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Indian Managers was worst creatures you can find
by Chiru on Apr 15, 2007 11:54 PM

I have worked in TCS, Chennai. Though TCS is a very good company the Managers are the worst i have ever seen. Here are some of the facts that makes everyone laugh:
i) One Team Lead used to work form 9 am to 6 pm but ask's all team members to work from 8-am to 11 pm
ii) The onsite TCS staff based in Dallas, Texas never used to work and they just pass all the work to Offshore. They dump all the work to each one of us that requires minimum 14 hrs of work a day
iii) Account manager at off-shore has openly given a statement - "14 hrs of productivity a day is expected from each and every employee"
iv) Andother Team lead has monitored the time taken by his staff for going to rest rooms

I did not want to name their names to protect their privacy.

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