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If poor people start getting free food then they will expect more
by V S on Sep 12, 2010 12:46 PM

then there will be food riots if govt. stops giving free food later. I think that poor people should learn to work for their food.

Also major problem is corruption and middlemen..disribution is later.

sharad pawar himself is big chor.

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yogesh dadu
incredible india
by yogesh dadu on Sep 12, 2010 10:23 AM

This country only saw degradation from bad to worse since the mughal invasions. except Akbar nobody did anything worth while. then Britishers had this country nice and proper. after them it was dynasty politics which continues till date. in this country where 40% people die of hunger.. ministers move in posh SUVs costing 40 lacs with red beacon lights as official vehicles. where are we heading..? why cant we store grains without getting them rot? who has the solution for this country of 125 billion people? we can't even spare common wealth games and siphoned it out to institutions in foreign countries? I think communist rule like China is the solution. but our communist travel in luxury and are vote bank polititians

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Johnymera Naam
Surplus food should be redistributed
by Johnymera Naam on Sep 12, 2010 09:58 AM  | Hide replies

Instead of the surplus food rotting in godowns, it should be given away for free to the poor. This will reduce the burden on the FCI godowns, and also reduce human misery in India.

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zindaa hoon
Re: Surplus food should be redistributed
by zindaa hoon on Sep 12, 2010 10:00 AM
Good idea. This will also improve pathetic image which India has internationally.

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ashish tiwari
Re: Re: Surplus food should be redistributed
by ashish tiwari on Sep 12, 2010 10:01 AM
they would have distributed it free to the miniorities in India then (except minority in Kashmir obviously)

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Moshadi Maino
Re: Re: Re: Surplus food should be redistributed
by Moshadi Maino on Sep 12, 2010 10:45 AM

yes, well said.

unfortunately, Hindus don't realize they are being had.

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arunkumar ms
Re: Re: Re: Re: Surplus food should be redistributed
by arunkumar ms on Sep 12, 2010 12:40 PM
That does not mean we should vote for BJP. No Hindu should support BJP.

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Is India a nation of beggars?
by krusat on Sep 12, 2010 09:54 AM  | Hide replies

The so called poor people without food are those who do not want to work. In India all the people willing to work are getting adequate food. If anyone of you find a poor family sincere in work, and if U can take guarantee of their conduct, send them to me. I will give them job and food. India is becoming a nation of beggars and supreme court is helping them.

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Re: Is India a nation of beggars?
by Haramiraja on Sep 12, 2010 12:42 PM
seems like you're living in some kind of oolala land

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kalpana ekbote
food crisis and free foodt
by kalpana ekbote on Sep 12, 2010 09:50 AM  | Hide replies

the situation on the food front has gone bad to worse in the last decade of Congress rule. population in BPL families have increased to more than 40%. It is shameful that even today millions are going hungry when the food in the FCI Godowns is rotting. here are some solutions to the problem
1. Keep population control as the top priority
continue the schemes on control of population
2. identify those families under BPL and connect them with their white cards to the stores which they draw their ration from.
3. calculate the minimum kgs of rice and wheat and dal to be given to each family in each state on the basis of their population in each state, and distribute the food grains to families in a definite time bound period.
4. have special inspectors of food and voluantary organisation to monitor and check whether the food has reached the beneficiary.
5. take stamped signatures or thumb impressions of the beneficiaries along with theirnames in each of the towns and stores .
6. advertise heavily like the ads which were given on Gandhi family death anniversary in all the leading press and tv continuously for one month till the distribution is complete.
this will reduce prices and provide food for the hungry.
abhay ekbote

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ashish tiwari
Re: food crisis and free foodt
by ashish tiwari on Sep 12, 2010 09:56 AM
Reduce population explosion in minority. reduce influx of bangladeshis..to prevent another kashmir..

you think im joking?

search for Haji Nazrul Hasan and deganga riots on sept 7 2010.

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ashish tiwari
More than food grains we need dignity in India
by ashish tiwari on Sep 12, 2010 09:49 AM

search for Haji Nazrul Hasan and deganga riots on sept 7 2010.

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Orient Mystique
PM, Sonia, UPA would have taken SC view on their head and obeyed
by Orient Mystique on Sep 12, 2010 09:40 AM  | Hide replies

if only elections would have been around!

In politics, as in business, return on investment does count!

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ashish tiwari
Re: PM, Sonia, UPA would have taken SC view on their head and obe
by ashish tiwari on Sep 12, 2010 09:51 AM
they would have distributed it free to the miniorities in India then (except minority in Kashmir obviously)

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ashish tiwari
More than food hindus need dignity in India
by ashish tiwari on Sep 12, 2010 09:38 AM

search for Deganga riots in google to find more

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ashish tiwari
Vote for Haji Nazrul Hasan
by ashish tiwari on Sep 12, 2010 09:37 AM

More Macho than salman. more dangerous than Dawood, Osama, and Obama is is Trinamool MP Haji Nazrool Hasan .. search for Deganga riots in google to find more

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