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Battlefield of Indian history

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E.panneer selvam
thank u for the rare truthful news
by E.panneer selvam on Aug 19, 2004 03:51 PM

i studied the battle fieldof indian history thru which i came to know about true indian history and the civilization.
thank u for the information

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The credit goes to politics
by Samar on Aug 19, 2004 03:17 PM

Feeling proud of your country is something that I do not have to force upon. It comes naturally - for various reasons. Rajeev's article vindicates it.

The problem I see is political moves making it irrelevant. Arjun Singh's 80 year brain is one instance. There are certain truth that seems so logical to believe. But then, Congress is always coming out with a reason of its own. If it is a problem, lets have a national debate. Debate? Congress is no where to be seen....

I see some comments on about people dying for a meal, who cares about these things. My answer to that is - people come up only if they see some light up there. Disveries, self-confidence lifts civilizations and there no one will die of hunger. Meal is not about eating a few grains. It is about feeding for tomorrow as well. Civiliations is nothing without great thigns that we have done. Let's not forget to acknowledge it.

Rajeev is simply trying to remind us.
Thanks Rajeev.

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U guys will never agree
by Niru on Aug 19, 2004 01:08 PM  | Hide replies

I have been noticing this for a long time, that whenever someone writes an article glorifying Indian history and its achievements, most people who appreciate it are Hindus (or Sikhs & Jains) but ALL the people who oppose the views or have sarcastic and cynical comments on this topic are ALWAYS Muslims or Christians. WHY IS IT THAT THEY FEEL THEY ARE NOT A PART OF THIS COUNTRY. Do they think that by following a particular religion you should also pledge your loyalties to another country? No one can claim to be an Indian if they think their holy land is miles away somewhere in the middle east. Wake up my friends for all these achievers are all your ancestors too.

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RE:U guys will never agree
by JP on Aug 24, 2004 05:53 AM

Very true. The only religions that create problems in India are Islam and Christianity. You hardly see others even making news. These two are militant religions that have no respect for any other culture.

And it's a pity that those who succumbed to these are showing so much resistance to anything good that is dug out about ancient Indian (it can only be Hindu in those days) culture, forgetting that it is also their history.

But then, what more can you expect from these losers?

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Kiran B
played miserably
by Kiran B on Aug 19, 2004 01:11 AM

Indian Communists have played miserably with the education. Distorted and wrong history and propaganda were the contribution of the Left and their fellow-travelers in the Congress. All this results in NOT knowing our proud history and belittled Indianess.

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Anil Pillai
Frogs in a well
by Anil Pillai on Aug 18, 2004 06:53 PM

RS, Wake up! Are you living in a fairy world? In the first place, all your writings do not make you an Aryan! The Aryan theory has been proven by science! Only a few historians of VHP leaning blabber about India as the native place of Aryans. Even Tilak didn'tt support it.

I am pretty sure that your next article will contain more lies like
1.mecca was a temple once.
2. Rome was a temple once
3. Bejing, Moscow, etc. was the capital of nation of Indian traders
4.Adivasis are not adivasis.. are African invaders.
5.Muslim came to Kerala with the sword.
6. Christians cme to Kerala with the sword.
7. Buddhists came to Kerala with the sword.
8. Jews came to Kerala with the sowrd.
9. there was no caste system in Kerala (which was dubbed as the madhouse because of this).
10. When a neutral and boradminded Hindu as myself stands for the truth, they are all Commies.
11. There is no gentle, peace loving, non hypocritical, and truthful people like the Sanghies.

Wake up man, don't have the frog in the well attitude!

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by Subhash on Aug 18, 2004 09:55 AM  | Hide replies

Rajiv srinivasan's fury towards socalled "marxist" historians remind me of the saying that "History is written by those who are victorious".

BTW, did he forget the fact that one of the sanghie-historians N.S. Rajaraman was caught red-handed for manipulating harappan seals (rumoured that he was using Adobe Photoshop :-) ) in an attempt to manufacture history.

Some of the "marxist" historians like Romila Thapar is recognized even in US where Rajiv lives. Wonder whether he protested against that with his impeccable credentials in history!! (If that is not sufficient, he can always take help from N.S. Rajaraman)

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Varun Shekhar
by Varun Shekhar on Aug 19, 2004 10:14 PM

Rajeev's article is full of intelligent ideas. You've taken one, peripheral thing, about N.Rajaram, and made a silly remark. What about all the other points Rajeev has made?

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Re: His-story
by Desi on Nov 06, 2009 04:18 PM
Get your facts right about N S Rajaraman. In fact the opposite was true if you read the article by Dr Jha's son. It were their opponents who used doctored image to prove them wrong, picking up a peripheral fringe issue instead of addressing the issues raised by them.

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