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To kiss or not to kiss
by Ashish on Apr 20, 2006 04:04 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Bull shit rules, just to deter the common people from actual issues to nonsense issues. This shows the muturity of Delhi administration and how sincere they are in resolving the issues faced by common people.

I would congratulate these politicians on their success in raising these issues and keeping the real issues&problems at bay from the minds.

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by bala on Apr 24, 2006 11:56 AM  Permalink
I totally agree with . India is become a place where there is more law and rules on records rather than persons to implement it.

Let the adminstration take care of implementing the existing law rather than creating a new restriction.

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by magic on Apr 21, 2006 11:27 AM  Permalink

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by deep on Apr 21, 2006 01:19 PM  Permalink
when do u do such things in public. I feel when we are not sure about our abilities we want to display them in public just to gain some self confidence. So stop that stupid imitation of west be cultured and not stuburn copycat.

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by sumit on Apr 22, 2006 06:14 PM  Permalink
hey baby,
are u an indian

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by pavithra on Apr 22, 2006 12:41 PM  Permalink
ur viewpoint is absolutely cool

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by gaurav on Apr 22, 2006 05:49 PM  Permalink
she must be frm las vegas !!!

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by C H A R U D A T T A on Apr 21, 2006 12:06 PM  Permalink

Don't use non-parliamentry language while taking a part in public opininons, this shows your level...


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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by Mousumi on Apr 22, 2006 11:24 AM  Permalink
Hey Panks,

Whatever city we r living, we have to value our feelings.. That's the morality.

And instead of running after Dawood and getting the murderers of Jesika, Police shd wear some "kangna"s and run begind couples..

Shame on our systems..

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by hiten on Apr 20, 2006 07:07 PM  Permalink
what's wrong with this if couples try to show their to each other.It got nothing to do with western culture.i don't think every indian could afford private space , especially in a metro.fine...... to much

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by Keyur Patel on Apr 21, 2006 01:35 PM  Permalink
Hi Yashsvi
One should go to Hotel if they are so curious to kiss each other. It wont disturb anyone.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE:To kiss or not to kiss
by dineshkumar on Apr 21, 2006 01:20 PM  Permalink

Those who find that there is no problem in kissing in public Its better you go deep into our culture.Which is so valuable Even non Indian have started accepting our culture.

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whats wrong !
by yashasvi on Apr 20, 2006 04:02 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

hi readers,

whats wrong in lip locking as long as both the partners are ready. its their lips if r happy to do why shud others bother. as for family places like parks, then couples do such things in private places so they dont seee such ppl.

but keeping fine on couples is too much. i m totally against it ?? u cant control urself just becoz someone is watching u. at home parents dont allow, outside police threaten u with fines so where do couple go and do their romance ??

its totally fair to lock lips. i m part of it and in my city there is no such restriction.


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RE:whats wrong !
by Abhishek on Apr 22, 2006 01:56 PM  Permalink
Hi yashasvi,

I support your words with regard to kissing. Its how we show our beloved person how much we love him/her.

If you are going in for an agitation or for any movement against the meaningless Moral Police, I'd b glad to join my hands with you.

Lets promote good harmonious society which values each and every man/woman live with good sense of humour and honour for each other.

Love is eternal and universal. It cant be controlled by the so called Moral Police.

Best wishes,

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RE:whats wrong !
by pankaj on Apr 20, 2006 06:17 PM  Permalink
Hey Baby,
In which city you are living?

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RE:whats wrong !
by meenakshi on Apr 23, 2006 03:45 PM  Permalink
am also agree wid u

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RE:whats wrong !
by surender on Apr 23, 2006 09:05 PM  Permalink
hi friends!

I don't think any wrong in locking lips in the public places which is going to be common. Previously shaking hands with girls was seen as wrong, now it is not so.
Frinds! we should become more free in expressing the things which are in our mind. If someone stops you in doing so with some force that will come out in different way which may be arrogant.

I think locking lips with lips may be more affactionate than shaking hands. If we stop this kind of thing in public places, people who wants to do that will waste time in searching secret places, that altogether affects social welfare and there are every chance to cross limits in secret places. So be fragmtic and don't see the things with so called traditional glasses.


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RE:whats wrong !
by Salil on Apr 21, 2006 01:31 PM  Permalink
Why not in front of your parents???? why in public???

There could be more ways of showing your love/affection towards your partner, and yes kissing is one of them... then why not do it in private rather then doing it in public.

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RE:whats wrong !
by D DAS on Apr 21, 2006 12:03 PM  Permalink
yes it is not wrong if two persons are making love in public place with mutual consent.

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RE:whats wrong !
by n.bhowmik on Apr 20, 2006 07:14 PM  Permalink
do you live in India? if it is ,please,tell me the name of your city . some day i want to visit the city and watch the very modern people of our country .

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RE:whats wrong !
by Malcolm Alvares on Apr 21, 2006 01:45 PM  Permalink
There is nothing wrong. I agree with you. The law makers by making such rules are only trying to fill the pockets of the law enforcing authorities.

If we are comfortable with it why bother about others. It's our life , our bodies etc., why should we be dictated about what we should do and so on.

Lip locking can be done very gracefully in public places without having a bad taste to anyone.

But, yes if it reaches beyond this, it's not good to be done in certain public places.

Today's media and communication has a far more reaching impact on our young kids at home who will teach us how to do things better.

By putting restrictions on such acts, the young generation will only be too enthusiastic to try the same in isolation and go beyond.

The law will increase corruption further and fill the deep pockets of our so called police.



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RE: where to go?
by Rajesh on Apr 24, 2006 01:12 PM  Permalink
you seems to understand the problems of many couples. ur right,Hindu joint-families are of conservative values, u have to lead a restrictive life inside homes. when they go out for romance in parks, crowded places, malls, they have every right to express there affection to their loved ones. couples are legally married, yaar, are we again living in british era before 1947.we are living as independent nation after 1947 yaar, give us some space.

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RE:whats wrong !
by hemakumar on Apr 22, 2006 04:47 PM  Permalink
When somebody gets married everybody in the society knows what the couple are going to do in the bed room.Are you sure we do in the public?Everybody has the freedom to express but some are private.Donot spoil the other people's freedom of dignity with your freedom of kissing.

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RE:whats wrong !
by Vinny on Apr 21, 2006 02:27 PM  Permalink
Yashaswi, there is absolutely nothing wrong in lip locking. The idea here is to protect morality. Who says kissing is bad, its just that people should know what is private and what should be made piblic. No normal girl would roam aroung absolutely topless in the middle of the day at a public place like park, so why would she want somebody to grab and squeeze her in public. But then of-course I am talking about normal girls.

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RE:whats wrong !
by Pratik Mitra on Apr 21, 2006 12:19 PM  Permalink
I do agree with ur comment kissing is not a crime

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RE:whats wrong !
by chandra on Apr 21, 2006 12:43 PM  Permalink
Hi All,

I totally agree with yashasvi. I dont think people needs to be monitored. If you are kissing in public you are not harming any one .... what you should do or shouldnt do in public is just a matter of indiviual's sense...it soould be left like that ..may be for kids such rules are okay they dont know what is right and what is wrong...not for adults..

I am a part of such things .. in Bagalore there i no such restriction ..and you know what ...just b'coz there no restriction dont asuume everybody kisses in public its just a matter of sense...

If such rules come to play. then tomorrow you might be told what you sould speak and shouldnt speak on your cell phones in public !! coz some people needs to be told ,,, I stress its some people not the general public...its just a matter of sense...

I love kissing in public ...but depending on the culture of the crowd around ,,,, if its a strage for them I will avoid....

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RE:whats wrong !
by fayesal on Apr 20, 2006 07:30 PM  Permalink
well well well..... i'd really like to know what exavtly are you trying to say by...."in my city ther's no ristriction buddy"

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RE:whats wrong !
by Amit on Apr 21, 2006 12:51 PM  Permalink
yes yash, i agree with u.. actually we being Indians are mostly belonging to hpocrite community... for every small causes the govt has to create fuss, just to show that they are active...like the recent reservation quota hype..actually even if the bul run in sensex has leap frogged 12k, yet these issues actually show that we as a nation are not progressing. I just dont understand why the people are creating so much hype about this? when both couples are ready then what is hinering the govt? to be very frank i would love to pay 500 bucks and have my lips locked, but u know what? it is not a question of 500 bucks paying to govt, this decision by the govt has opened a new way of earning for the cops, who i am sure will blackmail the young and innocent couples and demand money only to fill their pocket and in turn the wives of the cops will be happy :) does kissing in public means that we are loosing our morality?when dont the govt switch their attention from these stupid things and do some thing good.. like they can make a law to have an AIDS test mandatory before marriage, i think this is of much more importance rather than looking for prey who is kissing..its purely BOGUS!

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RE:whats wrong !
by Kerial Sisser on Apr 21, 2006 12:33 PM  Permalink
Must be AXE Land !

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RE:whats wrong !
by mr420 on Apr 21, 2006 12:43 PM  Permalink
hello i would appreciate that you have come up with such a message frankly, i would support it, but definetly do u think u can kiss anyone in public, when everyone is seeing, will u do that???? if we are bold enough to that thats fine, finally i agree that there shud not be any bans imposedd by law, as it is our own intrest

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RE:whats wrong !
by DSG on Apr 20, 2006 10:21 PM  Permalink
I think it is totally one person's prerogative. We should just stop interefering in others' lives.
People should know themselves where to draw a line.
There are too many issues which 'should' demand our attention, rather than this stupid thing. Let's think about how we can deal with those things, rather than wasting our time on minor issues as this.
For people who think it is spoiling our culture, teach our culture to your kids, let them know what we stand for. Simply because someone else is doing it, should not be reason enough for us to do it.

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RE:whats wrong !
by sachin on Apr 21, 2006 12:32 PM  Permalink
hey i think u born in london just keep ur broad mentality with u i think u r just too open minded that if ur sister does it in public place i think that time also u welcome it and doesn't have any problem

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RE:whats wrong !
by RAJA on Apr 21, 2006 01:49 PM  Permalink
You talking about INDIA or in other country ?

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R u a traditional predator?
by yoga on Apr 21, 2006 12:52 PM  Permalink
Hi Dude!

Dont you know the historical fame which INDIA have. The perturbing westernisation culture ruptures indian culture?....what else and what not. DOG, which doesnt bother about the surroundings. Hope u could able type and surf hence you dont fall on that category.

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RE:whats wrong !
by NITIN AGRAWAL on Apr 20, 2006 07:32 PM  Permalink
brother... r u in india or london ???

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RE:whats wrong !
by Sidhu on Apr 21, 2006 01:04 PM  Permalink
so wat is the diffrence between dogs and.........
i think u can undersatnd.

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RE:whats wrong !
by Sha on Apr 21, 2006 12:30 PM  Permalink
Tell theese things to ur parents and argue with them, why they do not allow u to kiss in ur home

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RE:whats wrong !
by sam on Apr 21, 2006 12:17 PM  Permalink
Bravo Yash!

Good saying! and most amazing to me rather than making double standards for us they name it as indian culture!

Our indian culture only had kamasutra!

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RE:whats wrong !
by R on Apr 21, 2006 12:49 PM  Permalink
when can i meet U in your city

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RE:whats wrong !
by Nani on Apr 22, 2006 07:20 PM  Permalink
You r correct.
In a developed country,Every one should have their own personel life.One should not bother others what they are doing etc.
Constitution should respect every individual own interests.The mind set of people should be changed.Girl/Guy...everyone should have their own life and rights to live in a way they plan to live.
What is indian culture??? lock girl in the house?? bloody caste and group system??bloody reservations??first try to remove those descriminations..Indian family system was nice..But now,it is also changing..People should be changed and let others to live in their own style..

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by Prasad on Apr 20, 2006 04:02 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Although there is sense in trying to control obscenity in public places, common sense suggests the same cannot be effected unless there is total crackdown on films provoking such feelings amongst youngsters. And that is impossible and probably unwarranted if youngters can keep their heads on their shoulders.
Not that it is bad to kiss, for that matter anywhere, but it is in one's best interest to exercise prudence and enjoy life in privacy.
I only hope they don't start fining for holding hands.That would be going to far.

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To kiss or not to kiss
by Sivaraman on Apr 20, 2006 04:01 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

What gives us pride as an Indian is our culture. Let us stick on to it. Kissing in public places does not reflect development of the country, it exposes our pride in imitating western stupidity.

To curb, police action wouldn't be sufficient, but it does help to stick on to the line.

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss
by Ashok Kulkarni on Apr 20, 2006 04:01 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

First of all i welcome the decision taken by the government regarding Giving Kiss in Public places this kind of policies should come to avoid mind set our young generation at the same time i am not opposing the thing but those should be confidential in other words it should stimulate the young generation.

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RE:Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss
by MUST KISS on Apr 20, 2006 11:36 PM  Permalink
How is kissing your son, daughter, brother, sister, father or mother different than kissing your spouse or any other person you love?

If a kiss connotes love and affection then kissing between any partner should be banned. The Indian psyche is always bent on stereotyping any display of personal affection. Kissing equates dirty horny sexual thoughts - right? much like two men holding hands in publich pretty much means they are gay (at least in US). This I belive stems from the fact that in India 'sex' is a dirty word and should only be engaged in, to procreate and never to re-receate. However many of the geniuses we know today in science and arts had a pretty good sex life (not considering Gandhi though). So the dutiful "sons" of the "Father" (hermaphrodite?) of the nation would rather not impose strict control on female fetocide (and I mean in the villages and not one publicised story about a doctor doing ultrasonography in a big city), promote education among young under-privilaged girls, stop random rape in the heart of the capital but identify kissing to be a major drag in the nations progress.

Frankly to kiss or not to kiss has no bearing if or not we will be able to

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RE:Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss
by Shridhar on Apr 22, 2006 07:06 PM  Permalink
You don't get to kiss much do you mate? If you meet some hot woman on the road who wants to kiss you, I would like to see your morality then...

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RE:Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss
by varunan on Apr 21, 2006 11:39 AM  Permalink
Indian culture ???? You always wear Dhoti and cotton shirts....????? do you use indian made paroducts as part of swadeshi ??? or you work in an Pure indian company.... Its so funny... people want to travel in Foreign cars, to use foregin perfumes, clothes, drinks, electronic gadgets but they would consider themselves as protecting indian culture ...... its a great joke buddy..... Indian culture should be in hearts. In this westernised world we have to accept ceratin things.....

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Kiss or Not Kiss
by Gurupadesh on Apr 20, 2006 03:56 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

As per our indian culture kissing in public places is illegal.

As per my thinking this should be banned.


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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by Jeet on Apr 20, 2006 10:36 PM  Permalink
Kissing is not our culture- they say, and have no idea that more than 50 variances of kisses are described in Kama Sutra.
Kissing is obscene the fundamentalists say- and they have themselves the most obscene mind.
Kissing shouldnt be public- they say, and have no clue that historically women were bare chested- previous to semetic invasion.
Public Kissing is dirty they say- true lovers and I say: Public kissing is a declaration of affection and pure love.And as the French say- its the exchange of souls.

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by Raghu on Apr 20, 2006 11:11 PM  Permalink
what a load of crap? The only people pissed off at kissing couples are those who cant get any themselves.

As far as our culture and other allied bullsit, has anyone ever been to Khajurao sex temples? Geez talk about porn in a temple? So please dont lecture morality in the land of kamasutra.

The reatrded govt needs to find better ways to waste our money

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by Sam on Apr 21, 2006 12:11 PM  Permalink
I don't find any harm in this as it not causing any damage to others! Its just a mark of affection!!

you say it western or Indian everywhere its same!!

the only difference is the way of thinking, if somebody is kissing his wife, girlfriend, sister, daughter, brother or son can be anybody in public or not in public who cares! its his own life why are u bothered! if u don't like u don't do it! but don't push ur thinking on others

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by Ranjeet on Apr 21, 2006 01:01 PM  Permalink
Ban kissing in public? What a non-issue we are discussing!

Kissing is in Human Nature. The place is not important.

If someone is so hell-bent on banning something, lets try banning:

(1) Spitting in public places
(2) Shitting in public places
(3) Urinating in public places

I think these issues need more urgent government action rather than banning kissing!!

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by sg on Apr 20, 2006 11:35 PM  Permalink
parochial thinkin u have i guess. if you are not pervert, then what is ur problem if someone is kissin?

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by Haresh on Apr 20, 2006 07:10 PM  Permalink
Dear Sir,

What culture are you talking about, the British Culture which invaded india, the Islamic culture of Mughals who invaded India or the Kamasutra culture.

Why dont the moral police go and destroy those temples and heritage palaces built by our ancestors having men and women idols in so called obscene poses ?

Then we will have laws to ban christian couple kissing in church when they have just married.

I have heard psychatric experts say, moral police consists of people who are sexually frustrated.

We should be mature enough to ignore and a leave couple alone making a descent love. I don't understand what problem a descent elderly person will have when a young couple is making a descent love in public.

I would value your logical reasoning on this.



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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by ram on Apr 22, 2006 11:23 PM  Permalink
can u fwd me the source where u read tht as per "Indian Culture" kissing in public places is banned!! disgusting when ppl relate such things to culture!!

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by Nandini on Apr 21, 2006 12:18 PM  Permalink
Make up your mind buddy law does not necessarily need to reflact morality. as morality is a subjective issue.
if you are a rightist fantaic hindu fanatic muslim fanatic sikh fanatic christian which you clearly seem to be then you will start singing about indian culture about irrelevant things like kissing or wardrobe malefunctions
you sure don't think that children dying because of hunger or people getting injustice or women being raped in delhi every day are against indian culture do you...it's just kissing that is causing all the ills in the society...right?
Losers who support the ban, GET A LIFE!!!!

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by Anirudh on Apr 20, 2006 06:39 PM  Permalink
NO, it is not a part of our culture. India has never had such a restriction. We are the land of the kama-sutra, remember. This kissing being a part of the so-calle morality is derived from the british, who have seen sense, and accepted public kissing...

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by rib on Apr 21, 2006 05:38 AM  Permalink
Can you define 1 culture in India the problem is with your defination of culture. I remember a friend who was stopped and fined by police simply because a female classmate was sitting behind him on the bike in Chennai. Poor guy was just being polite as there was no bus for another hour from college. Being from Delhi when I heard this incedent I was amazed and and angry on police. So things which are fine Delhi are not in Chennai that is culture!!!

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by gaurav on Apr 21, 2006 01:05 PM  Permalink
Wow... Indian culture

Our culture says to make population of the country 1 bn.

I think instead of making such stupid laws, we need laws to curb population growth.

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by saurabh on Apr 20, 2006 05:13 PM  Permalink
Hi Sir
I seriously feel it's high time you need to have a reality check if you are talking about culture as culture is not what you presume and perceive based on certain preconceived notions imbibed from your ancestors but it is rather the way we have behaved over the last 10,000 years.So if you turn the pages of history you would find what culture was or just flip through pages of mahabharata and turn to Krishna Janm and you will find the liberties Krishna had with Gopis.
So for God's sake dont use the word culture for defending your point.

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by sg on Apr 20, 2006 11:39 PM  Permalink
wow.. never heard of an !Illegal culture" !!!

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RE:Kiss or Not Kiss
by Andy on Apr 21, 2006 01:40 PM  Permalink
"Acc to Indian Culture kissing is illegal" ..... buddy pls decide u wanna speak abt legality or our culture. pls do not mix both.

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