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You wouldn't bury your dog here

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subramanya srikant
by subramanya srikant on May 16, 2007 11:23 AM  | Hide replies

why waste 100's of acres of land for the great politicals leaders of our country who are only trying to fill their pockets at the cost of the common man and the poor tax payers. they do not deserve more than 3*6 place for their dirty bodies and mind.
the so called ghat (learders samadhi) should be converted to children parks or cultivated as a garden.

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Periya Pandaram
by Periya Pandaram on May 16, 2007 03:13 PM
Yep all the memorials should be converted to public latrines. This will greatly help the suffering masses

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srinivasan mv
by srinivasan mv on May 16, 2007 12:58 PM
In Saudi Arabia, the Sunni muslims do not differentiate between the royals and the common after death.All are laid in a common place.

Why not follow this procedure? Lay the dead in a neat manner and give peaceful atmosphere for the dead

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kabira speaking
by kabira speaking on May 16, 2007 01:06 PM
the same can be done for dogs also, they too belong to the same breed.

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Grave city
by Classified on May 16, 2007 11:18 AM

Delhi is a city of beautiful graves - only if you are a VVIP or a damn politician... the GOI will allot acres together and waste public money maintaining it - Where should the common man go???

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dwarkesh parihar
Final Resting Place
by dwarkesh parihar on May 16, 2007 11:07 AM  | Hide replies

I also had the unfortunate experience of losing my first child. The grief is too much to bear and when such parents are subjected to such a scenario, they curse themselves for living in this country where you cant live with dignity and the same happens when you leave this world.
When the incident happened with us, our friends advised us not go to the designated for the reasons mentioned above. Instead we drove along the river, then walked 500 metres to find a reasonably decent place visible from the kalindi kunj bridge. There we placed our daughter with all love and affection. Even now when I pass through the bridge and I can see the spot and fondly remember my daughter who would have bee 10 years old now. I have not informed about this spot to my wife as this might affect her emotionally.
Thanks to god now we have a son and a daughterand they are doing fine.
This is a social problem and needs to be tackled at social level. Government and politicians are not of much help anyways.

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RE:Final Resting Place
by rangdebasanti on May 16, 2007 08:57 PM
Dwarkesh, I also thank God on behalf of you for your son and daughter. And for your demised daughter, she would be always thankful from the heaven whenever you and your wife do something good to the others. May God bless you.

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pradeep agarwal
RE:Final Resting Place
by pradeep agarwal on May 16, 2007 11:53 AM
Why would most politicians including the most powerful family of country worry for an ordinary citizen's last rites as they get acres for their family members.Imagine the same people talk about human right violations but can't arrange a patch of clean land for departed soul.

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flight capt
by flight capt on May 16, 2007 10:52 AM

My condolences to the parents of the child. May God bless his soul.

Who is responsible for this situation ? I will not blame the politicians.They are the deadly virus in our country and a virus does not think about others feelings. It is only we people who are to be blamed for this shamefull condition because we have given power to these viruses.If you want to save this country than you will have to kill the virus.Vote for some educated candidates and if there are none than show your protest by not voting for anybody.There is a section on the voting card which you can tick if you dont want to vote for anybody.

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Arun Kaulige
Do we deserve this kind of indignity....
by Arun Kaulige on May 16, 2007 10:45 AM  | Hide replies

This article has indeed moved me to tears.
Unfortunately those at the helm of affairs would care two hoots.They should realise that such a tragedy could occur to them too.

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flight capt
RE:Do we deserve this kind of indignity....
by flight capt on May 16, 2007 10:56 AM
my dear friend ,only crying wont help.what is required is action.think what you can do to improve our society and rid it of these crook politicians.

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Yeh Hai India
by Derendra on May 16, 2007 10:31 AM

Arey dost "YEHI HAI INDIA",our IT honchos and so called leaders ( from fashin to cricketers to actors to politicians and so called secularists etc) should come and see this.Our intelectuals are bloody busy in protecting the art and culture ( remember M F Husasin & Chndramohan etc)
Shame India ,shame Indians

From Stupid Indian

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Prajakta B
Deep regret
by Prajakta B on May 16, 2007 10:28 AM

The so called 'Baccha Ghat' is a disgrace to our entire political system.

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Prajakta B
Deep Regret
by Prajakta B on May 16, 2007 10:26 AM

My sincere condolences to the family. It is a shame that we can't give our loved ones a decent farewell, especially the young and most loved ones. The so called 'Baccha Ghat' is a disgrace to beaurocracy and o. And I wish that no family ever buries their child here.

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Rajesh Anantharaman
You wouldn't bury your dog here
by Rajesh Anantharaman on May 16, 2007 10:23 AM

Well,we are to blame, some others ran away but they have not changed, they will run from there when problems crop up there. Caste, religion and temples are important for us, look at the number of idiots who will do anything to bathe in the ganges, whether he is a rapist, a criminal, a politician or any average indian. We overlook cleanliness, hygiene everything to get some "punya" and criminals and politicians make money at this very need to throw guilt away from us. Our own people push in temples to ensure they get the punya before someone else takes it away, so what do you expect from a nation of greedy people ruled by an equally greedy and criminal class and some others who run away for greener pastures and expect to come back with greater respect when things go wrong in those nations where they are!! What a nation!! Garv se kaho, kya yehi mat poocho!

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