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'Dravid has shown exceptional mental strength'

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Kushal Qanungo
corruption in sports
by Kushal Qanungo on Aug 22, 2011 01:26 PM

remove politics from sports. let sportsmen run sports not politicians.

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samir wahab
He is just awsome!!!
by samir wahab on Aug 22, 2011 01:15 PM  | Hide replies

he is just awsome in this series.... india shud worry abt after the 3trio retirement, what will happen once these 3 will retire? if we can see the current series india have won on these 3 players... is there anybidy in team who can play test??? NO. yes we will be no.1 in 20-20 and may b in one day but test will not our cup of tea... dhobhi shud understand that the luck will not always with you.... like in this series...

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aa aa
Re: He is just awsome!!!
by aa aa on Aug 22, 2011 01:24 PM
were is d chance 4 anybody 2 get in? selfish players like sachin dnt allow anybody 2 come near. thy play 4 money, r agianst weaker teams r dead wickets. wen a team needs them, thy cant, c how thy play. no chance 4 new players unless these money mongers go.

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Against Pseudos
Re: Re: He is just awsome!!!
by Against Pseudos on Aug 22, 2011 01:40 PM

Please consult cricinfo for all "playing for money" innings of Dravid, and against strong teams and non-dead wickets innings of Sachin... :)

And EVERYONE plays for money by the way... this is commercial sport, not amateur sport anymore... :)

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Mohan Chellappa
Re: He is just awsome!!!
by Mohan Chellappa on Aug 22, 2011 01:46 PM
VVS and Schin already retired.

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Srinivasan Rajagopal
My Thoughts
by Srinivasan Rajagopal on Aug 22, 2011 01:12 PM  | Hide replies

If at all there was one person who screwed up dravid's career, it was dilip vengsarkar. He showed double standards while dropping him...But dravid showed his class..dilip may be a great player but he is not a good ambassador of cricket..ATP has an award called Sportsmanship award, named after my favourite gentle giant Stefan Edberg, likewise ICC should create an award for sportsmanship in cricket in the name of Rahul..Long live Rahul... May god bless you with longevity and bless us in making us watch you bat on and on and on and on in Tests. Gud Luck

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vasu venkataramania
Re: My Thoughts
by vasu venkataramania on Aug 22, 2011 01:33 PM
I agree. Vengsarkar tried to screw up Dravid's career but Dravid had the last laugh. A true gentleman who got a raw deal during his captaincy. I still feel that there was some conspiracy by senior players to scuttle Indian 2007 WC plan by underperforming to get back back at Greg Chappell but Dravid became a scapegoat of India's debacle. He has given a fitting reply to all doubters.
His performace in this series reminds of performance of Mohinder Amarnath during 1982-83 series against Pakistan and West Innings but then there was Sunil Gavaskar who also performed but here Dravid has stood tall among ruins

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