your time .but now time is changed.But our inner heart ideal cannot changed? u must changed? it will be much waiting. Till to not finished. Up to ideal .here what ever writing.many peoples threatening me. And also fearing me.i donot fear anybody. which is good for our country.i do this. now before this. teacher Vs constable. i would talk later.
I would like to thank career360 team for taking this wonderful initiative which will inspire young generations especially and others in an age where people ,especially young get inspired by filmstars,virtuality etc rather than real heroes who build on A BETTER INDIA,A BETTER WORLD.
1) Best student - my foot. 2) Best puppet 3) Best chamcha 4) Best slave 5) Best in Corruption 6) Best in SCAMS 7) Best in sleeping with Criminals. 8) Best in dragging India 100 years back. 9) Best in selling India and its interest. 10) Best in making his own and parties pockets heavy. ....contd...
Re: MMSingh's Best
by Naveen Shetty on Dec 27, 2010 11:36 AM
What are you doing for changing the all of the above?
Dr. Manmohan Singh has shielded corrupt Minister A.Raja. Dr. Singh was hesitatnt in giving Subramaniam Swami sanction to prosecute A.Raja. He took 15 months to give a pathetic reply to Subramaniam Swami's letter seeking sanction.
... MMS can't really rule. A ruler needs to be as shrewd as possible, which MMS can't do. So, let us put him as financial architect and put some able person as PM of India.
People who are nay sayers of MMS are a bunch of losers. There is no person who has been better qualified to lead the country than MMS (starting from Nehru to Vajpayee). His economic credentails, his absolute loyalty to India under extreme conditions are unparalleled. Innovative academic perspectives that he can provide to the job is what will eventually drive India out of poverty. He is in it. He's himself faced extreme poverty and partition. He's the product of the broken system and he knows its failures. He's also broken the shackles of the system and actually used it to his own betterment. This by no means is to belittle his predecessors or their love and good intentions for the country - it's just a blunt statement that this person is best suited for the job than his predessesors.
Re: Incredible person
by vipin mehrotra on Apr 11, 2011 07:51 AM
His loyality is limited to shielding the corrupts.A babu is corrupt remains so and dies so