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RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by priya l on Apr 16, 2007 01:09 AM

Chiru, Because of employees like you, a company gets a bad name. I am also a TCS employee for a long now and I know how authenticate are "the so called facts" you have given above.
There are many lines of communication to bring these things highlighted within the organization but did you ever try to use those.
It is very easy to blame company and management but did you do what was required. I bet no one can ask you to work 14 hrs a day in TCS forcefully(without you willing to do), did you ask for a written note for such statement from ACCT Manager.
I am glad you left, TCS doesnt need cowards & backstabbers like you, who just did not dare to stand against 2 or 3 bad persons and just gave up, And now trying to badmouth an organization of more than 85 Lakh headcount.

Try not to be a coward in your next assignement, else you'ld keep filling such blogs blaming others whole the life.

~Proud to be a TCSer.

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