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diwakar the fraud kid
by aashish on Feb 26, 2011 10:04 PM

i know these bots are assembled cuz i know him personally, we were in the same school. in fact the power boat that he boasts of, and with which he won the aqua challenge at QUANTA wasnt made by him,he jst took it. it was made by soumit mitruka, a friend and his senior at school and he was the one who helped him assemble and program the robots but diwakar never gave him any credit for his genuine help and support.

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Shiva Kumar
Robots...give him a break
by Shiva Kumar on Aug 23, 2010 09:49 AM  | Hide replies

Guys, saw lot of messages calling this kid a fraud. I thought, he said he has put the robots / sensors together to develop a robot which can do particular desired task (boat racing or football). He didn't claim that he created the basic robotic technology or the sensors. Give him credit for putting the things together and participating in a competition. Don't just critize for the heck of it.

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Re: Robots...give him a break
by appu on Aug 24, 2010 11:57 PM
You havent heard his TV channel interviews. Please do, before you write some 'authoritative' defense for that Fraud.
He bought a $150 ROBONOVA KIT AND CLAIMS HE "DESIGNED " it himself.
If you think you must encourage false claims, then so be it. But you cannot ignore true facts and false calims and go about advocating the " Give him Credit " propaganda.
ROBONOVA is A Patented toy and must not be desecrated through false claims of "designing' it by anyone, especially a kid !!!

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Thats really Nice.
by CoolGuy on Aug 22, 2010 07:29 PM

We need more of our people to realise that you dont have to go abroad to do great things. If you have the talent it doesnt matter where you are. Well Done Diwakar. Al the best for the FIRA competition.

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This seems more like an assembled robot.
by V S on Aug 21, 2010 09:04 PM  | Hide replies

He has used a kit to assemble it.

Like most Indians he thinks he is so smart..and starts giving interviews about his findings. lol.

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Re: This seems more like an assembled robot.
by antipakanticongress on Aug 22, 2010 08:58 AM
0 was invented by Indians so dont blame all Indians for this. Do you know facts? Do you know whether he have just assembled or not?

Whats your own achivements can you explain?

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Tera Baap
Re: Re: This seems more like an assembled robot.
by Tera Baap on Aug 22, 2010 09:40 PM
V S's achievement is that he is a born loser!

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Ajay chauhan
Re: Re: Re: This seems more like an assembled robot.
by Ajay chauhan on Aug 22, 2010 10:45 PM
Good one

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Re: Re: Re: Re: This seems more like an assembled robot.
by aashish on Feb 26, 2011 09:57 PM
i know these are assembled bots cuz i know him personally, he is a fraud.
even the model power boat that he boasts of, with which he won the aqua challenge at QUANTA wasnt made by him, it was made by soumit mitruka a friend of his, and he also helped diwakar with all his robots assembling and programing.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: This seems more like an assembled robot.
by aashish on Feb 26, 2011 09:57 PM
i know these are assembled bots cuz i know him personally, he is a fraud.
even the model power boat that he boasts of, with which he won the aqua challenge at QUANTA wasnt made by him, it was made by soumit mitruka a friend of his, and he also helped diwakar with all his robots assembling and programing.

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This is cheating!
by Zeng on Aug 21, 2010 06:22 PM

This kid is a big lier and cheater. Rediff must kick themselves for buying into that. ANybody who has tried to make a robotic arm for an engineering project must know what it is like. To make a finished product like the one in picture, from scracth - it takes a lot. It is not a work of an individual, how bright he may be. Rediff is really making a fun of himself.

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