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Hockey players to go on hunger strike

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Hockey Player's hunger strike
by MANO KAVIN on Sep 27, 2007 02:53 PM  | Hide replies

I will support the Hockey players.

Politics is main heart of our country. Why all the peoples including Government acting too much for Crickers. I am confusing for granting gifts, money and etc. etc. (not thousands, lakhs ONLY CRORES) for their 20-20 triump. They will get money for playing cricket and offering government jobs.


I would recommend Central and State Governments if they need a loan please contract BCCI.
(Not thousands, hundreds only CRORES.)

BCCI can run the Government and help the Central Government for financial assistance. I request Government not to get any loan from World Bank or any other countries.

Let us compare other cricketing nations. Some of the countries unable to run the Board (Cricket) due to financial difficulties.

Hockey player get just thousand rupees per goal.
But cricketer get ONE CRORE for sixes. Is it justified?

What is the necessity of offering crores of money to the Cricketers. They are POOR?

VERY SHAME. Hockey is our national game?

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KVSK Prasad
RE:Hockey Player's hunger strike
by KVSK Prasad on Sep 28, 2007 10:25 AM
No offences meant but,
Which song(s) do we hear most of the times - Bollywood stuff or our national song?
Most of us pay a lot of money for the latest bollywood albums, no matter how vulgar the lyrics are. That is how the Bollywood industry rakes it's millions.
And Hockey is our national game. Agreed that the hockey players are not being paid properly as compared to the Cricketers.
If we call injustice has been done to Hockey, I say injustice has been done to our national song as well and we should immediately stop all bollywood songs and people should only listen to the national song. Any takers?
Enough ruckus is being created on Hockey being ignored inspite of it being a national sport - but, where are the results to prove the worth of the money?

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RE:Hockey Player's hunger strike
by Praveen on Oct 01, 2007 12:21 AM
What senseless and baseless examples are u trying to put forward? Comparing National song and bollywood songs?? In the above news, it has been clearly stated that Hockey needs "EQUALITY" on par with cricket and not a status that is much higher than cricket. They have NOT demanded cricket to be put-off by Indians. I would say that a music buff would definetly listen to all categories of music... be it western,Indian, Classical, or anything else. So it would be least bothering if he/she listens to bollywood craps or the National song. By the way, do you know the true meaning of the National song??
Also, the worth of the money spent on cricket should not be decided just due to hype from the media side. In which way is hockey lesser in status to cricket? Prove it. Long back, about a decade or so, if media had concentrated on hockey, today it would also have been a wonder game for many. So, my point is that, before you post non-sensical craps whose value adds-up to mere bullsh$#s, think well.

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Srinivasa Hosadurga
Victory Lap !!! Ridiculous
by Srinivasa Hosadurga on Sep 27, 2007 02:24 PM  | Hide replies

This is simply ridiculous and un-acceptable!!
We didn't have a victory lap for the survivors of the KARGIL WAR!! These soldiers are the real victors and are just ignored!!
The cricketers have just won one tournament which is not really given a serious thought by many cricket-playing nations. Moreover, they didn't do anything for the country. Even then the State governments are lining up to announce awards!! This wasteful expenditure of tax payers money is unacceptable, especially because the players are anyway getting handsome rewards from the respective employer, the BCCI. How can the governments do this!! Surely there sould be one PIL in Supreme Court.

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RE:Victory Lap !!! Ridiculous
by heaven on Sep 27, 2007 02:29 PM
why are you wasting you time on this forum....go and spend time filing the PIL....also swallow a 'pill' and cool down...your logic has no logic!! what is Kargil got to do with sport???

That is war dude and this is a sport! There are no winners in a war!! So get your facts in place before commenting!

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RE:RE:Victory Lap !!! Ridiculous
by Praveen on Oct 01, 2007 12:34 AM
The above mentioned is very true. WASTEAGE OF NATIONAL INCOME. Even if india were to loose the game, what would have happened? NOTHING. But if in a war, our country lost(God forbid), ever thought what would happen? Soldiers are priceless and too precious. The money given to cricket players' should be given to families of soldiers. Doesn't anybody hear their cries?

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RE:Victory Lap !!! Ridiculous
by Praveen on Oct 01, 2007 12:33 AM
The above mentioned is very true. WASTEAGE OF NATIONAL INCOME. Even if india were to loose the game, what would have happened? NOTHING. But if in a war, our country lost(God forbid), ever thought what would happen? Soldiers are priceless and too precious. The money given to cricket players' should be given to families of soldiers. Doesn't anybody hear their cries?

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esteemed readers..
by heaven on Sep 27, 2007 02:17 PM

so of my august brethren who have posted thoughts in this forum, as a little way out of whack with the actual ground realities.

Firstly, lets put this into perspective:

1. Any sport has to be marketed! As a lesson, please go to the US and learn how to market a sport. They also have agents for each sportsperson, be it Am football, athletics,Baseball, basketball, or even ice-hockey! Americans have selected the games that they would like to excel in and have marketed the sport well so that there is a following for that sport! If you go for a weekend superbowl match (American Football), one would think its a World Cup event! 20,000 people in the stadium and marketing galore, including celebrities turning on a performance before and after the match.
2. Preparation should be sound; our major weakness is no fan-following at the grassroot levels. Even in cricket,where is the following for a Ranji Trophy match?
3. One needs icons, as someone rightfully said. Cricket has its demi-gods! Hockey doesnt! Even the 'demi-Gods' were slammed when we made a first round exit out of the world cup! Demi-Gods keep the sport running! If hockey does something to make one or two of them superstars, we have a game on our hands! The outlook people have for a hockey match will improve. Look what 'Chak de India' has done to hockey, now youngsters have started looking at the game seriously....

Get some stuff in and you will see a dramatic change!

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Deepinder Chani
National Game Hockey Needs Attention of All Indian Nationals
by Deepinder Chani on Sep 27, 2007 02:09 PM  | Hide replies

How many world cups / olympics gold medals did we win in hockey & cricket (of course we do not have cricket as one of the olympic event)?Should we continue to ignore all other sports expcept cricket? Should we contniue to ignore the achievements of other sportsmen except cricket? Should we continue to give pay petty cash awards to other sportsmen except cricket? Should corporates continue to sponsor only cricket? If yes, let us declare cricket as our National Game ask other sportsmen to not to spoil their career by devoting their time, energy (& money in some cases) to other sports.

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Rushikesh Bandekar
RE:National Game Hockey Needs Attention of All Indian Nationals
by Rushikesh Bandekar on Sep 27, 2007 02:17 PM
That's a cool idea, lets declare Cricket as a national game. Hope that will stop all the equality for all fights.

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RE:RE:National Game Hockey Needs Attention of All Indian Nationals
by coldkiller on Sep 27, 2007 03:43 PM
haha nice idea. great marketing by BCCI to make cricket popular in India. let us celebrate Indian victory like the people of Mumbai did. no one cares about the sport. India won the world cup. yenjoy boys!

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Rushikesh Bandekar
Individuals and Larger than the Game - And we need it that way
by Rushikesh Bandekar on Sep 27, 2007 01:46 PM  | Hide replies

Many youngsters aspire to be tendulkar, show us the dhyanchand and hockey will prosper. For that matter any game needs icons, and visibility, we need individuals who are larger than the game.

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RE:Individuals and Larger than the Game - And we need it that way
by attacker on Sep 27, 2007 02:02 PM
in india, individuals r made by media... sania is over-hyped but humpy is not hyped even though she is world no. 2..

tendulkar is over-hyped but anand not, even though hes in the world top for last 2 decades... anand has won many world championships, world cups, oscars etc...

on the other hand, tendulkar cant even beg a single world cup in his career...

indian media is very biased when it comes to sports...

so, all these r lame excuses

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Rushikesh Bandekar
RE:Individuals and Larger than the Game - And we need it that way
by Rushikesh Bandekar on Sep 27, 2007 02:05 PM
Your point is valid. But why is it that way? Why are collectively people behind one sport than the other?

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RE:Individuals and Larger than the Game - And we need it that way
by attacker on Sep 27, 2007 02:22 PM
this is called "bhed chaal" which is very popular in india.

hardly 5% people who watch cricket, really enjoy it.. media has made it a status symbol also.. so some people who have no interest in sports also watch it.. people just follow others.. and for most of them, its just number game.. for them only win and lose matters.. thats why these fools spread terrorism on lose...

one more reason, india is one of the biggest slave of england... we adopt their culture, their language, their dress everything.. we have lost our own identity... britishers call us dog, and now indians r proving it by following them in every respect...

even, in england.. they have started taking interest in football and other sports.. but india is still narrow minded..

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KVSK Prasad
RE:Individuals and Larger than the Game - And we need it that way
by KVSK Prasad on Sep 28, 2007 10:10 AM
The number of people who dared Mumbai rains to be on the roads and watch our heros come back was of the order of 2 to 3 millions or even more.
Again, this was only in Mumbai, a single city. Now talk about the country.
How can you say that only 5% of the country likes cricket. Every youngster in India has grown up playing the game in some form or other and generally kids not playing cricket in india are considered awkward. So, how can you say that only 5% people love the game??

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KVSK Prasad
Oh IHF - where are you !!
by KVSK Prasad on Sep 27, 2007 01:19 PM  | Hide replies

Why is it so that Cricket is so huge as compared to Hockey?
I believe it has got to do with IHF itself. Before we even discuss about the step-motherly attitude to Hockey, let us go back to 1980.
I believe around that time both sports were on similar terms - Hockey between India and Pakistan attracting same attention as Cricket - so much so that there as a scene of a Indo-Pak Hockey match in the hit movie - GOLMAAL.

Indian Cricket team has won the world cup in 1983 and in those days, the pay package that they received was quite similar to their counterparts in Hockey - So, what went wrong?
While Cricket was taken to the smaller towns (I mean it, a town like Silchar in Assam which is in an isolated corner of the country, there is a cricket stadium with decent facilities), hockey suffered because of the way the IHF handled the sport - how many synthetic turfs do we have outside the state capitals?
Situation further detoriated subsequent to the 1985 truimph of the World series Championship in Australia where cricket has picked up newer things like coloured clothes, day/night etc and caught the attention of the youth - the success at the expense of hockey.
Cricket further moved to a next level with all the close encounters we had with Pakistan in Sharjah - Again, hockey suffered.
Who is now to be blamed for the obsolete condition of the sport - Is it not IHF for the way it has handled the sport?
Cricket for sure is reaping the rewards for the way it has been handled.

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RE:Oh IHF - where are you !!
by attacker on Sep 27, 2007 02:05 PM
stop blaming IHF.. most of the fed in the world r like that only.

its the failure of we the people of india for the bad image of india in the sports world.

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KVSK Prasad
RE:Oh IHF - where are you !!
by KVSK Prasad on Sep 28, 2007 09:38 AM
Mate - Most of the federations in the world are not like that.
Why does a country like Holland or Australia or korea have so many synthetic turfs which are in proximity to aam junta? This is because the federations elsewhere have managed the sport properly and ensured that infrastructure reaches normal people.
Where as in India, these days, smaller cities like Kochi, Vizag, Pune, Kanpur have cricket stadiums, but across the entire nation, we have only a handful of synthetic turfs for hockey - which again are not accessible for aam junta.
So, there is a difference you see.
How come BCCI and its state boards has managed to get all these stadiums - because they planned well, marketed well, spent well and now are reaping rewards. More than half of the cricket team now is from small towns.
Who is to be blamed for the lack of facilities for Hockey - IHF - because they never marketed, and never managed to get the funds from sponsors (who typically look to invest in sports in which we do well). So, it is IHF which is functioning in the wrong way. Any young indian would look at and excel in the most accessible sport wherein infrastructure is readily available.
There are so many national talent hunts that BCCI has undertaken - has IHF done any such.
In my opinion (can be different from others), it is the IHF's fault all the way for letting the sport detoriate, take the sport away from the radar of the public.

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Deepinder Chani
RE:Oh IHF - where are you !!
by Deepinder Chani on Sep 27, 2007 01:47 PM
May we understand as to which other sport apart from cricket is getting the attention of sports ministry, corporates, media etc? Have our sports federations failed everywhere except cricket? Don't we already have enough issues in BCCI? When would we start looking at the situations without any biases? Unless, we develop this apporoach, all sports would continue to suffer.

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KVSK Prasad
RE:Oh IHF - where are you !!
by KVSK Prasad on Sep 28, 2007 06:58 AM
Attention of Sports Ministry - Are you kidding me. Cricket in India was always controlled by the autonomous body called BCCI - Agreed that of late we see political stunts being played over cricket - particularly in case of Ganguly comeback. However, that is the way politics has always been - they will linger around and go by the popular choice - reservations is yet another example that comes to my mind.
You see the problem here is not the politians themselves. The problem is the fame of the game and the way the game is managed and taken to the public. Over a period of time since 1980, Cricket has managed to go public in a big way - inspite of "Issues in BCCI". Back in those days, both the games rathered the same mass.
That has not been the case with other sports. They have suffered a slow death because of the way they were being managed and adminstrated.
And who manages and administrates Hockey in India?? IHF.
Another point is that no cricketer has won the accolodates and cash incentives from a government for winning the Asia Cup in Cricket. In this case, they have won a World Cup and it is far off from winning Asia Cup.
Can I say, let the Hockey team win the World Cup and then we will see??
Comming back to issues in BCCI, yes there are issues, however, BCCI has still delivered and managed to churn !!

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srinivasrao r
by srinivasrao r on Sep 27, 2007 12:36 PM  | Hide replies

dot beg anything mydear brothers

first show world class results in football, hockey ( Olympics , World cup ) then ask for honor.

Look Vish Anand World No.1 in Chess, but not get enough recognition. but still he is hero.

please bring world cup or Olympic gold in hockey. even the govt not honored. we 100 cores people contribute Rs.1 per head come to Rs.100 cores. we will honor u.

but first nation sake pelase bring Beijing 2008 Hockey gold.

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rabi das
by rabi das on Sep 27, 2007 01:13 PM

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by GS on Sep 27, 2007 01:07 PM
Mr. Srinivas Rao, its easier said than done! Do you take responsibility of collecting Re 1 from each individual of the nation? If no, then pl stop talking nonsense! Everybody knows the craze of India, and Indian Team has not performed the best in the last 40 years, so dont start comparing two stream of sports just because we won T20. T20 cannot be the basis for adjudging the capability of the cricket team nor the consistency. Or else we soon will have F5 match and no batsman will ever dream of actual batting line and length. It was just a sports and not world class sports to have T20. Its no important. Stop commenting on players from other stream of sports, as they are already feeling humiliated.

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by psmmagr@hotmail.com on Sep 27, 2007 01:46 PM
You are also one of the cricket crazy lazy TV viewer.This game has shaken the foundation of the nation & mostly responsible for our pitiable performance in sports & other games at International level.The electronic media in connivance with BCCI has hizacked the entire space to make killing at the cost of other sports.Politicians who are also lazy jockers find this game best for their plans as the whole country sits in front of TV for entire day & forget about the work. The media must reduce the attention from this game if we as nation wants to make our presence felt at international level in sports

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sandeep thakur
Why should GOVT waste Tax payer money
by sandeep thakur on Sep 27, 2007 12:26 PM  | Hide replies

I dont understand what the fuss is all about! if BCCI pays money that one can understand why govt is payin our money to players who already so rich! what abt other sports.
I think we indian make starts out of no where comeon its just a 20 20 world cup. after 40 years of cricket so much money involved! sponsership hardly 5 competitive teams and 2 worldcups! remmember still we are not best in purist form of cricket.

i dont deny or undermine there achivement but this is truly exagerration.. can somebody tell me how much govt has spend or sponsered for players participating in bejing olympics

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sandeep thakur
RE:Why should GOVT waste Tax payer money
by sandeep thakur on Sep 27, 2007 01:19 PM
cool atleast some people like you watch hockey!
you should also be knowin Aus is champion in hockey as well as cricket and they have world class team and players in each and every sport. and do remmember most of money BCCI makes is by telecast rites sold in india pak bangladesh! so cricket is not truly a world class sport

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RE:Why should GOVT waste Tax payer money
by GS on Sep 27, 2007 01:03 PM
First of all, T20 matches doesnt show the consistency or stability of a player. You cant have a 5-5 world cup for such stupid media attention. I also stay in Mumbai and was flabberghasted to see public wasting their time on such cricketers who are worst than bollywood stars. Atleast, the latter are known for some social work, but I have not seen any occasion of such players coming for rescue. I am sure we Indians needs to be worried for such unnecessary craze. Its time, we take sports as sports and not honour of the country. Honour of the country depends on social issues, justice system and willpower to fight terrorism. Media and newschannels are busy doing masala for their TRPs / no. of readers. I am sick of such stupid cricket. Its high time, we concentrate on raising other players of different sports field.

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RE:Why should GOVT waste Tax payer money
by sandeep on Sep 27, 2007 01:59 PM
can you tell me what kind of social work filmstars do ? hit and run ,hiding ak 47 guns. dancing at dawood parties any other social work they do

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pratima sharma
Indian Hockey team deserves the same recognition
by pratima sharma on Sep 27, 2007 12:23 PM  | Hide replies

I do agree with Indian Hockey team. Its shameful that we don't give the same tyreatment to our national game. Whether its cricket or hockey or football, every player is suppose to show their team spirit, smae effort. It doesn't mean that we underestimate one game over another. Hockey team needs the same welcome. Its a shame to all indians more than politicians coz we pay more attention to cricket rather than hockey.
Cheer up team, we r with u. go ahead, let the government realise what u r. their biasness shows only a low mentality and knowledge towards hockey and other sports.
U'll definately get ur due recognition. Just fight for it, and grab it. thats what world is all about. agar kuch na miley to chin lo.

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muthu krishnan
RE:Indian Hockey team deserves the same recognition
by muthu krishnan on Sep 27, 2007 12:43 PM
I also agree with the indian hockey coach Carvalho and indian hockey team.

This indian government and also the state government partially treating these hockey players.

In my opinion,The main culprit is M.S.Gill who is killing our national game and some of our central f-------g ministers also doing the same thing.

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muthu krishnan
RE:RE:Indian Hockey team deserves the same recognition
by muthu krishnan on Sep 27, 2007 12:47 PM
Dear Indian Hockey Players and Coach,

We are always with u, fight for your freedom from these F--------G ministers.


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muthu krishnan
RE:RE:RE:Indian Hockey team deserves the same recognition
by muthu krishnan on Sep 27, 2007 12:51 PM
Always these ministers are packing our money to their houses or to their bank accounts, but not giving to the poor hockey players.

Common players make this one as a big strike until you get the money from the government.

Then only they will came to know your presence in the hockey world.

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pratima sharma
Indian Hockey team deserves the same recognition
by pratima sharma on Sep 27, 2007 12:23 PM

I do agree with Indian Hockey team. Its shameful that we don't give the same tyreatment to our national game. Whether its cricket or hockey or football, every player is suppose to show their team spirit, smae effort. It doesn't mean that we underestimate one game over another. Hockey team needs the same welcome. Its a shame to all indians more than politicians coz we pay more attention to cricket rather than hockey.
Cheer up team, we r with u. go ahead, let the government realise what u r. their biasness shows only a low mentality and knowledge towards hockey and other sports.
U'll definately get ur due recognition. Just fight for it, and grab it. thats what world is all about. agar kuch na miley to chin lo.

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