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Report card: Key culprits of the Kolkata Test

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ajay jose
Lose in Nagpur
by ajay jose on Dec 10, 2012 03:40 PM  | Hide replies

I hope India lose in Nagpur so that Dhoni could loose his captiancy...and also sachin lose his test place...

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Re: Lose in Nagpur
by Joseph on Dec 10, 2012 04:23 PM

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biswanath roy
Re: Lose in Nagpur
by biswanath roy on Dec 10, 2012 05:05 PM
dhoni could lose his test captaincy,if india loses@ nagpur, but sachin will retire when he decides to do so, and BCCI does not have the guts to needle him.

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subrata banerjee
by subrata banerjee on Dec 10, 2012 03:39 PM

If they win toss, it is certain, that England will opt for batting first. Our Indian bowling attack both medium pace and spin are worthless and England will try to go for huge score and in the way may consume more than 2 days. And there is the end of the fate of this series.

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madanmohan siddhanthi
by madanmohan siddhanthi on Dec 10, 2012 03:38 PM

Expecting IPL team to win test matches .BCCI_IPL team took revenge on PUBLIC for writing all non sense when they lost against England and Australia 4-0 .

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key culprits of kolkota test
by Suryanarayan on Dec 10, 2012 03:23 PM

A sense of complacency has crept in the indian team with certain top players sure that they cannot be disturbed/dropped and their place in the team is taken for granted. For eg.sachin why drop only yuvi bhajji zaheer sachin also failed miserably infact consistently failed miserably for the past many years still he manages to hang on why? can anybody answer.Why BCCI is soft on him is there any unholy nexus.In other (cricket playing) countries even seniors have to toil hard to sustain their place in the team unlike in India where such players are greater than gods. It is unfortunate that cricket lovers are silent. Give chance to youngsters. There is lot of talent in the country. When rahul dravid and vvs can retire why can't sachin. what is the unholy alliance between him and bcci.Every players performance must be measured/analysed by the selectors (who are being paid heavily now)Fix responsibility on not only on the captain but also coach and selection committee. Demand performance / Accountability. They cannot just getaway with it. When will we learn.

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Put Marks out of 100
by ALLADI on Dec 10, 2012 03:20 PM  | Hide replies

Team A.

Team B.

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Gokul Sharma
Re: Put Marks out of 100
by Gokul Sharma on Dec 10, 2012 03:24 PM
Team A.
1.Andersen --- 90
2.Finn -- 60
3.Sawan -- 80
4.Panesar -- 95

Team B.
1.Jaheer -- 10
2.Sharma -- 10
3.Ojha -- 70
4.Asween --60

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Mr Infinity
Re: Re: Put Marks out of 100
by Mr Infinity on Dec 10, 2012 03:29 PM
Ashwin gets 60 for what? giving away more than 200 runs in a single test?

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Re: Re: Re: Put Marks out of 100
by SIMPLE on Dec 10, 2012 05:01 PM
He is telling about Batsman Ashwin

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subrata banerjee
Re: Re: Put Marks out of 100
by subrata banerjee on Dec 10, 2012 03:35 PM
Is Aswin selected as batsman or an off spinner? He is not at all a spinner who does not know the line and length of a spinner, said the great off spinner Erapalli Prasanna. He must be dropped as he can not claim to be selected for his batting ability.

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biswanath roy
Re: Re: Re: Put Marks out of 100
by biswanath roy on Dec 10, 2012 05:07 PM
but subrata, ashwin presently with pujara is india's best performing batsman.

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Re: Put Marks out of 100
by krishna on Dec 11, 2012 03:19 AM
why the anger on Ashwin. Well atleast he proved to be a better batsman than others (not just because he scored a lot more than others, but because his composure, style, shot selection, and the wase with which he play is far superior). if the issue is that his bowling sucked, then remove any of the 7 batsman and replace them with a bowler who can make a diffrence. So play Ashwin as a regular batsman who can bowl. It is funny that we keep mentioning that Ashwin was selected as a bowler and not for his batting sjills; so what about the 7 batsmen. i am sure they were selected as batsnen and not tail enders. If the expectation is that a batsman can have bad series, then why not Ashwin. Atleast he is not ta complete failute than the rest. Forget the last 2 matches, Ashwin has still has been one of india's most sucessfull bowlers.

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Gokul Sharma
by Gokul Sharma on Dec 10, 2012 03:19 PM

Coach, Captain, All senior Players, including Sachin. They all are complacent --- thinking that they will not be kept out of the Team for ever. Bowlers, especially the fast bowlers are very poor. Spinners, too could not exploit the conditions of the pitch.

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Saju Mathew
Isn't the coach responsible?
by Saju Mathew on Dec 10, 2012 02:37 PM  | Hide replies

I was surprised to see that this was the first time no mention has been made about the coach. Whenever India has done badly, the coach has been asked for an explanation. After the tenure of the previous coaches where India had not done so badly, it is clear that the coach has also to be held responsible. I may be wrong please correct me; but wasn’t it the same set (most of them) of players who were present in the team when we did well in the distant past? I guess the management (BCCI) need to give back to cricket more than what is extracted out of the game. The failures (white wash) at Australia and England were strong warning signals on the deterioration of the quality of cricket of the Indian team. Instead of blaming the players, we need to question the management as what they did to improve the quality of the game (facilities, training, promoting more youngsters, playing on challenging tracks etc.) when early warning signals (of more than the past 2 years) indicated the same. We need to give back to the game and not only keep extracting from it. I think more than the players it is the team management (including the coach) who has to answer as to how they have ‘managed’ the team. Please remember most of these players have won matches for us in the distant past. Mr Gavaskar in his post has mentioned about the team’s callous attitude and taking leave instead of practicing. We need to see that there is some issue on “team management”.

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krishna v
Re: Isn't the coach responsible?
by krishna v on Dec 10, 2012 02:42 PM
some of the team member slike sehwag,sachin,saurav hated greg chappell who was a dictator and made them work hard. But history has it. each and every statement made by greg chappell has been proved correct. India need such coaches to get the best out of them.

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by RAKESH DOGRA on Dec 10, 2012 02:33 PM  | Hide replies

We must accept now that now our test taem is in the company of likes of Newzland,Bangaladesh and West Indies.Ausralia,SouthAfrica,England,Pakistan and Srilanka are much ahead of India.This is the net impact of IPL.Now all Indian players want to play IPL or Ranji Trouphy only.Our bowling attack is worst in the world.Even Bangaladesh have got good spinners.

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abdul nazeer
by abdul nazeer on Dec 10, 2012 05:08 PM
but still players are mostly selected on IPL performances. Why was badri and kaif, tiwary left out.

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Tricky Lucky
by Tricky Lucky on Dec 10, 2012 02:19 PM

Those who are in the nautanki (IPL) can nnot do a serious job. You need not have expert to tell this.

Nautanki and rupaiye ak tamasha (IPL) must be stopped.

Then only you can watch cricket as a sport.

What you want ? Nautanki or sport


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Abhay Pandey
Main culrpit is Dhoni
by Abhay Pandey on Dec 10, 2012 02:18 PM  | Hide replies

Dhoni should go now, he cannot take decision on the right time. Why Bhajji was not in playing eleven, he has a remarkable figure at Edens. Let Sehwag or Yuvi handle the team

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Re: Main culrpit is Dhoni
by Venugopalan on Dec 10, 2012 02:22 PM
why 2 captains..? Yuvi is fit only for odi and t20..and sehwag is too inconsistent...let Kohli handle captaincy..he is good captian material..

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Mr Infinity
Re: Re: Main culrpit is Dhoni
by Mr Infinity on Dec 10, 2012 02:47 PM
Let him handle his test performance first. Then we will talk about Kohli being test captain.

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krishna v
Re: Main culrpit is Dhoni
by krishna v on Dec 10, 2012 02:36 PM
with a team full of lazy lethargic people, what can any captain do ?

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