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Battlefield of Indian history

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Ramesh T
Battlefield of Indian history
by Ramesh T on Aug 17, 2004 12:53 PM

Very good article. Shows the reason for lack of self respect in our people. When I studied the history in my school days it was just a dry subject with out actually feeling anything about our past. After I grow up and read thru various sources and see thru my eyes the glorious remnants of past, I feel cheated by these so called Secularists who have systematically removed truth about our history. They are narrow minded and fearful that if people realise their glorius past can raise nationalism and divide people. Don't they realise that with out a feeling of nationalism no country can stand together. Does this explain the bane of our society where everybody feels weak and sick to accomplish anything?.

Nobody profess false nationalism like the Nazis but a true feeling for the wonderful achievements of our ancestors in terms of music, sculpture, arts and spirituality. Take pride in the wonderful gifts our ancestors have given to the world and try to keep up the same tradition even today. Having a positive feeling about our country which has given such wonderful ideas to human society and feeling proud about this is the first step to collctively achieve anything worthwhile.

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Leftist history
by ramesh on Aug 17, 2004 12:46 PM

The marxists, though they may be a localised party in two/three states, pose the biggest threat to India's ascendancy as a developed state. It is no wonder that they have the real opportunity to dictate history (with their 60 odd seats)as they may not get this opportunity later. Indian history that is being taught at the school level is really from a marxist/communist point of view thanks to prolonged congress rule at the centre since independence. It is only since the last 5 years till the nda rule ended that the correct ancient history of india was really beginning to be taught, but thanks to our public vote all that is set to revert to marxist history now. Another scandalous phenomenonon that has largely gone unnoticed thanks to this congress/socialist rule since 1947 is the criminal neglect of sanskrit. god damn these marxists who are nothing short of traitors.

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Vivek Sahajpal
Indian history
by Vivek Sahajpal on Aug 17, 2004 12:24 PM

Its really a good article but the facts emphasised by the author need to be verified scientifically. Probably sincere scientific studies would be able to churn out the truth from the sea of comments and statements. I think serious scientific work should be done to get the true history of India.

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In defence of ''Marxist'' textbooks
by Rahul on Aug 17, 2004 12:21 PM  | Hide replies

The complete quote is "Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it" and not just condemned generally like you seem to think. The obvious lesson to be learnt is that if you teach communal hatred and propogate false "facts" denigrating all those who have a different point of view, Gujarat may recur.
History is definitely linked with ideology. If the source of the so-called marxist history is colonial, the source of the fascist history seems to be mythological texts. All the "Marxist" textbooks said that India was a great country but they did not hesitate in pointing out the awful bits of Indian culture as well, based on the premose that if you foget your history you will repeat it. I am aware of a lot of the facts that you refer, the rest I think are invented or derived from myths. Please tell us the source of this knowledge. The Aryan and Dravidian theory can only be debunked by proper proof and not extracts from mythological texts. The methods of Marxists and Fascists are similar as they both want history to show a movement towards their ideals. The difference is that the Marxist or rather socialist includes everyone while the fascist view seems only for Hindus.

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RE:In defence of ''Marxist'' textbooks
by bond on Aug 18, 2004 05:07 AM
"The Aryan and Dravidian theory can only be debunked by proper proof and not extracts from mythological texts."
How come rahul believe the aryan and dravidian theory in the first place? Is there any scientific proof for this theory?

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Yogesh Datta
RE:In defence of ''Marxist'' textbooks
by Yogesh Datta on Aug 18, 2004 05:00 PM
Rahul's idea is "if our ancient history does not mention the greatness of Islam and Christianity then it is communal". The subject is rape of Indian history by Indians, particularly by Nehru and his clan. Nothing to do with Islam or Christianity.

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MSR Sastry
RE:In defence of ''Marxist'' textbooks
by MSR Sastry on Aug 19, 2004 08:08 AM
Dear Rahul,
I never heard that the Aryan Invasion concept or any of the Indian History and Authenticity was proved by DNA sequencing. Wake up. The theories are mere hypothesis with no firm evidence. Not one to confirm it. It was just an interpretation trying to put one episode with other in a quest to solve the puzzel. There are thousand missing links as fossilization and preservation are rare events and finding them is ever rare and all of the interrelated preserves is unknown. The Muller foundation itself has criticised and said that the Aryan theories are wrong.

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Yogesh Datta
RE:In defence of ''Marxist'' textbooks
by Yogesh Datta on Aug 18, 2004 05:02 PM
Rahul's idea is "if our ancient history does not mention the greatness of Islam and Christianity then it is communal". The subject is rape of Indian history by Indians, particularly by Nehru and his clan. Nothing to do with Islam or Christianity.

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Varun Shekhar
RE:In defence of ''Marxist'' textbooks
by Varun Shekhar on Aug 17, 2004 09:18 PM

But there was no proof that the Aryan Dravidian theory was corect in the first place! It was just a belief propagated by Max Mueller.

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RE:In defence of ''Marxist'' textbooks
by nls5150 on Aug 17, 2004 04:57 PM
THe key word here is "HISTORY". History is all about what has already happened. And we cannot change what has already happened. And yes our History is only about Hinduism as that is what is our histroy. Just because it doesnt live up to our current inclusionist theory we cannot change history to suit our needs today. If some people feel left out, that doest mean we twist history and teach our current generation some thing wrong just so that it lives up to our definitions today.

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RE:In defence of ''Marxist'' textbooks
by Dhaval on Aug 17, 2004 06:00 PM
If archeological, textual and Dna sequencing data is not enough for you, othing is going to be helpful.

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murugan marandi
glorifing ancient and medieval society
by murugan marandi on Aug 17, 2004 12:09 PM

"As late as 1750 CE, the average Indian agricultural or industrial worker was better off than his equivalent in England" -- why not it absolutely true especially during guptas -- but only for top three varnas - brahmins,khastriyas,vaisnavas.. shudras (present days OBC'S) where tillers of land and untouchables (around 30%) (chamars and chandalas) where at receiving end. it was not that they liked to do these menial jobs but where severly punished and where forced.. SO FOR AUTHOR HE IS HAPPY TO LEAVE OUT THE PLIGHT OF UNTOUCHABLES - in those times it was better to be an animal than a untouchable - unfortunately effects historic subjugation can still be seen in present day DALITS/tribes of south and central india - constituing more than 90% dominence for people below poverty line.

for education - author seems to have overfaith on some arbit book by dharampal. i am in doubt whether author have any idea about codified laws of punishment for untouchables in DHARMASHASTRAS . at least it is more authentic than dharampals work and a better refection of subjugating society in ancient/medieval india. IT is shocking to see for parellels beign drawn from BURMA.

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Long way
by Vijay on Aug 17, 2004 12:03 PM

Writing articles and debating issues is good. Encouraging children to question what is taught rather than allowing them to swallow whatever is pushed through, will go a long way in containing and correcting the wrongs. If schools teach them something "wrong", we can still teach them what is "right". Let them keep the "wrongs" just for exam hall. I follow this method wherever I am able to.

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saunak dyundi
The battlefield of Indian history
by saunak dyundi on Aug 17, 2004 11:56 AM

This was really a very informative and eye opener article for me. Atleast this article has changed me, i feel really very proud to be an indian. I would appreciate if we readers could get some more of such articles on ancient Indian history.

Thank you Rajeev, one thing for sure no matter what the school text books offer to our childrens, i will definetly pass this fantastic & fascinating Indian history to my off springs so that they feel proud of themselves and will have a lot of respect for once country.

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Hot Pursuit of Degradation
by digvijay on Aug 17, 2004 11:47 AM

Let us see our present, and how we are on an accelerated path to self decimation. We have been condemned as a country, as people and as culture and in this country the deaf shall not hear and the dumb shall not speak.. ever ever again.
At least someone tries, I for one gave up all hope long time back.

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Battlefield of Indian history
by ravikiran on Aug 17, 2004 11:44 AM

The greatest terrorists in India today are the Marxists and socialists intellectuals in India who are trying to brainwashing the country into believing that we are no good for anything.They want to wipe out civilization and impose an artificial culture which is dead everywhere else in the world.

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sulkant soren
controlling the past to control the future
by sulkant soren on Aug 17, 2004 11:18 AM

if there r no such dravidians - aryan then why there huge dissimilarity between a north indian and south indian especially on physical features and language and also for so called proto-australoids in central and south india ?

using arbit dates shows ur dogmatic - fundamentalist stand by not recognising most objective - carbon dating technique.

slaughtering people to capture new territories doesn't seems barbaric to u - better god blesses the author with better intellect.

marxist historians - least of it they have exposed the real rotten of barbaric society - especially in reference to un-human caste system - under which their was an perfectly instituionalised subjugation of indegenous black race of indian subcontinent

cultural continuity - even if is true then why not even a single skeleton was belonging to fair people of north india. - for ur kind information some 15,000 year old skeleton belonging to proto-australoid race was found in shivalik hills.

historical mistake - there was nothing like india as a nation - it was like a geographic piece of land ruled by different rulers - so point of have 24.5% share in world trade is a myth.

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