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Malamaal: Simply pathetic!

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by Sanand on Apr 03, 2006 04:09 PM

I wonder whether rediff.com has anything personal with Priyadarshan. Invariably everyone of his films are ripped apart by its review panel....the only flip side for rediff is that each one of such films have gone on to become superhits....it is being forced to eat humble pie each time.

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Ranjith Kumar
Can Rediff answer this question ??
by Ranjith Kumar on Mar 31, 2006 01:20 PM

Couple of things we need explanation:

1:- Did the reviwer actually see the movie.?
2:- Why did rediff purposefully have n't published the reader's opinion till six days after the release.
3:- Is the reviwer available for a comment.
4:- When is he writing the next review.. ( I would see the movie only after your reviewer say that it is a bad movie..)
5:- Does rediff think that the reviwer is fit for the role..?

Please answer this or you stop this stupid review section..

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Malamaal weekly ''Rural v Urban seethru''
by Simpledude on Mar 30, 2006 08:37 PM

Who have a right to criticise the movie
purely on the basis of its rural setup?
Maybe the NRI second gen desi audience or the ones
who haven't seen an indian village in their life and who know absolutely nothing abt its rural economics.
Compare the Lotterywala to the Urban stock broker
or a Fortune 500 Company owner,or a betting guru
and they will understand that there is absolutely
no difference in the way all needy people run around him for money.And also the ways in which person uses his skills to pacify all people who come to him,with a future guarantee of wealth.
The village setup is used as just a backdrop to amuse people, if they can see thru similar realities faced by them in an urban setup.

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Malamaal Weekly
by jooyee on Mar 30, 2006 04:19 AM

Its a copy of "Waking Ned Divine" a sleeper hit of 1998. So it was not "written" or "created" by Priyadarshan but definitely inspired by the english movie. I still beleive "Hera Pheri" is his best comedy yet to date. I was disappointed by the loud "Malmaal Weekly"...it could have been a better copy.

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Rediff review is just too poor
by Mahesh on Mar 29, 2006 09:56 AM

Simply the great would be the right term to discribe "Malamal weekly". Rediff reviewer should think twice before doing those wrong abuses about the movie. I think you should change the reviewer himself, so poor in looking into the storyline and so good in diluting the other cast in the movie.

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Sure is a remake!
by aneri_masi on Mar 25, 2006 06:15 AM

He claims it is not a remake? Sure is! Anyone seen "Waking Ned Devine"? Its a wonderful movie, you guys really should watch it. Malamaal is totally a remake of this one.

As for Malamaal Weekly, I have not seen it, don't think I want to see it either, not after seeing Waking Ned Devine!

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Ankur Jain
movie is good
by Ankur Jain on Mar 23, 2006 11:09 PM

i think the reviewer wants a repeat of the plot of hera-pheri everywhere. such a fixation with an old hit is pathetic.

appreciate the movie for what it is.

the tyranny from the thakurs is missing because they are all supposed to be caricatures. they, therefore, come across as lampoons - look at the entries of sudha chandran on the bike-side-rider....she looks like a stupid person!

the movie has many flaws, and some continuity issues. it is technically good, could have been better.

But, and this is a big but, the movie is GOOD - i thoroughly enjoyed it - really nice timepass....i would venture forth and say (a bit hesitatingly though) - i can watch it a second time too!

it has its flaws - slapstick, louder than needed performances. but it is good!


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The reviewer seems to be an alien
by Anuranjan on Mar 22, 2006 07:14 PM

The movie is a good one, I wont call it the best comedy movie ever but it definitely is one of those which is refreshing. The plot is a simple one but the presentation is superb. The comic dialogs are good and Om Puri and Paresh rawal have excelled.

Just to add the reviewer seems to be one of those who would find flaws in Godfather saying why does Godfather need to buy apples when he is so rich. I would recommend Rediff.com should not let such stupid people to review movies. I am a great fan of Priyadarshan and it is shame when someone writes such things without even knowing a bit about comedy or movies.

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Is Patcy available for a comment
by abhi on Mar 22, 2006 01:49 PM

I wonder where the so called reviewer is... has he gone hiding after seeing so much criticism against his review... Can we have this reviewer for a comment...
Come on.... can we have some good reviewers for rediff. Atleast rediff team should review the reviews b4 posting it on the site on the first day of release..

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