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RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by jayesh thakkar on Apr 16, 2007 07:04 AM

Why are u arguing so much about this dude?? Please try to understand from Priya's response. She looks FRESHER OR 2-3 years exp girl!! Or one who is already settled there for life as MANAGER!! I am not a employee of TCS and never work for SO CALLED BIG INDIAN MNCs.. I have worked for product based companies only for 8 years including UGS and I am telling U THEY ARE SIMPLY GREAT!! If you really want to settle in india join those or any other US based Product Outsourcing company and you will get Technology and Salary dont go for INDIAN SERVICE MNCs unless you want ONSITE opp for that also you better settle for US consulting instead of INDIAN who will suck your blood here too :) But ve is you will have stability with them here in US. So if you are crazy about money and work then settle for US Based MNCs

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