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'Bring back Sourav'

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Ramdas C.S.
Forget about Saurav
by Ramdas C.S. on Mar 04, 2006 08:57 AM

After dropping former captain Ganguly, Indian team is doing well consistently. What a performance against Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Indians washed out both the teams, what coordination and spirit. If ganguly is in the team, we never see such spirit in indian team. Every individual of the team working hard to see that India win the match.

We never see this spirit in the Indian team when Ganguly was the Captain. He has not the ability to keep the team members combine. He has the policy of divide and rule.

Second thing, Ganguly has given a long period to perform himself, two years, continuasly he has failed with bat, he is not physically fit to field, then what is doing for Indian team, only captain. A leader means to lead from front, what is performance with the bat since last two years.

So it is justified that he has dropped from the one day side as well as test match. Very good selectors. Mr. Miran Morey keep it up.

Bengal Politicians don't interfere in cricket, if you don't have good players. Perform and then proove. You have spoiled the Food bal of India don't spoint cricket of India

Ramdas. C.s.

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Who is Laxman
by Subbu on Mar 04, 2006 08:19 AM

What status does Laxman enjoy to comment on Monty Panesar. But one thing is Monty bats better than him and he bowls too. I donno why rediff gives so much false hypes to useless guys like VVS Laxman.

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Nothing wrong
by Danny on Mar 04, 2006 05:18 AM

I think that there was nothing wrong with what the coach Gregg Chappel said on the Sourav issue.It is a fact that Captaincy was important to him as he was raking in hugesums of money for his failed captaincy in the later years. Endorsements as Captain may have fetched him crores and crores of Rs, and also status that he was enjoying, despite being thrashed by all and sundry.I dont see any other reason as to
why he would want to hang on to his captaincy.

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What's wrong with Mr. Chappell
by shahi on Mar 04, 2006 03:01 AM

He's got insane. All his statements to the media thus far shows that he's having same grudge for Ganguly.
If he's performing well in the domestic cricket then what's harming our cricketers and slectors from accepting him. LARA is still batting at 36. We say Dravid who's 33 and Sachin whose 33 can bat for another 3-4 yrs, but that does seem to be an idea in Ganguly's case.

Am not critisizing the idea of fresh faces in team, but if he deserved a chance and you select the young blood just for the sake of dropping him doesn't make sense. Will these so called new faces like CHAWLA be given a chance in this series or will be dropped in next series???

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Ganguly !@#
by Srikrishna on Mar 04, 2006 02:09 AM

My suggestion would be for Ganguly to probably get into Indian polictics rather than try to fight his way back to the Indian team. I can definitely see a bright future for him there.

While i would not like to take away the credit from him as the most successful indian captain, but he needs to realise that his days of glory is long past and he must graciously give way to younger players.

What i cant understand is - "Why cant indian captians get a farewel that they deserve?" I have been searching for an answer for that question for a long long long time.

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sudip majumder
Great 'divide & rule'
by sudip majumder on Mar 04, 2006 01:20 AM

Get Mohinder IN. Chappel should be shown he door after that lousy revengeful interview. He is not doing any good to Indian cricket at all!

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sourav issue
by Dev on Mar 04, 2006 12:08 AM

The politics in Indian cricet is truly sad....You have an ex-captain who played quiet well in pakistan when everybody failed and the just because Mr Chappel has issues with Sourav's attitude, he is being shunted.....If i recall correctly, wasn't this same attitude responsible for the revival of Indian cricket after the whol match fixing saga?? and lastly, we finally had a captain that could give the aussies back a taste of their own medicine!!!

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