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E darwin
WHAT IS BAD IN CLEANING FLOOR, this is why india is dirty
by E darwin on Jan 18, 2010 04:57 PM  | Hide replies

WHAT IS BAD IN CLEANING FLOOR, this is why india is dirty,

afros have produced best athlethes, they dont shy from being President of USA or working to clean the roads.

INDIA IS SO DIRTY IN BATHROOMS, ETC. because we consider cleanliness below our dignitity.

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Rajesh kumar
Re: WHAT IS BAD IN CLEANING FLOOR, this is why india is dirty
by Rajesh kumar on Jan 18, 2010 11:08 PM
Darwin, Do get me wrong. How many African Americans you know who are good athlete but cleaning floors. Govt in US given sportsmen and women good compensation.

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Vishwanathan Anand
Re: WHAT IS BAD IN CLEANING FLOOR, this is why india is dirty
by Vishwanathan Anand on Jan 18, 2010 05:31 PM
got ur point BUT
she does it to make both ends meet, and story is about apathy that the govt. shows to sportpersons in general....

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chandra joshi
by chandra joshi on Jan 18, 2010 04:51 PM  | Hide replies

We call... Kerala a God's own country with Devil's own people

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Re: Kerala
by Abcdefg on Jan 18, 2010 05:00 PM
whom u meant by ''WE''....Get lost

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Kannadi Sasidharan
Proud of Indian.
by Kannadi Sasidharan on Jan 18, 2010 04:48 PM  | Hide replies

The story of this lady sprinter has been floating in the regional (Asianet) channel some time ago. We all know what happened to P.T. Usha, when she was there to attend the National Games recently held, the authority concerned have not even bothered to allow her to enter in the stadium. No action was taken against the culprits. She was the most successfull spirnter with most no of International Gold won for this country.

Even rediff report on this veteran (Rajam0 is to be seen with high spirit. She is one of the inspiration for lot of such athelets who are in the remote villages in many parts of our country.

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Telugu bidda
Re: Proud of Indian.
by Telugu bidda on Jan 18, 2010 04:59 PM
ya really inspirational...!

The least we can do is....give her a little house

and ya the indicent with PT USHA was really a black day for India..!

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Kannadi Sasidharan
Proud of Indian.
by Kannadi Sasidharan on Jan 18, 2010 04:48 PM

The story of this lady sprinter has been floating in the regional (Asianet) channel some time ago. We all know what happened to P.T. Usha, when she was there to attend the National Games recently held, the authority concerned have not even bothered to allow her to enter in the stadium. No action was taken against the culprits. She was the most successfull spirnter with most no of International Gold won for this country.

Even rediff report on this veteran (Rajam0 is to be seen with high spirit. She is one of the inspiration for lot of such athelets who are in the remote villages in many parts of our country.

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Vinod Jain
she cleans floor etc.7Q5Yr
by Vinod Jain on Jan 18, 2010 04:41 PM

It is an eye opener for all, she is a brave heart,I salute her. We search for sportsman but we dont know how to encourage and support them.We spend millions on one sport and render others penniless, there are innumerable cases where our heros are forced to literaly beg a living.
Why this desparity there should be a uniform system to support these glorious persons when they really need the nations help and support.
I appeal to the Govt. and the people to respect their valour and honour them with love and extend help for survival.

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manish kak
not very surprising...
by manish kak on Jan 18, 2010 04:40 PM  | Hide replies

it's the case with most of the sportspersons in india who r not cricketers...

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sharadchandra gogate
Re: not very surprising...
by sharadchandra gogate on Jan 18, 2010 04:55 PM
Agree in full. Recent treatment to hocky players is also the indicator of this.

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Vinod Jain
she cleans floor etc.
by Vinod Jain on Jan 18, 2010 04:39 PM  | Hide replies

It is an eye opener for all, she is a brave heart,I salute her. We search for sportsman but we dont know how to encourage and support them.We spend millions on one sport and render others penniless, there are innumerable cases where our heros are forced to literaly beg a living.
Why this desparity there should be a uniform system to support these glorious persons when they really need the nations help and support.
I appeal to the Govt. and the people to respect their valour and honour them with love and extend help for survival.

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harjit singh
Re: she cleans floor etc.
by harjit singh on Jan 18, 2010 04:47 PM
thks rediff for such information.

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Raj raut
Re: Re: she cleans floor etc.
by Raj raut on Jan 18, 2010 05:15 PM
we need ( all Indian ) watching other games not only cricket,

other wise cricket will kill any other games in our cuntry.

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manish kak
not very surprising...
by manish kak on Jan 18, 2010 04:39 PM

it's the case with most of the sportspersons in india who r not cricketers...

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Vinod Jain
she cleans floor etc.
by Vinod Jain on Jan 18, 2010 04:38 PM

It is an eye opener for all, she is a brave heart,I salute her. We search for sportsman but we dont know how to encourage and support them.We spend millions on one sport and render others penniless, there are innumerable cases where our heros are forced to literaly beg a living.
Why this desparity there should be a uniform system to support these glorious persons when they really need the nations help and support.
I appeal to the Govt. and the people to respect their valour and honour them with love and extend help for survival.

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