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Tiger Bastion
Rahman shouldnt have performed in Australia
by Tiger Bastion on Jan 19, 2010 04:29 AM  | Hide replies

Its really a shame that Rahman decided to perform in a country which is causing immense trouble to honest, dedicated and hard working students who have gone to Australia to study hard, make a honest living and also contribute to the Australian economy.

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rajesh nadar
Re: Rahman shouldnt have performed in Australia
by rajesh nadar on Jan 19, 2010 07:10 AM
there is very little dedicated and hard working guys who go to study abroad most of them just go the enjoy the leisure life and make their resume strong by saying studied in foreign university.... Most of these shitty idiots are rich man's kids...

By saying this i don't mean every body is like that...

Certain portion of the crowd is like that.... the problem is this certain portion exceeds 90 percent of the total students abroad...

Only 10 percent of those go by taking study loans and work part time to make a living out there...

So lets don't make this issue a national conflict yaar...

We have best education system when compared to other countries why don't our guys study here......

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rajesh nadar
Re: Rahman shouldnt have performed in Australia
by rajesh nadar on Jan 19, 2010 07:02 AM
you go to a alien country and creat union and also instigate them by saying "mein kiska beta hoon maaloom hai" etc etc.... these silly idiotic phrase and all will work in india and not abroad we go there to earn or to study not to creat union and instigate others...

Sorry friend don't blame anyone unless u know the full story and i'm very closely attached to the australia's current issues with foreigners...

Kindly don't jump into conclusion a few bunch of "ameer garane ke bete" are responsible for spoiling our image in that country..

We go there to earn or study not enjoy the same leaisure that we enjoy back home town.

Kindly don't blame someone without knowing the complete story yaar...

Sorry if i hurt u in anyways.....

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Sridhar Dorairaj
Re: Re: Rahman shouldnt have performed in Australia
by Sridhar Dorairaj on Jan 19, 2010 12:23 PM
I agree that there are very less dedicated people in that category. This has nothing to do with attacks. when we pay for educational services we become guests of that country. Guest have to be treated well. When we go there to earn and study why not enjoy too there.. do you think indians enjoy at the cost of Australian money. its our money dear. Iam happy to see Rahman as a peace keeper and wotn blame him for performing there, which again may not be the actual idea as such.. :)

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Re: Rahman shouldnt have performed in Australia
by piri on Jan 19, 2010 11:21 AM
Relax. Rahman travelled and performed at the invitation of Indian immigrants. The whites are not even aware of his existence !!

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Re: Re: Rahman shouldnt have performed in Australia
by Babu on Jan 19, 2010 02:58 PM
You seem to consider AR Rahman like yourself.

But the 'World knows' better.

'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth' and AR Rahman is meek enough, as the 'Intelligent People' around the globe has seen and could appreciate.

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Re: Re: Re: Rahman shouldnt have performed in Australia
by piri on Jan 19, 2010 03:24 PM
Open your eyes, ears and mind and try to decide dispassionately how really 'well-known' are Indian 'celebrities' in the developed world !!

And do take a good look at the composition of the 'packed audiences' that attend the shows of Indian celebrities in the west !

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Sensor Technologies
Rehman captivates
by Sensor Technologies on Jan 18, 2010 06:37 PM  | Hide replies

Did he captivate the white popuation or the Indians living in Australia ?

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slayer slayer
Re: Rehman captivates
by slayer slayer on Jan 19, 2010 03:00 PM
slavery and conformation too much??

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Animesh Priyadarshi
Re: Rehman captivates
by Animesh Priyadarshi on Jan 18, 2010 09:18 PM
you care about the white race a bit too much... dont you. as if the captivation would be less worthy if not participated by the white masters... lolz

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rishabh srivastava
Re: Re: Rehman captivates
by rishabh srivastava on Jan 19, 2010 12:54 AM
well said

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agh agh
Re: Re: Re: Rehman captivates
by agh agh on Jan 20, 2010 05:37 PM

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by srinivas on Jan 18, 2010 06:17 PM
music is not for racists like u

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sanjay s
Re: Re: ARR
by sanjay s on Jan 18, 2010 06:23 PM
what was the reason he put on a cap like that in a musical concert ????

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dilip vig
Re: Re: Re: ARR
by dilip vig on Jan 18, 2010 06:32 PM
it's gis wish, next time i will reuqest him to ask you beofre going to the lu!!

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hashim tayub
Re: Re: Re: ARR
by hashim tayub on Jan 18, 2010 06:34 PM
It is his will.What's your problem?

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hashim tayub
Re: Re: Re: ARR
by hashim tayub on Jan 18, 2010 06:34 PM
It is his will.What's your problem?

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hashim tayub
Re: Re: Re: ARR
by hashim tayub on Jan 18, 2010 06:34 PM
It is his will.What's your problem?

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hashim tayub
Re: Re: Re: ARR
by hashim tayub on Jan 18, 2010 06:34 PM
It is his will.What's your problem?

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anti rapist
Re: Re: ARR
by anti rapist on Jan 19, 2010 12:32 PM
and pramod sogal sounds like a clown with his comment

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pramod sogal
by pramod sogal on Jan 18, 2010 05:57 PM  | Hide replies

I sincerly hope that this concert will put an end to the brutal killings of Indians down under.

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Re: Hope
by piri on Jan 19, 2010 11:25 AM
Unfortunately, only Indian immigrants are aware of Rahman's existence !

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Raj Reddy
Re: Hope
by Raj Reddy on Jan 19, 2010 12:45 AM
Do you think so?? It will come to an end when Australian government at least accepts that they are attacks against Indians instead of always saying the same crap "it's not motivated attack, it's a generic attack" as if every guy out there gets attacked by these illiterate thugs every day.

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by Mysorean on Jan 18, 2010 05:57 PM

I sincerly hope that this concert will put an end to the brutal killings of Indians down under.

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Pradeep Tondwalkar
Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari are best
by Pradeep Tondwalkar on Jan 18, 2010 05:50 PM  | Hide replies

Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar is the best musician I have heard till date. and Also Salil Chaudhari.

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sethu raman
Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari are best
by sethu raman on Jan 18, 2010 05:56 PM
Useless comment..., for me the girl next door is also the best musician I have seen.

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Pradeep Tondwalkar
Re: Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari are best
by Pradeep Tondwalkar on Jan 18, 2010 05:59 PM
y you xxx is burning? apply some burnol

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sethu raman
Re: Re: Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari are bes
by sethu raman on Jan 18, 2010 06:02 PM
The above comments shows whose stomach was burning, quite necessary to talk about others when the subject is Rehman

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Pradeep Tondwalkar
Re: Re: Re: Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari are
by Pradeep Tondwalkar on Jan 18, 2010 06:06 PM
I never said or made comparison here, I just commented my experience because I have heard all of them, U have just heard one of them try to explore yourself and listen good music without language. If you want me to compar them I will do it separatly and not in this discussion.

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sethu raman
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari
by sethu raman on Jan 18, 2010 06:14 PM
Hahaha...man its really apt, if you could tell to yourself..., that you really have to come out of marathi and try to appreciate others.

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Pradeep Tondwalkar
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari
by Pradeep Tondwalkar on Jan 18, 2010 06:11 PM
You need to come out of tamilnadu and try to appriciate good thing.

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sethu raman
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari
by sethu raman on Jan 18, 2010 06:09 PM
Well no body asks Ur opinion in a general forum like this. If some body asks me, could tell about atleast 5 best musicians I like, which doesnt include Rehman at all. When U want to write about Ur icons, write it in ur blog... or when there is a genuine article on them.

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Re: Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari are best
by andrew on Jan 18, 2010 06:21 PM
where in the loo???

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Re: Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari are best
by vivekppnair on Jan 18, 2010 06:01 PM
Madaya, do you know about Hrudaynath Mangeshkar??. If you dont know, keep your mouth shut...

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sethu raman
Re: Re: Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari are bes
by sethu raman on Jan 18, 2010 06:02 PM
Genius, whatever he is, but is it necessary to discuss about them in this article?

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Animesh Priyadarshi
Re: Pt. Hrudaynath Mangeshkar and Salil Chaudhari are best
by Animesh Priyadarshi on Jan 18, 2010 09:15 PM
I like SD burman. He was the best.

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sagar kale
Thanx to Aussie Goverment - a goodwill gesture
by sagar kale on Jan 18, 2010 05:48 PM  | Hide replies

The concert was a free event made possible by the generous support of the NSW Government. Thanks for being smart & not get stuck in mudslinging & bureaucracy...

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Re: Thanx to Aussie Goverment - a goodwill gesture
by vivekppnair on Jan 18, 2010 05:54 PM
Cutlet, you are thanking a government which has looked the other side when so many of our fellow Indians were attacked.Are you really an Indian???

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dilip vig
Re: Re: Thanx to Aussie Goverment - a goodwill gesture
by dilip vig on Jan 18, 2010 06:42 PM
you speaking like uncle thackarey...according to him whoever attended the conf is not Indian!!

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Re: Re: Thanx to Aussie Goverment - a goodwill gesture
by Anand on Jan 19, 2010 03:37 PM
you dumbo, nobody forced the students to go to australia, they have gone on their own will, it is not like australians were attacking indians in india or some other country. If they dont like australia, let them come back to india. they cannot go there and dictate rules to the australians.

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sagar kale
Re: Re: Thanx to Aussie Goverment - a goodwill gesture
by sagar kale on Jan 18, 2010 06:33 PM
Mr. Vivek, watch your language, I am not your buddy so back-off & learn some manners.
And looks like Indian media has successfully turned young blood into wine...

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dilip vig
Re: Re: Re: Thanx to Aussie Goverment - a goodwill gesture
by dilip vig on Jan 18, 2010 07:10 PM
i agree with Sagar, learn to post your comments with respect and manners....thati sif you learnt them when in school!

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Show Feedback
by Indian on Jan 18, 2010 05:43 PM  | Hide replies

I attended this show in Parramatta. I was left a bit disappointed with the troupe except Rahman himself(He looked great and down to earth). First of all there were only two or three known singers. Background peacock dancers looked as if they borrowed costumes for a kindergarten show. Hariharan looked as if he just got off the bed. The drummer(I guess he was Shivmani) was jumping like a monkey everywhere(He even made music out of couple of teaspoons!!!). The guitarist looked as if he was still living in the 1960s, hippie style. It was hard to differentiate between some of the Chennai dancers and American rap artists. I hope Rahman will raise the bar next time around. Again hats off to you Rahman... you are simply great and thanks for performing in Sydney.

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Re: Show Feedback
by Indian on Jan 18, 2010 05:44 PM
I was also there

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sajan moh
by sajan moh on Jan 18, 2010 05:42 PM  | Hide replies

Whatever Ilayaraja's fans say doesn't matter!! AR Rehman has staying on top for the last 18 years whereas Ilayaraja could stay on No.1 only for 13 years from 1979 to 1992..even you calculate from the year of his debut(1976)it comes only about 16 years...On the other hand Rehman's fame is increasing day by day across the world even after 18 years...This shows Rehman's staying power and acceptability of his music...Ilayaraja's music is mainly confined to tamilnadu and other south indian states!!!..He couldn't taste sucess in Bollywood or internationally even after getting opportunities!!!

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Ram ji
Re: Fans
by Ram ji on Jan 18, 2010 05:53 PM
I wont say u r wrong Sajan. AR Rahman music is new and fresh always. Everybody enjoys his music. And again u r right! Ilayaraja's music is some what regional specific. Mostly South Indians will like it so much. Both are greats. One aspect in which Ilayaraja stand above AR Rahman is the melodies that he composed in 80s which still makes people in South India to enjoy. I am a fan of both Ilayaraja and AR Rahman. When I still very much like to hear the 80s songs of Ilayaraja, but I am not so much enjoying the songs of AR Rahman composed in 90s. Ofcourse I enjoyed those at that period when it was new.

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sajan moh
Re: Re: Fans
by sajan moh on Jan 18, 2010 06:26 PM
Ramji I also enjoyed Ilayaraja's songs in the eithties but I always felt he could have selected less no of films rather than doing every films coming in his way and the by product of it was a large no of crap songs even in the eighties when he was at his peak...he could have gone for quality rather than quality...

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sajan moh
Re: Re: Re: Fans
by sajan moh on Jan 18, 2010 06:27 PM
I mean quantity..

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sethu raman
Re: Fans
by sethu raman on Jan 18, 2010 05:51 PM
U cant compare the people of two generations, grow up kid

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Muniswami Krishnan
Re: Fans
by Muniswami Krishnan on Jan 18, 2010 05:54 PM
Kids always jump faster and longer than the mother... It does NOt mean mother is useless/inferior.

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Re: Re: Fans
by srinivas on Jan 18, 2010 06:13 PM
but rahman didnt learn music from ilayaraja u dumbo

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sethu raman
Re: Re: Re: Fans
by sethu raman on Jan 18, 2010 06:16 PM
Yes Rehamn called srinivas and told him personally that he didnt learned anything from Raja...

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Re: Re: Fans
by smrsraja on Jan 18, 2010 06:07 PM
Ramji and Muniswami Krishnan,
Very correct and precise wordings..

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Sensor Technologies
Re: Re: Re: Fans
by Sensor Technologies on Jan 18, 2010 06:44 PM
Ilayaraja is good so is Rehman, but if you were to comparre the music of Rehman during his early period and now, you will see a clear degradation in quality. People in south will say that rehman scored better tunes than 'jai ho'

Ilayaraja composed when melody was still accepted by listeners. But oflater melody is just taking a back seat, Now music is as good as the showing off of the music director.

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