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Caste versus merit

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laligam sekhar
reservations based on caste
by laligam sekhar on May 21, 2006 01:12 PM

I can see further ideas which can be developed on the basis of reservations...50% of all ministers, and political candidates must hail from a "backward class". The chief ministers of the states, and the Prime Minister should also be from a backward class 50% of the time.
It would also be a good idea to reserve 50% of the seats in trains and buses, and hospitals for those form a backward calass, and we should make sure that those who are from a backward class are always served by a doctor or another professional form the same class (who may or may not have passed the exams on merit...)
Just when I thought India was making great progress, and the Singh government was doing well, then comes along this proposal, which will definitely downgrade India into a backward country again.
I am sure the politicians do not care, their sons and daughters will study in elite instituions, and they will go abroad for medical treatment....

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Anil Jha
by Anil Jha on May 21, 2006 08:40 AM

Let me ask my friends who would like to take the benefit of reservations for SCs STs OBCs etc.
Would they themselves be comfortable to learn from the ones who do not have merit in teaching or for that matter in other professions?
Unfortunately there are few who understand it, and they take the softer option like our own government. The govt. does not provide good education at the primary level in the socalled Municipal schools then impose reservations on all socalled higher castes. They have afterall learned from the British "How to divide and rule"
I would like the SCs STs and OBCs to think for the country rather than as individuals only.

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Cancel all reservation !!!
by krisna on May 21, 2006 04:24 AM

Reservation is some dumb scheme setup solely for the purpose of capturing votes. The very idea that it is supposed to help the backward cast people prosper at the expense of others is a idea rooted with wrong principle. It is like if someone is walking on the road, taking the car from its owner and giving to this guy. So, the idea is not only immature blatantly wrong. We need to eradicate the caste system if whole society is to benefit. We should not even build official systems based upon caste. If people are poor govt can pay them scholarship. If children are working govt has to stop it, pay their parents money so as to let him go to school. All folks are smart to learn.If they can not go to school in the first place, they can not go to job.When how many & who backward is unknown why implement a scheme affeting billion ppl?? Is caste tamperproof?If a General Merit student who gets 90% can not get a seat and a backward caste student gets 35% and gets a seat, is not the system blatantly wrong?Will it not develop discrimination against their fellow students knowing that otherstudents will get seat w/o studying buthe has to study 90% time w/o having time to develop other skills.wrong.

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Manish Kumar
writing itself is shameless
by Manish Kumar on May 21, 2006 03:31 AM

Article is shameless and vulgar and cd be busted word by word given more space.
He mockingly gives the example of light house. But what about the complete failure of the nation. The failure of the judiciary, transportaton, education, almost all fields of governance and all the fields are occupied almost more than 90% by the so called meritorious upper caste people. I m a doctor in america and I have travelled in europe. Europe was torn by second world war with many of its cities plained by bombarding. Look what they have created now. Life is so easy especially for us who have come from the complete failed system as ours. Look what we have being led by the meritorious people in the same time frame.
Is the writer a fool to give statements like , "IT IS VP SINGH WHO HAS STRENGHTENED THE SYSTEM THAT THE CONSTITUTION HAS PLEDGED TO ERADICATE." Wt entity is VP singh to strengthen such system, he was just implimenting what is writen in the same constitution that has pledged to eradicate the system. U mean to say he is anti constitutional by being constitutional.
Regarding the last few paragraphs , he is just trying to hide his tremendous prejusice by this baseless dream.

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Absolutely true fears!!
by Vipin on May 20, 2006 11:58 PM

True my friends, your fear is true, your fear about these castes coming up and asking for there share is absolutely true and you should try and do what ever does it take to stop them from asking, caste over merit an absurd idea but what about 80% population deprived in a systematic manner fron attaining prosperity and right to equality. I'm working a software firm and in my 8 years carreer i did not see a single SC/ST guy in about 5 organisations switched(current one an organization of 8000 employees).
and surely less then 10% of so called OBCs. and see some of the justifications "Are yaar inhe govt sector diya hua tao hai pvt main kyon aa rahe hain" great!!,
Now no point in asking these people to pacify and to listen to your concerns, if any SC/STs/OBSc are observing these threads onus comes back to you people your vote is such a precious commodity keep on using this the way you have been using in past 10 - 15 years and beware dont let your constitution be amended and surely don't let the bi-party system come to this country.

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pereira  a g
caste vs merit
by pereira a g on May 20, 2006 10:35 PM

reservations beyond a certain period are only required for corrupt political gains.If 56yrs of reservation are not enough then why not try 60% reservations in the union cabinet? Obviously most of the protogonist ministers will be missing so this is not acceptable, so it is better to promote a caste divide,though our constitution promises a casteless and a secular country.

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