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Don't lower the age of consent to 16!

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by Santa on Mar 19, 2013 10:30 AM  | Hide replies

Mr. Nadar, Your wish has been fulfilled already. Why is rediff always late? That said, whatever the age of consent is, the gir1s who wish to go ahead with the act would any way do that, irrespective of the so-called age of consent. Everyday we are coming across so many daring acts performed by school gir1s, for their boy friends, in front of camera, videos of which go vira1 on a regular basis.

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mahesh muliyala
Re: Age
by mahesh muliyala on Mar 19, 2013 10:40 AM
But this act will ensure detention of people like Mr.Kurien, even though it is consent.

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veerapuram dharan
not the solution
by veerapuram dharan on Mar 19, 2013 10:26 AM  | Hide replies

reducing the age to 16 is not the solution. what if a 16 year old does the same thing as the 17 year old in the delhi incident? the solution is in the nads of govt, society and parents. what the govt needs to do is to ban obscenity in films. they only have the control over such things. the society like educational institutions should teach moral values apart from subjects. the parents should make sure they become role models for their wards.

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pani ball
16 is best
by pani ball on Mar 19, 2013 10:23 AM

Age of consent should be 16 years for girls. It was 14 before.

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Jai Neo
Why all the fire & fury?
by Jai Neo on Mar 19, 2013 10:18 AM  | Hide replies

Since the minimum voting age or the age for viewing a movie or play with adult content or the age beyond which a person is treated as an adult is 18, the age of consent should also be fixed at 18.

So why the hullaboo?

India was never a land of prudes. Our women are empowered, free & educated. Are they not capable of taking their own decisions? Whom a woman sleeps with is her prerogative.

It is not that all girls who reach the age of 16, are directly going to hop into someone's bed with full State protection!!

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Jai Neo
Re: Why all the fire & fury?
by Jai Neo on Mar 19, 2013 10:25 AM
Right from mythological times, India has never been prudish. Our arts, poetry, prose, sculptures, paintings, folk songs,ballads, epics, music, etc all celebrate erotica & sensuality.

It was advent of the Is1amic invaders and their influence that gave rise to this prudishness. It is a fact of history

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john stephen
age 16?
by john stephen on Mar 19, 2013 10:17 AM

I agree with the writer let that be 18 yrs. For a girl 16 is innocence and vulnerable but fr boy 16 is enough to rape. Not a bad thought why not 16 for a girl and 18 for a boy, specially in the light of Delhi tragic incident. I fully agree with the fears of the parents of the girls, the rate of mutual consent may go grow high and teenage pregnacy can become a social problem as years go by. Let the itellectuals and the socail workers, politicians put their minds and hearts together, before passing the bill which is very serious issue effecting the very family life of this country.

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Sudhir Dave
age 21
by Sudhir Dave on Mar 19, 2013 10:13 AM  | Hide replies

The age of consent should be raised to 21; it should certainly not be reduced to 16.

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pani ball
Re: RapeInIndia is overhyped
by pani ball on Mar 19, 2013 10:21 AM
First a person has to understand he is raped or has given consent. Then the rape should be reported. Then the police has to record it has rape. Then only it will be statistic. That is people should have power to understand when they are violated and theres should be sensitive authorities.

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Sudhir Dave
Marrage Age
by Sudhir Dave on Mar 19, 2013 10:12 AM

Now a day Girls want to study and want to command something special. So age of consent should be 21 years

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Haramohan Roy
Entirely agree, but ...
by Haramohan Roy on Mar 19, 2013 10:08 AM  | Hide replies

I entirely agree with the writer. But, at the same time, it must be ensured that all those parents, priests, or panchayat bodies who arrange/finalise/solemnise marriages of girls below 18 years of age must be put into jail without any mercy. Only then can the view of the writer be justified.

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