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Sanjay Reddy
What a Shame ???
by Sanjay Reddy on Sep 21, 2010 06:19 PM

The infrastructure is crumbling under the huge load of corruption above it.

Spit on the faces of the UPA & Congress - top to bottom.

Let all indians contribute Rs. 5 each to bribe these politicians to die immediately.

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Deepak Savarkar
Filthy Corrupt Congress Wealth Games= CWG
by Deepak Savarkar on Sep 21, 2010 06:15 PM  | Hide replies

Suresh Kalmadi is one of the most corrupt & greedy politician of Pune. He should be thrown out of Pune. Corrupt Congress government- CCG has selected him specially for his expertise in corruption and to make huge money from this CWG affairs and to put huge money Congress partkity and in the pockets of key politicians.

Gold medal for all the corrupt Congress politicians! Where is the law of the land. What Congress puppet CBI is doing? Let us throw Congress out!

It is such a pathetic situation in India for Indians is that a foreign Italian lady is ruling the biggest democracy of one billion plus country the way she wants. Shame on every Indian. Throw Congress out!

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Re: Filthy Corrupt Congress Wealth Games= CWG
by paul on Sep 21, 2010 06:31 PM
Hwy why blame only kalmadi do you think all the contracts only kalmadi got ?
All the congis got some contracts, suuplier licenses etc etc so entire congress if keeping mum and media is sold to congis to they are also tight lipped

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Deepak Savarkar
Filthy Corrupt Congress Wealth Games= CCG
by Deepak Savarkar on Sep 21, 2010 06:13 PM

Suresh Kalmadi is one of the most corrupt & greedy politician of Pune. He should be thrown out of Pune. Corrupt Congress government- CCG has selected him specially for his expertise in corruption and to make huge money from this CWG affairs and to put huge money Congress partkity and in the pockets of key politicians.

Gold medal for all the corrupt Congress politicians! Where is the law of the land. What Congress puppet CBI is doing? Let us throw Congress out!

It is such a pathetic situation in India for Indians is that a foreign Italian lady is ruling the biggest democracy of one billion plus country the way she wants. Shame on every Indian. Throw Congress out!

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Bob Marley
by Bob Marley on Sep 21, 2010 06:09 PM  | Hide replies

will never be a first or even a second world country because the attitude of our stupid people (greed, corruption, short cut, leg pulling, jealousy) will never change.

The labor employed for any construction job is illiterate and has no idea on how to do it professionally.

I experienced this myself when my house was being built. The interior finishing was so bad that I had to get everything done again under my OWN supervision.

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pankaj jain
Re: India
by pankaj jain on Sep 21, 2010 06:21 PM
Laborers? Mr MArley these are those people who haven't been given a chance in life, the government ensures that they don't even get enough food.

And what about the not so uneducated senior engineer, junior engineer, contractor, and above all ministers and organisers. They must deserve kudos...

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Real Indian
Re: Re: India
by Real Indian on Sep 21, 2010 06:32 PM
Hey Pankaj, Bob has raised a valid point. Even I have recently constructed my house and have experienced the labour pains.

Labour has been in short supply in Delhi and NCR for the past 6-9 months: all due to the games.

Unskilled labour (Beldaars) are demanding anything between 200-250 per day to get your work done from 9-5 (including 1 hr lunch).

And you say these guys dont get a chance!! Just visit any call center in Gurgaon and see what a fresh graduate is earning in a BPO: anything between 5000-10000 p.m.

And no matter how much these labours demand; their work speeed and quality will always remain poor.

You say these guys dont get a chance in life. I am waiting in vain for the past 9 months for good masons and labour to build one floor in Gurgaon. I am ready to pay 250/- p.d. to masons and 150/- p.d. to these unskilled labour.

Can u persuade few labour to work at my place?? I think they wont get a better chance.

Waiting for your reply.

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Re: Re: Re: India
by iota on Sep 21, 2010 07:31 PM
Agree with REAL INDIAN.

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pankaj jain
Re: Re: Re: India
by pankaj jain on Sep 21, 2010 06:44 PM
When 40% of the country doesn't get the minimum required calric intake, how do you expect them to study, or learn anything about professionalism.
Consider the background of these construction workers, they have nothing to eat in the villages. Well you could say they should work hard if given a chance, which might be available to some of them.But when the entire society is afflicted with this pervading sickness, how can they be expected to do any better.

Its the politicians, babus, technocrats who have to first clean their shelves. If it were not for their greed and apathy, our country would not be a laughing stock today.

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Real Indian
Re: Re: Re: Re: India
by Real Indian on Sep 21, 2010 07:01 PM
Hey Pankaj, since you want to go deep into this issue; let me throw some light on this discussion.

You say that these labourers dont get to have the sufficient calorie intake. Just pay a visit to one of the jhuggies of these labourers and you will find that they father 4-7 children: all because they think they will help in contributing to their household income.

If they father a girl child; they will keep producing children till they get to have a boy child: this is their mentality.

On the other hand, educated middle class people plan their family only when they think they have generated enough resources for the child's development and upliftment.

And then it is this labour class; which does not send their children to school: they make them work at construction sites; dhabas or beg on the roads to contribute to the houssehold income.

So, please do not debate more regarding this issue. If you are aware that there is so much of shortage of construction workers, servants, drivers etc. in our nation.

Its only that these labour class gets to enjoy the free quota of ration and subsidies: still they are unwilling to work.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: India
by F F on Sep 21, 2010 07:10 PM
So true, Real indian.. you are the actual commona man..People like Pankaj who are far removed from reality and left wing nuts who think that rich are cheats and poor are gods.

It is because of thuse leftists that India is not able to excel in any field because they kill merit and talent in the name of equality for all.

No two people are equal, Why the hell do these lefties want to make a nation of more than a billion equal.

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Re: India
by Harinarayan on Sep 21, 2010 06:12 PM
Our ancestors seem to be far more advanced than us in both cleanliness and advanced thinking! I think everyone of us in this country has become an untouchable now!!

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Charvak Chanyakk
Different Definations at different times
by Charvak Chanyakk on Sep 21, 2010 06:08 PM

Hooper thinks present status is bad. He should be invited to inspect few years after this year's games. He will really know what is Indian standard of cleanliness. The cleanliness and hygine, is in the eye of the beholder and nose of the smeller, as the famous bard said.

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srinivas satyanarayan
Hey guys relax
by srinivas satyanarayan on Sep 21, 2010 06:08 PM  | Hide replies

As long as someone like you commenting here takes control of power by getting into active politics nothing changes in our country. The so called little growth with a small pace is happening only because of people who contribute by building industries and creating oppurtunity!

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Suresh John
Re: Hey guys relax
by Suresh John on Sep 21, 2010 06:44 PM
Why active politics?
Even within your workplace, we can bring about a change, but will our managers allow? NO. We can see everything is going wrong, but we are not allowed to speak against it - why to make others unhappy.. chalta hai attitude of Indians - is the reason for all such problems

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Re: Hey guys relax
by Harinarayan on Sep 21, 2010 06:10 PM
Even we will go totally corrupt the moment we step in!! The vaastu of Indian politics is such!

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Indians not only lack cleanliness but also aesthetics!!
by Harinarayan on Sep 21, 2010 06:07 PM

Even the cricket stadiums in India are below average compared to international stadiums (this list doesnt include Pakistan, Bangladesh or Srilanka!!) inspite of being the richest cricket board. Indian psyche is never tuned for class but only mass!!

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Do not blame Kalmadi for the Filth
by cooldrango on Sep 21, 2010 06:05 PM

This is one issue for which you cannot blame Kalmadi.
We Indians only boast about our culture but are one of the filthiest people on earth.
We spit Urinate and defecate every where except our own residence. I have seen people travelling in high end cars opening the car doors and spitting to ensure that their cars do not get spoiled.
We blame foreigners for using Toilet paper and pride ourselves on using water but try using a public toilet anywhere in the country and you will have a clear idea of our culture.
If you want a comparison then the filth increases as you go from south to north but that is no consolation. Even countries like Thailand are cleaner than us.

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Real Indian
CWG is a great shame in the history of Indian Economy.
by Real Indian on Sep 21, 2010 06:03 PM  | Hide replies

I request all the readers of this forum who were just debating Congress vs BJP; for the past few days to pay attention to this news article. When few days back, Mr. Narender Modi had said the same thing; readers of this forum went too personal and abusive to go against the BJP.

After that, the corporate sector stepped in with Mr. Azim Premji stating that these games will drive up the taxes and inflation; for years and years to come.

And now, here is the final outcome of the billions of dollars spent for the games preparations: The CWG Federation Chief Executive Mike Hooper terming the CWG village as "filthy and uninhabitable".

Our citizens need to award the Congress govt., PWD alongwith all the contractors, engineers and workers engaged in the Games projects with Bharat Ratna awards.

In short, billions of dollars of the honest taxpayer's money has gone down in the drain.

And for those who have not yet switched on their television sets; here are the latest Games update: An under-construction foot over-bridge on Tuesday collapsed near Jawaharlal Nehru stadium, the main venue of the Commonwealth Games, injuring four labourers.

For your kind information, this footbridge was supposed to be used by the athletes and other spectators to enter the stadium from the car parking. Imagine if this incident would have occured after 15 days; when the games would have been in progress?

Wait and watch all the filmy sets created by the govt

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Suresh John
Re: CWG is a great shame in the history of Indian Economy.
by Suresh John on Sep 21, 2010 06:37 PM
Are you trying to say that BJP is great? If so why was this moron Kalmadi allowed to continue as IOA President during 6 years of NDA rule?? Kalmadi has made IOA is own fiefdom and and has been ruling it for more than decade - under various govts.
Rather than making it BJP/Congress issue, why not just speak against corruption. True maybe the Congress is the leader in corruption? But the NDA did the same thing with 'India Shining' - both want to paint India as a great superpower. And in the name of development, huge public money is being siphoned off - and moving to outside the country. Advani was talking about bringing back money from Swiss banks?? why?? We dont know if we can bring back the money, but can we at least prevent further money going out of the country ?? Its the same with terrorism - when the IA flight was hijacked and was in Amritsar for 5 hrs - our politicians could do nothing. But after allowing to go outside the country - we keep blaming Pakistan (our politicians are great at using media for this). Same for 26/11 - people like Headley can easily walk in (coz he had a foreign passport) and make the plans for an attack. Even after a year the Indian police/intelligence didn't know anything about Headley. Only after FBI found something - our media started raising issues about 'bringing Headley to trial' !!

Don't let yourself be fooled by 'development' and 'nationalism'. Its all excuses for looting the people.

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Real Indian
Re: Re: CWG is a great shame in the history of Indian Economy.
by Real Indian on Sep 21, 2010 07:18 PM
I am not trying to prove that the BJP is great. Also it seems from your speech that you are a politician: as you have really diverted from the main issue.

What I was trying to highlight is the fact that we Indians; throughout the years have seen the whole act (Lacs and crores of Rs. been siphoned off to the PWD, contractors and engineers); competion delays; leaking stadiums, cracking tiles; roads full of potholes etc. etc.

We Indians have been ignoring these issues like the three monkeys of Mahatma Gandhi.

Please tell me why? Why has the government thrown lacs and crores of the hard-earned taxpayer's money into the drain?

You see the result of these Games: these foreigners will say cheers and will enjoy our money: and few months later; we will bear their enjoyment bill in the form of rise in petrol prices alongwith hike in buses, metro fare etc. etc.

Get ready to purchase potatoes at Rs 30 per kg and tomatoes at Rs 100 per kg.

Shame on the Congress govt.

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