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roop kishor
double standards
by roop kishor on Jun 16, 2010 11:40 PM  | Hide replies

we should all accept that caste is one of the hard reality of indian system. Therefore those who are against the caste system, i will request all them to please struck down your caste based surname, and keep your identity with your name only. If you cannot do this at your individual level, you have no right to blame the leaders and politicians for their caste based politics and please don't behave double standard.

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Re: double standards
by ravitalisma on Jun 21, 2010 10:36 AM
You should be crazy does US follow caste based reservation, but individuals there follow their personal caste for their sake. It is very important that it is not there in the govt system not personally. Becoz an idividual does not affect govt functionality and programs.

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Pranab M
Re: double standards
by Pranab M on Jun 24, 2010 01:53 PM
It has been observed that only dominant caste like yadavs are eating up most pie of OBC reservation , so we demand a caste based reservation like yadav 2% , gujjar 5% , it is illegal to club all lion and lambs under OBC category and ask them to compete.

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Jack Ripper
by Jack Ripper on Jun 16, 2010 11:02 PM  | Hide replies

The same people who oppose the caste question in the census, will support the caste based quotas in education and govt services...
If you want to abolish caste system - abolish quota. what is wrong with counting the number of people in diff castes?

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Re: Hypocrisy
by ravitalisma on Jun 21, 2010 10:38 AM
There is nothing wrong in counting ppl in diff castes, what is the requirment of such a count is the question? When you count you use those numbers to appease based on the count right!!!

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Pranab M
Re: Hypocrisy
by Pranab M on Jun 24, 2010 01:54 PM
It has been observed that only dominant caste like yadavs are eating up most pie of OBC reservation , so we demand a caste based reservation like yadav 2% , gujjar 5% , it is illegal to club all lion and lambs under OBC category and ask them to compete.

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Re: Hypocrisy
by SeriousFun on Jun 16, 2010 11:29 PM
i do Agree with you...

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Flexible Bird
No caste in US
by Flexible Bird on Jun 16, 2010 10:03 PM  | Hide replies

I have participated in US Cencus too this year since I am resident. THey have division based on origins like african american, native indian, white, hispanic and now even Asian - Indian. But they do not have anything saying Mumslims, hindus, christians nor baptist christians, methodist christians or do you support democratic or republican

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Re: No caste in US
by firefighter on Jun 19, 2010 01:23 PM
Stop all kind of extremism in India and let people leave their own life, and don't recognise any person with his religion.

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Sebastian A
Re: Re: No caste in US
by Sebastian A on Jun 19, 2010 01:26 PM
Hi Guys wake up..... skin color is not a big thing....you have to proud with your skin color.


Just think everyone has wishes and dreams and we need all type of people...we should respect each other.... We CANNOT evaluate someone from skin color or by his caste.....

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Flexible Bird
Dont participate in cencus
by Flexible Bird on Jun 16, 2010 10:01 PM

If people think that caste is not required, then lets ignore the caste question or just boycott the cencus....

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pyare mohan
Caste census is definately needed
by pyare mohan on Jun 16, 2010 09:51 PM  | Hide replies

Caste census is definately needed, whats the big deal in it. It will be a very important info which can be used to take some important decisions going forward.

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Re: Caste census is definately needed
by ravitalisma on Jun 21, 2010 10:40 AM
What are those some important decisions, can you name them. I will for example 1. Appeasement percentage

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Pranab M
Re: Caste census is definately needed
by Pranab M on Jun 24, 2010 01:54 PM
It has been observed that only dominant caste like yadavs are eating up most pie of OBC reservation , so we demand a caste based reservation like yadav 2% , gujjar 5% , it is illegal to club all lion and lambs under OBC category and ask them to compete.

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Sebastian A
Re: Caste census is definately needed
by Sebastian A on Jun 19, 2010 01:27 PM
Hi Guys wake up..... skin color is not a big thing....you have to proud with your skin color.


Just think everyone has wishes and dreams and we need all type of people...we should respect each other.... We CANNOT evaluate someone from skin color or by his caste.....

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Re: Caste census is definately needed
by truebrahmin on Jun 19, 2010 01:26 PM
Yes we will know where you are now after taking reservations from past decades.

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Rohit sharma
Analyze the root of the problem!
by Rohit sharma on Jun 16, 2010 09:14 PM  | Hide replies

Caste is what Suryavanshi clan came up with. The conflict is just dragging the Indians with virtually no creditibility anywhere in the world. Maybe you need a division of your country. India is an inception of suryavanshi man called Gandhi. This is the root of the whole problem. If you look from lunar & solar clan perpestive, Indian policy making is very clear & understood including Bollywood.

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Pranab M
Re: Analyze the root of the problem!
by Pranab M on Jun 24, 2010 01:54 PM
It has been observed that only dominant caste like yadavs are eating up most pie of OBC reservation , so we demand a caste based reservation like yadav 2% , gujjar 5% , it is illegal to club all lion and lambs under OBC category and ask them to compete.

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No more caste information in database..
by Passed on Jun 16, 2010 08:31 PM  | Hide replies

For 100s of years we are divided in caste and religion basis. Religion we can not remove, but we can atleast remove the caste system, so that one day we can have a united India.

What does the caste census going to bring to table?
- A more clear picture of % of each caste in each region?

And how is that going to help people in those regions?

We have seen from time that giving priority reservation to particular caste only helps very few, specially the ones who gets benefited initially, as then the same family keep getting the benefits again and again.

What we need is census about how many poor people we have in each region, ratio of people to:
- School/teachers
- Water supply
- Power Supply
- Food supply
- Sanitation facilities
- Roads/Transportation connections
- House: availability of affordable Rental/Owned houses
- Job opportunities
- Migration pattern

These things can help in creating a National wide plan about developing each area simultaneously.

Caste based census is only going to help politicians whose career depends on caste equations and they are the most vocal in supporting this.

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Pranab M
Re: No more caste information in database..
by Pranab M on Jun 24, 2010 01:55 PM
It has been observed that only dominant caste like yadavs are eating up most pie of OBC reservation , so we demand a caste based reservation like yadav 2% , gujjar 5% , it is illegal to club all lion and lambs under OBC category and ask them to compete.

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Re: No more caste information in database..
by jack on Jun 16, 2010 10:34 PM
Spot on. Unfortunately, this will not help the politicians win the elections and will therefore not be acceptable to them.

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caste census shud be done
by miraj on Jun 16, 2010 06:47 PM  | Hide replies

I think caste census shud be done as it wud identify brahmins as minority and would make them eligible for reservation..as all these years the population of sc, st has risen beyond control.

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Re: caste census shud be done
by truebrahmin on Jun 19, 2010 01:29 PM
You are correct, SC/STs are just eating and phuking no control on production

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Sebastian A
Re: caste census shud be done
by Sebastian A on Jun 19, 2010 01:27 PM
Hi Guys wake up..... skin color is not a big thing....you have to proud with your skin color.


Just think everyone has wishes and dreams and we need all type of people...we should respect each other.... We CANNOT evaluate someone from skin color or by his caste.....

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Sudharsan R
Why all this hullaballa?
by Sudharsan R on Jun 16, 2010 05:18 PM  | Hide replies

What is wrong in collecting data on caste? In census, they collect data not just on caste but on various economic and lifestyle indicators like TV, washing machine, laptop, etc.. The key lies not just in data being collected but in how the data is used. Collecting data on caste in conjunction with other life style indicators will help the govt to understand which community lags behind economically and in living standards and target their social development programmes to those communities. How can it be considered wrong is something I cannot understand.

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Re: Why all this hullaballa?
by jack on Jun 16, 2010 10:31 PM
The problem is that caste based data will be subject to misuse by the politicians to identify caste based demographics and win elections accordingly. The 'development' aspect of the census will not take place.
If there are 1000 people in a village, 800 of caste A and 200 of caste B and 50% of each community are poor, do you expect development of the whole community or just caste A because they are in the majority in the village?
I really don't see how caste census will work? Everyone who is poor has the right to opportunities and Govt support irrespective of their caste.

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Biased Rediff
by messenger on Jun 16, 2010 04:18 PM  | Hide replies

Join the rediff campaign against caste in census

Start Join the rediff campaign who support caste in census

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Re: Biased Rediff
by Jacob on Jun 16, 2010 04:22 PM
Absolutely spot on. New & Media cant decide whats right or wrong. They have to be neutral which rediff is not. So shame on you rediff.

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