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Jayaraman V
difference !
by Jayaraman V on Mar 19, 2010 09:49 PM  | Hide replies

what a difference between USA and India. While Inidia, in specific TN, drives out meritorius students out of TN in the name of caste and imposes mediocrity for everyone, USA cherishes merit only and adolates meritocracy !
Caste-based reservations are the evil of society and tramples on meritorious ! Congratulations Venky in pulling this through !

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Re: difference !
by alwayshappy on Mar 20, 2010 10:57 AM
Caste is bane in our society and it has been created and nurtured for a long time by the Brahmins themselves. Now the other castes r tryingto behave in the same manner as the Brahmins by demanding resrvations.

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Re: difference !
by Krish on Mar 19, 2010 09:58 PM
It is falsehood to say that people who left TN are more meritorious than who stayed back. Non resident Tamils are people who either could not cope with competition or genuinely left for greener pastures. The same false argument is being dished out for India too. TN (so has India) has progressed - it is better than it was before reservations (although it has been cornered by backward class and still not reached SC/STs). We may not like the high percentage, and the lack of financial ceilings, but there is a positive effect. That cannot be denied.
Also with increasing private sector opportunities who cares about govt jobs. It is like an atheist wanting to be a brahmin in a temple!!

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R Chakravarti
Re: Re: difference !
by R Chakravarti on Mar 20, 2010 12:26 PM
What if someone wants to be a scientist, say a physicist? The private sector offers no opportunities. And because of reservations, there may be no place for him/her in Tamil Nadu.

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swaroop tagore
Re: Re: difference !
by swaroop tagore on Mar 20, 2010 12:00 PM
Thanx krish, many tamils in tamil nadu within the federal framework
of india are now leading a better quality of life,i endorse your views superp way of putting it across.

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Raj k
Write about Indians.. not Americans..
by Raj k on Mar 19, 2010 07:53 PM  | Hide replies

Rediff... DR. Ramakrishnan is not an Indian now officially. He should be addressed as person of Indian origin. He is an American citizen, and he is very proud of it. He will not like to be called as an Indian. So stop celebrating that an Indian got this.. that etc. SIR CV Raman was an Indian when he got the award, so we can celebrate that.. but not in case of mr. Venkatraman. He like all other poeple of his will only like to be called as americans. We have a lot of respectable people in India, who are true Indians to write about and celebrate.. so pls stop celebrating for something which is not ours..

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Re: Write about Indians.. not Americans..
by Krish on Mar 19, 2010 09:45 PM
A lot of respectable Indians- yeah sure, but whom do we celebrate.....Bacchan, Khans, Nehru-Gandhis and Thackereys.
What is Dr.Ramakrishnan's fault for seeking better facilities. Yes he may not be great like Tagore and Raman, but he is one of the greatest of our generation atleast.

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One Liner
Re: Write about Indians.. not Americans..
by One Liner on Mar 19, 2010 09:35 PM
What u say is true but all of them have studied in India at least till graduation. They were Indian Students

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One Liner
Re: Re: Write about Indians.. not Americans..
by One Liner on Mar 19, 2010 09:38 PM
Except Naipaul I guess

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Sachin Deshpande
need to rethink
by Sachin Deshpande on Mar 19, 2010 06:44 PM

the only reason is that India has extreme leg pulling tactics ...

see brilliant students are respected abroad ...
in India they are seen with jealousy ...

and also Indians are always starved ...
look at the black money ...

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Ravinder Malhotra
India''s best students who won the Nobel Prize
by Ravinder Malhotra on Mar 19, 2010 06:31 PM

No sooner an ethnic Indian lands a Nobel Prize or achieves something comparable, we in India rejoice for no rhyme or reason. All credit should go to the Americans for having created facilities in their country to support research work. How many Indians have landed the Nobel Prize with their work in India!
In six decades after independence, even funding for higher education is in a mess. To cite an example. A candidate pursuing a course in Chartered Accountancy needs coaching for various papers, it being a touch exam. Banks have a stock reply. The bank will finance only if the coaching institutes are approved by the Institute of Chartered Accountants or the Institute should hold its own coaching classes.
A student cannot land a loan on merits to pay for coaching for the CA Exam.
Some joke !
It's only now that we have a capable individual in Kapil Sibal as the education minister taking some practical decisions.
Venkat is as American as Boby Jindal or Khuranna.

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Ravinder Malhotra
India''s best students who won the Nobel Prize
by Ravinder Malhotra on Mar 19, 2010 06:31 PM

No sooner an ethnic Indian lands a Nobel Prize or achieves something comparable, we in India rejoice for no rhyme or reason. All credit should go to the Americans for having created facilities in their country to support research work. How many Indians have landed the Nobel Prize with their work in India!
In six decades after independence, even funding for higher education is in a mess. To cite an example. A candidate pursuing a course in Chartered Accountancy needs coaching for various papers, it being a touch exam. Banks have a stock reply. The bank will finance only if the coaching institutes are approved by the Institute of Chartered Accountants or the Institute should hold its own coaching classes.
A student cannot land a loan on merits to pay for coaching for the CA Exam.
Some joke !
It's only now that we have a capable individual in Kapil Sibal as the education minister taking some practical decisions.
Venkat is as American as Boby Jindal or Khuranna.

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by Ramvinayak on Mar 19, 2010 05:52 PM

In the start of 20th century Nobel prices for Physics,Chemistry and Medicine are given for some "definite Inventions".

BNow it is given for some studies.

God Knows what these studeis are?

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Many Tamils Here...
by Manikandan on Mar 19, 2010 03:18 PM  | Hide replies

How come so many Tamils achieve global scale in life and world...They are the greatest people in India.....

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Re: Many Tamils Here...
by Manikandan on Mar 19, 2010 03:19 PM
Yes Tamils are present globally and hold important positions...

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Re: Re: Many Tamils Here...
by Ramvinayak on Mar 19, 2010 05:53 PM
Including Pootu Amman,Mr&Mrs.Velupillia Prabhakaran.

They are working as Bomb consultant of Yamadharma & st.Peter now.

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Rakesh Narayan
Re: Re: Re: Many Tamils Here...
by Rakesh Narayan on Mar 19, 2010 09:32 PM
Mani, not only Tamilians (I am one) but people from all over India have acheived global status. Take any state from India and youd find a great person everywhere. Btw I am proud of this feat as it indicates the Indian gene is as good as anyone in the world. Who cares if he thinks hes Indian or not. Living in India doesnt make anyone more Indian.

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D goel
Well Afew Indians have made it to Nobel in several Decades...But
by D goel on Mar 19, 2010 03:03 PM  | Hide replies

D. Goel Afternoon,3pm.Friday,Pkl.. March 19, 2010.
I have great adulation for Venky , Khurana or S. Chandrashekhar they are great inspiration Icons of indian Manhood. We rejoice in them as we do in Raman or Ravi Thakur.But why so few.
A landmass has one more Abdus Salam of Jhang.
As prof. Jagdish Bhagwati of Cornell on missing Economics Nobel afew yrs ago said it is the rolling Wheel ,it is partly chance too, despite of course outstanding Achievements!
I can vouch in my understanding Physicists Saha, Satyen Babu, or Homi bhabha or Harish Chandra are no lesser Giants of Cognitive enterprize.We think not so highly of Amartya Sen or Naipaul despite their bagging the Nobel
One can miss the Nobel for umpteen Reasons but his/her Contribution to Civilization could be still colossal. For who can deny that Munshi Premchand, Niralaji or Muktibodh vernacular Hindi writers are any less than Chekhov, Tolstoy or TS Eliot in delineating Human -Condition. By the way Leo Tolstoy never got it, and Sartre refused to accept it.Goel

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One Liner
Re: Well Afew Indians have made it to Nobel in several Decades...
by One Liner on Mar 19, 2010 09:32 PM
The biggest and worst miss is that of MK Gandhi. He was considered second in the "Man of century" by the opinion poll conducted by Time magazine. But Nobel committee denied the prize for him thrice!!!

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by Secular on Mar 19, 2010 02:52 PM  | Hide replies

Dont mislead ommon Indian people. His achievements are no way linked with India as he is American Now , dont call him Indian please

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Samaresh Chattopadhyay
by Samaresh Chattopadhyay on Mar 19, 2010 03:05 PM
Ohh whom r u writing, not indian? Pls name.

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by Secular on Mar 19, 2010 03:14 PM
Mr Chatto
I am referring the one who read Scientific American and resides in America :)

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