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The citizen jihadi

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Ibrahim Sheik
Dear Jeetendra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 01:07 PM  | Hide replies

From Jitendra,
"Lets come together and fight with islam and its follower and finish them"

Dear Jeetendra Kalan,
There is Humanity even in an Animal. YOu are Proclaiming to Kill All Muslims.... That's a Weird Dream.. I know that you are a Internet Hero... If you are a Real Hero, you would have joined the Army and fight the Terrorists in the Siachen....
Since you are a Impotent, you are Barking in the Internet.... Still I think you are a Human Being ... Just tell me one thing,

1) If you find a Innocent Muslim Child .... you have enough Brutality to Kill the Child ???

2) If you find a young Muslim women, will you assault her???

3) If you find a Muslim Old man, will you Kill him...

If your answer is YES means, then you are worst than a Animal.....Hell Fire is waiting for you, to get toasted .....

You are a Black spot in HINDUISM, people like you have nothing to do with Humanity... Even if your gods will Punture your ass with their TRISHUL for your Fanatisism....

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:RE:Dear Jeetendra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 03:28 PM
Dear Jeetendra,
You are the Real Terrorist, You are reasoning for
1) Killing a Innocent Child.
2) Assaulting a Woman
3) Killing Old People.....

Everybody has a story to Justify, but the Truth is, there is no Justification for killing a Innocent >>>>
After your death, you will go in front of your God, and say, god I have killed Muslim Children, women and old... for the sake of Hinduism...
Your god will not be pleased with your actions, instead he will show his wrath and fry you in the Fire for the next Million Years..
Get Ready to get Roasted...........
Really if Ram or Krishna exists, they will Punture your Ass with Trishul......

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abdul hameed
RE:Dear Jeetendra
by abdul hameed on May 25, 2007 07:35 AM

to ibrahim,

can u give me ur mail address, so that i drop an answer.
the forum is full of crows who will not let any logic be heard.

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Sincere Citizen
RE:Dear Jeetendra
by Sincere Citizen on May 25, 2007 01:39 PM
Ibrahim, I admire your decision to discuss things on forum rather than taking the Jehadi route. Now, just a reality check, before asking such questions just go to any major news site and check the news of terrorist bombings , killings etc. And see how many innocents are killed and who are the terrorists doing it, I just did a search on yahoo , more than 80% will be terrorists doing under name of Islam.
So stop asking such questions and start criticizing such terrorists .That would show honesty of your cause.

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RE:Dear Jeetendra
by KETAN DESAI on May 24, 2007 02:30 PM
Dear Ibrahim Sheik
Response to your questions:
1) If you find a Innocent Muslim Child .... you have enough Brutality to Kill the Child ???
Response: No Hindu will do it. (99% Guranteed)But I gurentee Muslim Terrorist all the world can do it and it will be supported by rest of Majority (90%)
2) If you find a young Muslim women, will you assault her???
Response: No Hindu will do it. (99% Guranteed)
But I gurentee Muslim Terrorist all the world can do it and it will be supported by rest of Majority (90%)
3) If you find a Muslim Old man, will you Kill him...
Response: No Hindu will do it. (99% Guranteed)
But I gurentee Muslim Terrorist all the world can do it and it will be supported by rest of Majority (90%)

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:Dear Jeetendra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 03:17 PM
OK then Jeetendra is a Terrorist .......Agreed or Not........ There are Maniancs in your Religion, But my worry is they are more than 30 %

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:RE:Dear Jeetendra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 03:19 PM
Why are you complicating agree that there are Terrorists in your Community also

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RE:Dear Jeetendra
by KETAN DESAI on May 24, 2007 02:28 PM
Ibrahim Sheik
Response to your questions:
1) If you find a Innocent Muslim Child .... you have enough Brutality to Kill the Child ???
Response: No Hindu will do it. (99% Guranteed)But I gurentee Muslim Terrorist all the world can do it and it will be supported by rest of Majority (90%)
2) If you find a young Muslim women, will you assault her???
Response: No Hindu will do it. (99% Guranteed)
But I gurentee Muslim Terrorist all the world can do it and it will be supported by rest of Majority (90%)
3) If you find a Muslim Old man, will you Kill him...
Response: No Hindu will do it. (99% Guranteed)
But I gurentee Muslim Terrorist all the world can do it and it will be supported by rest of Majority (90%)

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ratnajayant  gudavally
by ratnajayant gudavally on May 24, 2007 10:50 AM  | Hide replies

I have been asking so many clarifications no one seems to clear my doubts. I can't use bad language or understand it. Let me have clear answers to what I have been asking down below.

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by Rationalist on May 24, 2007 11:36 AM
They(by Advaita) say "M GOD". But they dont try to drag others and force them to accept what are not able to realise that. They respect others sentiments beacuase GOD is afterall perception,no fact.

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Ibrahim Sheik
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 12:53 PM
Dear Rationalist,
Who said Muslims drag others... Koran says "There is No Compulsion in Islam".. It is impossible to compel somebody.. You can Conquer Land but you cannot conquer Hearts and Minds"... So the stories of Fanatical Muslims putting Sword and Compelling is a Myth....

1) Muslims are the Rulers of Arabia for the past 1400 Years.. Still there are 8 Million Coptic Christians (Christians since Jesus, not New Converts). Muslims are in full control in these places, if there is compulsion then why there are 8 Million Christians still exist in Arabia.????

2) Muslims ruled Spain and India for more than 800 Years.. If there was Choice between Life and Acceptance of Islam, then why there are still 90 Crore Hindus in India...

Each one of you is a living Evidence that there was No Compulsion used in terms of Religion...

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by blue on May 24, 2007 09:46 PM
Hey tell me one thing why muslims produce more children.

muslims = FFF(Food-F**k-Fight)

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Ibrahim Sheik
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 03:22 PM
Yes Agreed that Arabs Lost to Spain, but you are not answering to my question ??
If the locals of Spain were forced (according to you) then why there are still Christians ????

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by Rationalist on May 24, 2007 02:04 PM
You are speaking with the Democaratic Indian mindset.You cant see it in Indian environment. Once they become majority or near majority they change colour. What is happening in Kashmir,Pak, Bangladesh.Why the Hindu population is reduced to 1% from 24% before independmce. Kashmiri Pandits were lucky who could escape from forced conversion than their Pakistani & Bangladeshi counterparts. "It is impossible to compel somebody. You can Conquer Land but you cannot conquer Hearts and Minds". That is why there are still lot of Hindus left only because of immnese population that they were not toally conquered. But you cant rule out the attempt to do so and the agitation which Hindus have succesfully resisted. Still if you think "there is no compulsion in Koran", then I have to say it is only in your opinion.

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Ibrahim Sheik
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 03:21 PM
Now the Counter Arguement is,
If the Hindus are successful in resisting the attrocities of Muslims means, then why Muslims ruled 800 Years...
In a Nut shell, Muslims were Powerful and convincingly ruled India for 800 Years, if they want they would have applied the Force.. But they never did it... That's why you are still Hindus....
If you think Hindus are good and resistance means, then Why the Muslims ruled for 800 Years ???

Answer Me Dear

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by Rationalist on May 24, 2007 03:45 PM
"If the Hindus are successful in resisting the attrocities of Muslims means, then why Muslims ruled 800 Years...
In a Nut shell, Muslims were Powerful and convincingly ruled India for 800 Years, if they want they would have applied the Force.. ".

They may have been powerful, but not GODS that they could do a clean sweep at will. They met with resistance.They were succesful to some extent as they could not do combing because of vastness of subcontinent & sperad of population.So dont apply justifying logic. They cannot easily eradicate a well evolved culture with strong roots.

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Ibrahim Sheik
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 05:23 PM
What are you saying Dear,
The arguement is Contradictory
Let us Investigate whether Islam used Force to Convert or Not... We all know that the Present State of Gujrat is highly infested by Muslim Invaders from Ghori to Ghazni.. The present day Muslim Population of Gujrat is 10 %
Take the case of Tamilnadu, it had very less impact from Muslim Invaders. The present day Muslim POpulation in TN is 6 %.
If your assumption of Muslims using Force for conversion is true Means, the present day Muslim Pop of Gujrat should be atleast 25 % but that is not the case...
Now you have One Option
1) You will say that all the Gujrati Muslims Migrated to Pakistan. Everbody knows that the Muslims in India relocated to Pakistan in Few Numbers...
So the story of Muslim Invaders raping Hindus is a good story.. Muslims ruled India for 1000 years, do you mean to say that all Your Grand Mothers were Hiding in Bushes for 1000 Years and you retained Hinduism ???
All these is Bull shit... People are attracted towards Islam because of the Caste System of Hinduism and Sufism, the Mystic way of understanding the Almighty God.. All these stories about Muslims using Force is Bull shit..

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by Rationalist on May 25, 2007 12:10 AM
The latest illustrations are Pakistan & Bangladesh and Kashmir ofcourse if you dont like to belive history. You dont have any answer for which. If you have seen ruins of Hampi(Vijaynagar) from the way they have disfgirued the idols and so many temples across India are dumb witness of what would have occured. The teachings of Islam & what its followers are doing even today complements well for what would have taken place as agitation towards non belivers of Islam. They are stories only for these morden secularists(psuedo) & people who are scared of truth.

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by blue on May 24, 2007 09:50 PM
'People are attracted towards Islam '

Do u know how muslims smell,Yuk.

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subbaraju kaddal
jihadi citizen
by subbaraju kaddal on May 24, 2007 10:39 AM

World Polical forum should pass a resolution to make Pakistan state as a secular country.The Islamisation to be stopped and discouraged. Balancing all the rerligions to be given equal status. Then these mush's Bins will not surface in political scanerio. Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran Pakistan like wise how many countries people have to suffer in the name of Islam. Better declare all the states as secular and all religions are equal. No reservations. One mad fellow ie mush ruling the Pakistan is sad the people should throw him & fundamantalists who support Islamisation. Then only solution for the growth. Pakistan should learn lessons from China. Bluntly they cut off. NorthWest Muslims eat pig & follow Islam. Since those people are innocent what ever they embrace they follow. So Chinese Government bringing them into the mainstream, so no problems in China. Like wise the mush should have done to pakistan.

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 10:21 AM
I agree with your Idea of eliminating the Bad guys in Islam who Mis-interpret the Scripture for their own convenience.. Indeed ALLAH never supports the ILL HEARTED... It is the Right time to resurrect the True Islam to destroy the Mis-interpretors... But your intention is to destroy all Muslims, that is a Weird Idea.....
Many Came and Many Gone with this Intention of "Destroying Islam" but Please read the History of Islam, whomsoever tries to destroy Islam gets destroyed... You are just a Piece of Shit... Keep Dreaming ...........
The Great Soviet got scaterred after doing attrocities to Muslims ... You have seen it in your life time .... Just wait and see the situation of all the Enemies of Islam ....

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ratnajayant  gudavally
RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by ratnajayant gudavally on May 24, 2007 11:04 AM
Ibrahim Sheikh,
How to identify mis interpreters? and who will punish them?

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 11:12 AM
Dear Jeetendra,
Try for the Next 100 generations of Yours, the Lifeline of this World is linked with the Life line of Islam... If Islam Perishes then there will be no World.. This World will exist only if atleast a single person says "Allahu Akbar". When there is no one means, the Chapter is Finished.. This is the Destiny... Instead of acusing Muslims, learn about the Truth... Islam the Shortest and the Reliable way to attain Moksha.....This is the Destiny of the World and there is no escape...
There are many routes to go from Delhi to Chennai.. But the Shortest Route always passes thru Nagpur .... Hope you understand.....

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 11:15 AM
Dear Ratnajayanth,
I myselves have debated with Muslims who have mis-interpreted Islam... The revitalization is started among the Muslim Youth... We will create awareness among our Brethern not to fall into the Traps of Fanatics... It will take a lot of effort, Insha Allah you can see a Re-vitalized True Muslims very soon...Pray for our Good Work...

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ratnajayant  gudavally
RE:RE:RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by ratnajayant gudavally on May 25, 2007 06:28 PM
Dear Ibrahim Sheikh,
I believe in one creator... creator of whole humankind who created human beings but never wanted them to be killed. Rather he gave them long life. Until people started killing each other in His, name%u2026.and for every small and big thing%u2026 which is a manifestation of their primitiveness? There were no intelligentia those days. Elders taught youth followed just like today.

St. Thomas converted most of Kerala, TN and later he was killed...he achieved his mission.

Gandhiji was killed after he made the British leave India. Helped Pakistan and India to be created. Then he was killed. His mission was accomplished.

Jesus trained 12 disciples and they did their job. Half the world is Christian, Happy, healthy and wealthy. They do not fight Jihads with terrorists. His mission was accomplished.

By just invading and holding power, can you instill good practices in a human beings mind? If so why so many Jihads all over the world? %u2026And non-Islamic people fighting back. Can any religion invade, gain power, win a human being%u2019s mind, and keep it pure? Is it not religious slavery? Without understanding the divinity, practicing a way of life and imposing it with power gained in advance?

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 12:58 PM
Thanks Tapan,
No need for a Degree, Realization of the Truth is the Greatest Gift

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 10:38 AM
Laugh Buddy Facts are Facts Read the History of Islam ...... Hunter of Islam gets Hunted ....

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ratnajayant  gudavally
RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by ratnajayant gudavally on May 24, 2007 10:47 AM
what is the reason for hunters to hunt Islam from the start of Ibrahim or Abraham and Ishmael the origin of Arabs and Palestinians?

Why the problem of Abraham and his descendents of Palestine is spreading to non-Islamic countries ??? Especially India ? a Hindu country?

What is the reason for this hunting of this particular way of life why not others?

...Can some one enlighten me?

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 11:07 AM
Dear Ratnajayanth,
The fact is "If you speak the Truth, you will face Problems and Threats". You must be in a position to defend yourselves also while Promoting the Truth..

1)Do you know about St.Thomas, a saint who was preaching Monotheism in India before many centuries... He got killed by the Ignorant People. Of course he was preaching something good, but Ignorant people are not aware of the Truth and hence they killed him. His tomb is still in Madras.

2) The same condition for Jesus also, he preached truth but there was opposition by Ignorant People and they tried to kill him..

3) Same with Mahatma Gandhi, he was killed by Hindu Fanatic..

So Muslims did no Miracles while spreading the Message of Islam. They defended themselves well before Projecting the Truth.. That is the reason that Muslims Invaded and controlled Power First and then put forth the message...

Again there are Ignorant masses like you, who beleive in Many gods.. But the real HIndus with exceptional spirituality always say that "There is Only One God".. That is what Muslims were Preaching...
The Motive of the Islamic Calipha wars is not to Kill, but with the good intention of putting forth the TRUTH..

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Sincere Citizen
RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by Sincere Citizen on May 25, 2007 01:51 PM
Muslims were defending themselves when attacking India and looting it ? wow thats something.

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 10:48 AM
Acuse Buddy,
But remember your has to stand before the Almighty once you are dead.... The day is not so long ... You will increase your Sins ... My duty is to only Warn you .... You will understand it very soon... Mean while have some fine, till your Heart Beat stops .....

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RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by KETAN DESAI on May 24, 2007 02:33 PM
Dear Ibrahim
Please look at the world. All the western countries suspect every muslim now. I have seen people caught unaware from house in western countries and found to be involved in Terrorism. This guys are veen in the range of 15 onwards. You guys are in deep shit throught the world

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Ibrahim Sheik
RE:I want to start hindu terrorism - Jai hindu rashtra
by Ibrahim Sheik on May 24, 2007 03:43 PM
Whenever there is Truth there will be Problems, I know that Islam is about Peace and my Creator God knows that I am right or Wrong, so I am least bothered about the Comments and Opinions..
Because My Faith is Strong.........

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ratnajayant  gudavally
Citizen Jihadis.......
by ratnajayant gudavally on May 24, 2007 09:24 AM

What....Citizen Jihadis??? Then Allah the God is Free from all this!

Jihadi will depense devine laws... Great !!!...... Then naturally Fatwas of Old Mullahs....!

This way it will spread still faster.

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The citizen jihadi
by Wellwisher on May 24, 2007 08:57 AM  | Hide replies

One more example of true Islam!

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RE:The citizen jihadi
by on May 24, 2007 09:19 AM
from the mouth of a suc*ker... so keep listening

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