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Should Da Vinci Code be banned?

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pastor Sunder
Even fiction can woo the sentiments - BAN IT PLEASE!
by pastor Sunder on May 23, 2006 07:53 PM  | Hide replies

Whosoever it may apply....
The Da Vinci Code is entirely fictional. As much as author Dan Brown would like one to believe, The Da Vinci Code has no solid basis historically, Biblically, or theologically. The Da Vinci Code is essentially an attempt to "humanize" Jesus Christ by inventing a story of how His true identity was distorted and hidden for nearly two thousand years.
Again, The Da Vinci Code has no basis in reality. Since there is no historical, Biblical, or theological basis for his beliefs, Dan Brown's fiction should be condemned. Yes, the early church attempted to destroy many gospels about Jesus, but they did so because they were almost universally recognized as heretical, not to cover anything up. Though it is a well known 'fiction' it carries serious blasphemy, insulting Christian faith.
Films do not influence the lives of people in the west as much as in our country. Fiction can sweep people of their values. This is purely blasphemous and abominable to the Living God.
The Government should take quick steps to stop such nuisance, religious confusion and ban the film as a whole.

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RE:Even fiction can woo the sentiments - BAN IT PLEASE!
by S.J.Corona on Jun 01, 2006 08:31 AM
I just want to make sure that everyone here knows the book is pure fiction, a creating of Mr.Brown's imagination. If you have any questions I reccomend reading "Da Vinci Code Decoded " I've think it's supposed to chow the truth behind all references in the movie such as referenes to Opus Dei

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No, movie should not be banned.
by Mayur on May 22, 2006 06:35 PM

If this movie is banned, than racism is taking place in India or everywhere else. Because every religion has secrets that should not be reveal and if they do reveal, it is upto an individual's faith to decide what to make out of it. Besides, if Jesus had an affir, so what. It is not end of the world. I'm great admirer of that man and have great respect for him. people seem to forget what he tought us and how he died for our sin. One more thing people should keep in mind that he is son of God. But when he was on earth, he was human. He possessed every little feeling that normal human being has. So he might have fall in love which is no crime in any religion. He was born to deliver the message for his father, the god. He did that and succeeded to make us belive that there is supreme being who is looking out for us. So I don't understand why people are so narrow minded. Forget about everything and just follow that dude...cuz Jesus was great man and him having affir should have no effect on how you follow his teachings. k peace....

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by GAJ on May 22, 2006 06:06 PM  | Hide replies

Dear Readers,

It is not good to see a centuries ago religion fall to ground go pieces,so are my feelings of my beloved christian friends.But as a HINDHU,We condemn the bad which goes in our own poeple.And every others cry hoarse at the time with us.Do our friends dont have the courage to face us about the reality and the dareness Mr.DAN BROWN,has shown to uplift the casualities going on for centuries behind the scenes to only for their own cause of some vested interest poeple around the world.

If not Mr.DAN BROWN then still we would have been kept in the dark till I die and that we believed how these poeple show mercy towards each other and convert our poeple and then use for their own use however they like.

Now my beloved christian friends (who have got converted) get ashamed of things happening at present and they want to suppress the cause only to cover their face.

Friends(that's what they call when we get hurt),dont be a cow-ha(e)rd,be b(a)ld,to show your fa(r)ce.


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sambasiva sarma
RE:MF Hussain hail !
by sambasiva sarma on Jun 02, 2006 05:24 AM
Mr Gaj's comments are disgusting to say the least.He ridiculously imagines himself another william sheakespere. Christianity has survived through the ages inspite of the back stabbing"friends" like Gaj.
When MF Hussain painted some pictures where was your"Dareness" Man ? Dan Brown himself says the book is fiction & the religion will survive inspite of him. The hindu fanatics who are converting people to hinduism in USA & Europe have laws banning conversion in india because they have no "Dareness"! When Buddism began to gain popularity friends like raj murdered 1000s of buddhists & it could not survive in the land of its birth.Christianity is not so.It can take care of itself ,without your help thank you!

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'The Da Vinci Code'
by RAJAN EMMANUEL on May 22, 2006 05:13 PM

The controversial film 'The Da Vinci Code'
As a fiction, it is a blasphemous one to Christian faith whatever form it is being appeared. It should be condemned. Evidence of last days is predicted. Since it has been produced with enormous money and it is an attempt to sell Christ to make money out of the fictitious stories with insensitive claims of the gospel (Mat. 24:5) Christian faith is founded upon the historical truth

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