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RE:Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by on Apr 16, 2007 05:53 AM

I was a manager in TCS Hyderabad. I didn't agree to most of their policies and thats why I left and joined a good professional company. Once I had to send 6 guys to Lucknow for an assignment. I spotted six people who were 100% free but none of them was ready. I told my higher ups, they said I shud not care what they like I shud just force them and ask them to report there on next Monday itself. Though not satisfied, I did the same thing, though I got their flight tickets and GH bookings done and I assured then it will be big opportuinity for them, I knew I was lieing. After siz months all of them left. I know how much we used to delay the appraisals and hikes. I still remember how we used to fit employees in bell curve and used to manipulate their %.

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