yes yash, i agree with u.. actually we being Indians are mostly belonging to hpocrite community... for every small causes the govt has to create fuss, just to show that they are the recent reservation quota hype..actually even if the bul run in sensex has leap frogged 12k, yet these issues actually show that we as a nation are not progressing. I just dont understand why the people are creating so much hype about this? when both couples are ready then what is hinering the govt? to be very frank i would love to pay 500 bucks and have my lips locked, but u know what? it is not a question of 500 bucks paying to govt, this decision by the govt has opened a new way of earning for the cops, who i am sure will blackmail the young and innocent couples and demand money only to fill their pocket and in turn the wives of the cops will be happy :) does kissing in public means that we are loosing our morality?when dont the govt switch their attention from these stupid things and do some thing good.. like they can make a law to have an AIDS test mandatory before marriage, i think this is of much more importance rather than looking for prey who is kissing..its purely BOGUS!