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Re: the cocky kannadiga
by Sanjay on Aug 15, 2010 09:39 PM
Please tell where you are from so we can talk about dirty going on in your area, one person does not make a society.

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Poor Anti Indian Senate
by my on Aug 15, 2010 02:45 PM  | Hide replies

This Senator is serving its last term as Senator! Next time, the Indians will be working hard in NYC to defeat him with money and votes together!!

Throwing mud on successful personalities / companies of foreign origin is a fashion here in NYC! If it pertains to India, some ppl will love it! This poison has been in the minds of American media and some Americans from the time of Henry Kissinger!! From the Cold War time, India is viewed as a trustful friend of Russia and hence India is viewed as a Pro-Communist in the garb of Democracy in America!! This is the reason why the media is still throwing mud on India!! The same mind works with some wisdom-poor Americans also!! The media is still believing that there is too much gain in broadcasting something against India!! This Senator is just trying to enthuse the media!! The same mind can be seen with some high profile leaders of this country as well!! They are living in a little well of Utopian thoughts! They never realise and recognise the fact that India and Indians and Indian Corporates are NOT THE SAME compared to the times of Henry Kissinger - the person who germinated the seeds of Anti-Indian thoughts in USA!! We cannot expect a better result if a person is mentally sick! Worse if he is not being treated for the disease!!

America realizes that its economy is going down and never succeeding in regaining its lost glory of the past!! Whereas India is going from success to success!!

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S Shrikanth
Re: Poor Anti Indian Senate
by S Shrikanth on Aug 16, 2010 02:23 AM
But their (US) economy is rising at 2.7%. A country with $14.4 b is not too bad. Cost of most of the essential commodities is constant for the last 15 years due to efficient production and supplies.

India at $1.3b has shown 7-8% growth is to little considering its population is 4 times that of US and growth is riding on very high inflation. The food inflation is killing majority of the people in the country.

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S Shrikanth
Re: Poor Anti Indian Senate
by S Shrikanth on Aug 16, 2010 02:23 AM
But their (US) economy is rising at 2.7%. A country with $14.4 b is not too bad. Cost of most of the essential commodities is constant for the last 15 years due to efficient production and supplies.

India at $1.3b has shown 7-8% growth is to little considering its population is 4 times that of US and growth is riding on very high inflation. The food inflation is killing majority of the people in the country.

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aditya chavan
Afraid Americans
by aditya chavan on Aug 15, 2010 11:29 AM  | Hide replies

After 2010 slow down, first the bpo industry and now they are blaming the Indians, Huh! Total crap. Jus shows his character (thief)(steals first and then tries to blame someone else). I think General Motors are worse when it comes to chop shop(look at daewoo, chevorlet). And he is saying something like this bcuz we Indians tolerate it. He should be kicked out of India if he ever tries to come here.

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S Shrikanth
Re: Afraid Americans
by S Shrikanth on Aug 16, 2010 02:26 AM
I think Indian media has misreported his comments. He has clarified that he had said "Body Shops", not chop shop.

But even he called Infy a chop shop, he is right. Ask Infy employees, they will confirm this. :-)

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dharmendra jadoun
Re: Its true
by dharmendra jadoun on Aug 14, 2010 07:11 PM

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vikas gupta
Re: Its true
by vikas gupta on Aug 14, 2010 07:06 PM
we shud get the senator to our chop-shop and do what a chop-shop does

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aditya chavan
Re: Its true
by aditya chavan on Aug 15, 2010 11:30 AM
pukka Loser

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Re: Its true
by hihello on Aug 15, 2010 11:34 PM
True to an extent but is it the case with u or is it inferiority complex.

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Indian Indian
Re: Its true
by Indian Indian on Aug 15, 2010 11:33 AM
I does not have comp or science background. But I am working in a top US based IT company in India as a Manager, leading a team of 50 engineers having Engg, Comp, Science, PG qualifications.....

Possessing a degree does not necessarily qualify a quality person or quality work. What you deliver at the end of the day is what matters.


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Sameek Ghosh
by Sameek Ghosh on Aug 14, 2010 06:59 PM  | Hide replies

The so called proponents of globalization is shouting for protectionism...what a paradox...

USA --- be careful, Indians can take over you...so better shut you doors for Indian companies,

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Re: Globalization
by raj on Aug 15, 2010 10:56 AM
here we go.. no wonder no one cares about how we feel.

For 15 years we enjoyed outsourcing and now once we are a bit stronger all of a sudden we act as though we grew all by ourselves.. I blame Americans for outsourcing their jobs to thankless people like you. Learn to respect the hand that feed you...

we can only overtake USA in cost of food even after converting USD$$ to Rupees

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dharmendra jadoun
there are many porki bark_ing in the forum
by dharmendra jadoun on Aug 14, 2010 06:54 PM

don't take them seriously ... BTW American only like porkies who can do their both holes ... take aid and escrew_their_solders ...

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shekhar kale
Naryanmurthy and his team has done wonders
by shekhar kale on Aug 14, 2010 06:54 PM

I am not from Infosys and even from IT sector, what I can say, Narayanmurthy and his team has done wonders and they are inspiring and motivating figures for small time first generation entreprenuer like us. I am damn sure they cannot do anything wrong and cheap

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