, 2007 06:11 PM   Permalink
I disagree. I have worked with TCS and few other companies. HR policies of TCS is the worst. I think if you consider yourself good, you should join some other "Good" company.

I don't want to offend you, but your mathematics seems to have gone for a toss. TCS head count is 85K not 85 Lakhs.

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by hassan shashidhara on Apr 25, 2007 08:30 PM   Permalink
shut up priya. I know TCS better where I worked for 5yrs. IT is the worst company I ever saw. It is useless people like you who can stay for ever.

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by on Jul 09, 2007 03:04 AM   Permalink
I know why woman like to work in TCS.They come to office at 10 check mails and then chit chat with other woman till 12:00 and then go to lunch and comes back by 2:00, again check mails after lunch and again do chit chat with other woman and then leave work by 4.30. Probably ie the reason people like Priya like TCS and defending its work culture.

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by kapil kumar Bhowmik on Apr 16, 2007 04:55 AM   Permalink
Hi Chiru,

I am not an TCS employee or never worked in TCS, but lot of my frends are TCS for a long time. I am also software engineer. I think, you didn't get an onsite opportunity yet. thats why you are blaming. Don't show your frustation to everybody by blaming your company. You are blaming because jobs are flowing nowdays. If you think that your company is not taking care about you & you are brilliant, simply leave & join other comany.

best wishes..

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by on Apr 16, 2007 05:53 AM   Permalink
I was a manager in TCS Hyderabad. I didn't agree to most of their policies and thats why I left and joined a good professional company. Once I had to send 6 guys to Lucknow for an assignment. I spotted six people who were 100% free but none of them was ready. I told my higher ups, they said I shud not care what they like I shud just force them and ask them to report there on next Monday itself. Though not satisfied, I did the same thing, though I got their flight tickets and GH bookings done and I assured then it will be big opportuinity for them, I knew I was lieing. After siz months all of them left. I know how much we used to delay the appraisals and hikes. I still remember how we used to fit employees in bell curve and used to manipulate their %.

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  RE:RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by on Apr 16, 2007 05:58 AM   Permalink
I am the same manager who wrote the blog above. Priya, send me ur resume I will pull u out of TCS dirt. While leaving my unit lead told me that I should opt for TCS only if I want to retire from the tech life. He said its not a company for smart people. People work here only for onsites and who soever sticks here is not fit to face the competition outside. Priya, if you consider urself competitive send me ur CV buddy.

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by Pankaj Agarwal on Apr 16, 2007 06:07 AM   Permalink
Hi All,
I agree with the discussion which Chiru has started. As far as Priya comments that 'Have you ever got written instruction to work for 14 hours' is concerned, I feel that is totally useless arguement..No manager would give that in writing but expect people to work for 14 hours...People would work as they fear that their appraisal would be affected...!! I am currently working with a US based leading multinational company and culture is totally different from Cognizant (my previous employer)..No American manager would take you for granted and would respect your time and personal constraints.

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by jayesh thakkar on Apr 16, 2007 07:04 AM   Permalink
Why are u arguing so much about this dude?? Please try to understand from Priya's response. She looks FRESHER OR 2-3 years exp girl!! Or one who is already settled there for life as MANAGER!! I am not a employee of TCS and never work for SO CALLED BIG INDIAN MNCs.. I have worked for product based companies only for 8 years including UGS and I am telling U THEY ARE SIMPLY GREAT!! If you really want to settle in india join those or any other US based Product Outsourcing company and you will get Technology and Salary dont go for INDIAN SERVICE MNCs unless you want ONSITE opp for that also you better settle for US consulting instead of INDIAN who will suck your blood here too :) But ve is you will have stability with them here in US. So if you are crazy about money and work then settle for US Based MNCs

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  RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by Chiru on Apr 16, 2007 05:49 AM   Permalink
Hi kapil kumar Bhowmik,
Getting onsite opportunity or not getting it is not the question here. The question is about employees getting being made to work 10-14 hrs a day. I cannot be blind to such ground realities and keep praising managers in TCS. It is very sad to see employees sufferring under bad managers who believe that all employees should work more than 10-14 hrs a day and work on week ends.
Ask friends to do an informal survey about the bad managers in TCS.
Even a top HR official agreed that TCS has extreme bossism.

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