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''Saddam will never surrender''

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Saddam will never surrender
by sanjiv on Apr 05, 2003 07:37 AM

Mr Randhwa should feel shameful of protecting a tyrant. Everyone knows what Saddam has done to his people. If the people are supporting him it is only out of fear and the fidayen . Just because Mr Randhwa has trained the Iraqis this is not enough justification to side with the Iraqis or encourage unreasonable theatreics about who is stronger : US or Iraq. Everyone knows the outcome . In fact Powell just met the poople at NATO to decide about after war . That the Russians are providing support is foolish because their is no cold war anymore.

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Vivek Sinha
by Vivek Sinha on Apr 05, 2003 12:55 AM  | Hide replies

India should support US and stop this mid-path mediocrity. India has to ba positive country and calculative country. We should all stop supporting these Islamic menaces. To hell with brutal Iraq leaders, let him die , it will be good for the world.

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Gautam Gupta
by Gautam Gupta on Aug 13, 2003 03:00 PM
Let me remained you that Mr. Saddam Hussein is not a islamic fundamentalist, he is fightining for his nation, he is trying to defend his motherland. Mr. Saddam Hussein even supported india on kashmire issue, where as u.s.a alwaya play double role in this matter. I feel better to belief saddam hussein rather believing snake like u.s.a.

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'Saddam will never surrender'
by haramain on Apr 04, 2003 03:55 PM

Everybody who defend their motherlad must be consider a honourable man/woman.

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ravi kotru
Does General believe in that word NEVER
by ravi kotru on Apr 04, 2003 12:34 AM

One of the nice things about being human is that the kalieidoscopic experiences of daily life teach us that nothing is absolute. Perhaps that's why the words "generally" and "usually" were invented to avoid words like "never" and "always." As a venerated member of Indian armed services, general would be better advised to avoid "never" lest unfolding events preempt and contradict his prediction. Logic must take precedence over his love of SODOM

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General's comments !
by prakash on Apr 03, 2003 07:25 PM  | Hide replies

All one sided with love of Iraq; if anything is fair in love and war, why have any conventions at all ?! Suicide bombers are cowards, total and mercenaries out for money for family; civilians cant be targeted, how to achieve? when all are mixed together; No rules, no compassion, war knows nothing, go ahead and kill, kill that's all; why do retired chaps come out with silly comments all the time; no other work eh!

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Suresh Haridas
Generals views
by Suresh Haridas on Apr 03, 2003 06:35 PM

So here we have an opinion.I wish you could interview a British and American General(retd.) too. It would be interesting to find out what THEY have to say!

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