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rahul g
where were u all these days?
by rahul g on Apr 13, 2008 07:58 AM  | Hide replies

1)there are thousands of private medical and engg college in india which sell seats under management quota. do u think the guys who become docs and engg by buying a seat deserve that? wasnt lakhs of sets lost due to management quota?? wasnt merit affected then?? why ru crying now when a handful of seats in 10 universites r given to obc's.
2) if u r so opposed to reservation why dont u oppose 33% female quota? is it because ur sister would be benefitted by that?? if ur the beneficiary u accept reservations and if ur not u cry foul??
3)how do u propose to make india a super power when 855 of its populus are obc and dalits nd all the wealth is enjoyed by 15% upper castes??
4)where were the striking doctors when bjp announced5% reservation for upper caste poor?? why didnt they oppose it
5)lastly one shud remember all the partied supported the bill..it was mayawati who shouted aloud upper caste poor shud be given a share..nd still i can see upper castes despising her..what an irony..isnt it clear ur all biased??
6)i can see ppl some ppl saying provide them basic ameneties..yes when u provide free compulsory edu we ourselves will demand for a ban on reservation..but until then if ur opposing this it is inhumane.

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Dan Lewis
RE:where were u all these days?
by Dan Lewis on Apr 13, 2008 01:50 PM
You can allow a horse to breed by giving proper atmosphere. But no matter whatever you do, you can not breed a mule. Sorry if it sounds rude but in simple term you can not gain anything from reservation. It has been over 60years that the reservation policy has been going on. Poor people are still poor, perhaps poorer. A farmer dies out of hunger. A SC/ST student has been still struggling to crack IIT with poor score. Whereas a brilliant no-caste student has been denied admission to an ordinary University! This is what the reservation is all about. It is good for no one but the incompetent cowards.

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rahul g
RE:RE:where were u all these days?
by rahul g on Apr 14, 2008 04:52 AM
dude u did not answer my question..why did u not oppose the female quota and quota for upper caste poor then??why did u not oppose the management quota seats as mentioned above??
u seem to be diverting the topic why not answer the questions i asked above??

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Manjula A
RE:where were u all these days?
by Manjula A on Apr 14, 2008 01:20 PM
It was the incompetent cowards who imposed a 100% reservations for 3500 years. You are right in that aspect. And those incompetent cowards who brought India to the current situation of misery. It's time they are kicked out.

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RE:where were u all these days?
by on Apr 14, 2008 06:08 AM
1)if u knw there is a reason behind those management seat selling.it is to raise money so that needy merit students can avail facilities.
2)dude,there is a difference between caste n sex. caste is made by man n must go.
3)i agree we must hav an over all growth but jeopardizing the higher education quality is no solution but good basic facilites are.
4)that 5% came as bribe to sent opposition against 27%.
5) all parties supported only becoz which party would like to be tagged as anti backward class? but haste in congress clearly brings out its election motive.
6) again, there is law for free n compulsory education... its now ur chance to hate politicians. :D

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Biren Mukherjee
Abolish quota system.
by Biren Mukherjee on Apr 13, 2008 05:51 AM

Treat all equally no racial discrimination. Caste based reservation promotes schism, no competitiveness, dishonesty and ineptness. It has already damaged our society. Create need-based quota system. Allow poor people to taste the richness. In the current paradigm, poverty remains but the poor people are getting eliminated. Talents are not limited to higher or lower castes or any religion for that matter. It is God gifted. Dont waste human values and talents in the name of castes. It is inhuman as it is racial.

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Vijay B
by Vijay B on Apr 13, 2008 02:49 AM

I still remember an article on rediff.. of a middle aged woman in Bangalore, who has 3 girl children who are still studying, and who sadly lost her husband to cancer (or similar disease).

She was saying, how she earns around 5000/- Rs a month.. and how once a week she used to cook some or the other non-veg dish for her family till around a few years ago.

She was saying now they can't even afford to buy eggs. She was saying she struggles to buy clothes for festivals for her daughters. Expenses have rocketed but incomes have stayed the same. She is the sole breadwinner for her family.

I'm a typical South Indian Brahmin. So I'm guessing that you would perhaps think that my attention would first be diverted towards whether the person can turn vegetarian!

My first reaction was HOW SAD this person was feeling, unable to provide a decent meal to her family, worried about her childrens' future, hoping that they stand on their feet soon and that she has the strength to support them atleast till then.. having no one to support her.

This is the story of so many ordinary people in our country. Brahmins, non-Brahmins alike.

You think the a system runs without putting in any work? How can you give it junk and expect gold in return??

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Reservation is a norm and not an exception
by rationalist on Apr 12, 2008 11:40 PM  | Hide replies

The ruling of Supreme court over reservation issue is nothing to surprise. The funda behind a civilised notion of justice is always based on reservations. Every law in developed civilization has been brought out to protect the interest of the week against the that of the strong. Whether the context is brawn or brain..Same rules applies and it should...!

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Vijay B
RE:Reservation is a norm and not an exception
by Vijay B on Apr 13, 2008 02:32 AM

Really? The Brahmins are the weakest society in the country today, politically, financially and numerically. Of course, they are one among other people, like small time farmers, lower middle class people in non-software jobs and with their previously decent incomes that can't buy them even decent food with these B*STA RDS ruling the country..

So, what were you saying again?

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rahul g
RE:Reservation is a norm and not an exception
by rahul g on Apr 13, 2008 07:51 AM
ha ha vijay u have degraded urself by using this word..yes no doubt brahmnins r the weakest today... using language even the sc'c obcs wudnt use..
god bless brahmins and teach them language

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ashok leyland
by ashok leyland on Apr 12, 2008 11:13 PM  | Hide replies

I am sure none of those celebrating the SC's decision and vilifing Brahmins realise that by upholding reservations the line marking difference in castes is even more deeply drawn. Worse still NOT ONE comment favouring SC/ST has mentioned that this division is due to the incompetence of our politicians in providing equal opportunities of schooling for all Indian children.
It is time to stop this useless division of society. Stop blaming Brahmins for the plight of SC/STs.! Brahmins were in the upper positions 30 years ago, since then others have been given opportunities & no govt leader has done anything concrete to stop caste divisions!
Forget caste! Objectively speaking would a sick SC/ST prefer a doctor who is there only because he's also SC/ST or one who has studied and come up through merit?
Would you trust an engineer to build a bridge because he got his degree for SC/ST status or would you choose a man or woman who is capable regardless of caste?
So my advice is to stop this IGNORANT ranting. Pull up the politicans for their indifference to the real issues like schooling, hygiene and housing.Take out your anger on them, they live in palaces,travel by plane and go for medical treatment OUT of the country, NOT to SC/ST docors they themselves insist on reserving seats for.
What is caste as long as people are capable educated & clean?Cleanliness is Godliness.

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Kris iyer
by Kris iyer on Apr 13, 2008 07:49 PM
Ashok leyland, Your comments here and one below contain many good, sensible points. ALl countries, as you say are UP-GRADING their educational system. Here in India, we are busy politicising EVERY area of life. On education, our "political caste" has created two impressions: 1) "Look BCs and OBCs, you are not getting into IITs and IIMs because of these brahmins" 2) "Look BCs and OBCs, we the government are RESERVING for you, only for you, 27% of the seats, PLUS, you can also get in in the General category." There are not enough Ashok Leylands to ask the question: "As a government WHAT facilities have you provided to trains the SC, ST, BC and OBC candidates to face ANY Entrance Tests at IIT, IIM, no matter how tough?? Make extra tuition available to SC, ST, BC, - extra coaching from the best professors in India - we do not NEED Your BLOODY reservations. We are Indians, as intelligent as the next, provided you give us the institutional, library, teaching help."

Ashok Leyland, in TamilNadu, in the rural areas you would find statues of MGR, ANNA and AMBEDKAR but you won't find any good schools or Primary Health Centres. Caste-fights are created by local politicians - damaged statutes, you know that sort of thing. Our rural people are kept busy fighting with each other. The Congress Party is doing it on a national scale.

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by rationalist on Apr 12, 2008 11:33 PM
Mr Ashok Lyland,

Are u aware that the percentage of doctors who passess out from private medical colleges without even properly studying their course are much more than the SC doctors. But you dont care if they are from paid seats of private courses and u wud happily visit them for prescription without an iota of apprehension. Why> Is it because their surname gibes u enough comfort ireespective of their un deserved degrees?

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Vijay B
by Vijay B on Apr 13, 2008 02:56 AM

Whoa! Are you kidding me?! I would not DARE go to an incompetent idiot of a doctor whether he was a Brahmin or from another planet or whatever! Maybe you'll take a prescription from your OBC doctor without an iota of doubt, whether or not he knows anything about medicine or not! I DON'T!

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ashok leyland
by ashok leyland on Apr 13, 2008 03:01 PM
It looks like you have not got my message: I uphold merit IRRESPECTIVE of caste or class. What have surnnames got to do with this?
I suggest you ask your state's politicians why we are producing school leaving students without adequate preparation and why not everyone can go to school for standard education.
Ask them why they have allowed establishment of private colleges that take "donations" to give seats to useless students.

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ashok leyland
by ashok leyland on Apr 12, 2008 10:53 PM

This judgement sets India back by 500 years.
Instead of passing a sentence to the effect that all caste discrimination should be null and void, we perpetuate nepostism, mediocrity, bad politics and regression.
The SC should have insisted that the implementation of equal opportunities lies in rendering accessible all school and preschool institutions to one and all. that these educational institutions should guarantee similar standards of education.

Unless we start at the grass roots level with education and hygiene being considered priorities, we will slide backwards into sinking sands of ignorance and incompetence.

Someone has written that we should have reservations as per caste in colleges, employment and in politics. Do we realise that a democracy means being able to vote and decide by ourselves and not have impositions fixed by incompetent politicians, judges and govt.?

The entire world is sharpening their education levels, screening pupils, students, teaching staff and research workers, we on the contrary are doing the exact opposite.
Those for reservation will see to it that Indians can never compete in the world e and this will no doubt make them happy since it means not just a few like today but all Indians will be out of the running, thereby confirming the Indian slogan: if you cannot hinder then by all means prevent progress.

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Biren Mukherjee
When politics rule SC loose credibility
by Biren Mukherjee on Apr 12, 2008 10:05 PM  | Hide replies

This verdict would remain as an example where castism surpassed merits. By giving chances to unqualified candidates SC has forced the country backwards. As a result more non professionals will be produced in highly valued sectors like Engineering and Medical. The standards of IITs and AIIMS will go down and India will be declared a country of inept people. In that scenario, foreign investments will reach at its low ebb and NRIs (higher caste) will not send the money. So SC/ST/OBC be prepared to push the country on swamps!

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ajay alshettye
RE:When politics rule SC loose credibility
by ajay alshettye on Apr 12, 2008 10:23 PM
I agree with you Biren, in the protest of this decision we all should avoid sending money to India and try to invest it outside where we see that our children get a better future

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Astute Analyst
A biased article
by Astute Analyst on Apr 12, 2008 10:01 PM

This is a completely biased article by a pro-reservation lawyer. She is free to have her own personal views on the matter. However, except for the title, the entire article is misleading. The actual supreme court judgement has been even handed on the issue and not indiscriminately pro-reservation as the author portrays the court's recent judgement. The court has explicitly criticised the race to the bottom in Indian society and ordered the exclusion of the creamy layer who represent dominant sections of landed and politically powerful caste groups and not backward by any objective criteria.

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