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The Lessons of Op Sarp Vinash

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Abhik Ray Chaudhury
Sarp Vinash
by Abhik Ray Chaudhury on Jun 04, 2003 11:35 PM

Sarp Vinash in Hill Kaka will succeed only if the 'Sarps'(read politicians) within are taken care of first. Its a shame that a the fate of a country of India's potential is perpetually being compromised by successive bands of corrupt, illeterate, half literate, antisocial, fifth columnis politicians.
Thanks for the excellent article by Major General Mehta. India always had fine soldiers. However, there gains in the battlefields have always been thrown away by the same elements I mentioned earlier.

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hello sir
by S.RAMESH on Jun 04, 2003 11:27 PM

your message is correct

sir we want to take action against them, because our soildires were kill daily by terrorist. so our force want to attack with large amount of troops and we want to kill all the terrrorist and free peoples pf kashmiris from the terrorist

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Sujit Upadhye
Great Wall of China
by Sujit Upadhye on Jun 04, 2003 11:21 PM

Chinese people built the 4500 miles long Great Wall about 2000 years ago to protect themselves against the marauding tribes from the north. Can't we do something similar to stop/reduce the infiltration from POK? Isn't that better than loosing thousands of our finest of men at the hands of the terrorists - never mind the thousands of crores we spend on defending the J&K? Isn't this more practical approach than the so-called hot pursuit? Why no one is talking about this seemingly obvious and simple solution?

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by Nagaraj on Jun 04, 2003 10:23 PM

The major is right, we have to proud of the insurgency operation. the media is not always right. and our media has reached such a stage where even the good things are portrayed with a black dot all the time. our journalism has become a commercial commodity and nothing else and only few are the editors/journalists who can really live up to the achievements and commend them and get faith in people towards our country and people who have done a great job.

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abhra chakraborty
the lessons of op sarp vinash
by abhra chakraborty on Jun 04, 2003 10:04 PM

Heading : Better late than never
It was incomprehensible to me as a world citizen to see a small,insignificant,poor,third world country
like pakistan bleeding India economically in Kashmir
since 1988 by actively supporting the ill trained
uneducated heathens in Kashmir.I was confounded that
a relatively bigger,better economy and mightier India
could not find the political will to destroy pakistan.
Had pakistan even thought of such a misadventure in
China (supporting the insurgency in Xingiang province)
the face of pakistan would have been wiped off this
earth,and there lies the difference between India and
China.While china is among the five superpowers in the
world,is a permanent member of the Security council with veto power,is a member of WTO,third highest winner of gold medals in the last Olympics and about to host the next Olympics,here we find India with a
begging bowl going to the G-8 summit and trying to be in the good books of the major powers.It is a fact that India does not have a backbone,otherwise this Kashmir problem would have ceased to exist as soon as
it had started 13 years ago.

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HS Bhatoe
Op Sarp-Vinash
by HS Bhatoe on Jun 04, 2003 08:42 PM

Gen Mehta has not stated anything new. The cost of fomenting terrorism should be made prohibitive for Pakistan, and the only way to do that is by going for the kill. Wonder what has been the hesitation in using the AF and air support in landing forces at higher reaches, if it reduces the no. of casualties (remember that the Indian jawan is the cheapest cannon-fodder available in the world, the Yankees might outsource them from here!). Why the need to look at the US each time a decision is to be taken. Surely trying to cut down the human cost and eliminating the terrorists is not "escalating" the tension; we are acting in our territory, protecting Indian citizens. The very fact that air power has yielded results should open the eyes of the planners ensconed in their offices and they should not wait, as Gen Mehta says in his concluding remarks, for five years for the terrorists to be on their knees. Five months should be enough.

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sincere salute to my soldiers
by kiran on Jun 04, 2003 08:40 PM

My sincere salute to all the soldiers in sarp vinash.
I look forward for wiping of terrorism in J&K.
May the political and beauracracy be with the soldiers....


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Only Rediff
by Nitesh on Jun 04, 2003 08:28 PM

Only Rediff can do this. Hats off to Rediff... Only this site preserves Indian Dignity

Thanks a lot.. Hope God sees Rediff thru the stars
I think its good time that you start publishing in print..I will buy nothing but Rediff

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make it a media war
by chiran on Jun 04, 2003 08:22 PM

the details in the main stream media regarding this special opsr was sketchy.the army is doing commendable job on the terror front ,what it has to do is involve media in the coverage of the ops.the embeds of the recent gulf war is aprime example.
this way the myopic view of the western nations on terror in kashmir might be corrected.

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