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RE:whats wrong !
by chandra on Apr 21, 2006 12:43 PM

Hi All,

I totally agree with yashasvi. I dont think people needs to be monitored. If you are kissing in public you are not harming any one .... what you should do or shouldnt do in public is just a matter of indiviual's soould be left like that ..may be for kids such rules are okay they dont know what is right and what is wrong...not for adults..

I am a part of such things .. in Bagalore there i no such restriction ..and you know what ...just b'coz there no restriction dont asuume everybody kisses in public its just a matter of sense...

If such rules come to play. then tomorrow you might be told what you sould speak and shouldnt speak on your cell phones in public !! coz some people needs to be told ,,, I stress its some people not the general public...its just a matter of sense...

I love kissing in public ...but depending on the culture of the crowd around ,,,, if its a strage for them I will avoid....

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss