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lax yopr
by lax yopr on Sep 03, 2010 09:52 PM  | Hide replies

Compared to India's $25 million, China's $17.64 million is peanuts, especially when they are their all-time friends and we are their (paks) enemies.
Also china's economy is much bigger than India's.
US is right; China is not doing enough for its BEST friend.
This shows that Chinese are shrewd business man, who have no friends except money.
Pakistan must have begged for help, and all they got is $17.64 million !!!!!!!!

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by TruPatriot on Sep 03, 2010 11:36 PM
Pakis are not their best friend..if pakis had natural resources like oil/gold/coal..Chinese wud have invaded pakis long back..pakis are useful only t odestabilize India..Chinese sell so much weapons to Pakis..but not other stuff

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by sri on Sep 03, 2010 09:51 PM

"Han Hua, an associate professor at Peking University's School of International Studies,.."

He speaks less like an academic and more like China's intelligence agent or party apparatchik and/or propagandist. How can he be sure othewise that the Chinese army is not in POK?

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Ramachandran venkatesh
Anarchy in China
by Ramachandran venkatesh on Sep 03, 2010 09:38 PM  | Hide replies

A government of any country can be considered to represent the citizens of that country only if majority of the people want that governemnt. Thus only democractically elected governments have the moral authority to represent those inhabiting that nation.

China is in a state of anarchy with a gang of thugs having taken control over the government. No person with a conscience can forget the genocide at Tinanmen square, the atrocities on the buddhists in Tibet.

It is time civilized governments stopped recognizing dictatorships.

India should stop recognizing the communist government of China and instead accord diplomatic status to the Dalai Lama's Tibetan government in exile

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Re: Anarchy in China
by TruPatriot on Sep 03, 2010 11:46 PM
so what will you do? go to war with PLA and free oppresssed chinese citizens? you better take care of your own phuking back yard before talking abt other govt..see news everday..ou govt filled with thugs..

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mallaiah anchoori
China's love for Pakistan is a known thing
by mallaiah anchoori on Sep 03, 2010 09:02 PM  | Hide replies

China's love for Pakistan is a naked truth & well known to the entire world.The only qualification that China considers Pakistan for its aid /assistance in whatever manner is that the latter happens to be an enemy country of India with whom too China sheds crocodile tears occasionally & makes loud diplomatic statements.In Asian continents several other countries other than China too suffered natural calamities claims loss of lives & properties.Why,then,China develops such a love for Pakistan alone?

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vikas sethi
The Chinese Game!!
by vikas sethi on Sep 03, 2010 08:10 PM  | Hide replies

India is already inching towards South Korea. We are also entering in a Civil N deal with them.

As far as Taiwan is concerned, it is too close to the Chinese border and far from India when you relate to the distance between India-China -Pak. So it will boomerang.Also, Taiwan is no Pak. Pak has pathological hatred towards India & will do everything to court China including give part of its territory as in Aksai Chin.

Besides, we must also remember that Pak is another N Korea for China. N Korea barks due to Chinese support. China is into a bigger international game. US-Pak frndship is temporary. Once its need is over, US will dump Pak along with the Aid it provides. China with a booming economy wants to step in2 Pak then & reach Gulf & C Asia for oil, energy & trade. This also helps in encircling India. Hence the Chinese courting of Pak.

At the moment we need to modernise our defences as we are doing today. But we need to speed it up. We also need US support as US has proven tech while Chinese is not.

But we also need to realise that China is more pragmatic than Pak & will merely needle India but will never directly attack India as both are N capable & mutual destruction is assured.This harms China. China will always use Pak for war to pin down India while it marches ahead. So China -Pak need each other.

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Mathew Mathews
Re: The Chinese Game!!
by Mathew Mathews on Sep 03, 2010 08:43 PM
They have give upto 17 Million in aid where as India had provided 5 million and promised 20 million more. Pak is not concerned that china cannot even provide a good aid but is more interested in the arms that it provides. This clearly shows that the friendship is one to needle and pre occupy India not a genuine one. The stretegy for India is work hard on the back ground to cover all its strategic interests in the neighborhood while delinking Pak out of our media and mind. We should concentrate on improving our economy to extend to become the fore most one in the World over the next 25 to 30 years. Pak is no match for us and no matter what it does can never get waht it wants, why lose our sleep        13742300029016ut up a netting or over a mosquito, swat it.

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Re: The Chinese Game!!
by TruPatriot on Sep 03, 2010 11:49 PM
true...the minute US withdraws from Afghanistan...expect hordes of militants in J&K

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Let chinese make noise
by chandu on Sep 03, 2010 07:58 PM

Who will belive chinese leaders. Even their citizens wont belive them,if they have doubt on that why dont they have a free elections and see the difference .May be with force they might have been sucessfuly in spreading lies and controlling the own citizens .But they need to understand one thing that other parts of the world is not china,they have their own way and their truth wont be matching with chinese manipulation. so let them cry

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US trying to provoke India & China
by Alian on Sep 03, 2010 07:54 PM

As both India & China are becoming financially stronger,US is worried and wants to unstabalise the asia region.

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Rajan Sodankur
Don't cry, uncle Obama is visiting Pak and donating Nobel money
by Rajan Sodankur on Sep 03, 2010 07:35 PM

Don't cry Pak babies. Uncle Obama is paying a surprise visit in November after his Indian visit and will donate all his Nobel Peace Prize money to Pak flood victims. Pakis, please keep your highest national honor ready to be awarded to Obama Sir and start removing all your shoes out of Pak. Uncle does not like your boots on his desk!

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