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'Bring back Sourav'

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by HARISH KOTIAN on Oct 25, 2006 04:37 PM

I also feel the SAURAV is badly needed in the team. He has a jist to win matches and always gives his best in the ground.

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by Abhilash on Apr 12, 2006 10:33 AM

Sourav Ganguly has been kept out of the team not because of his bad form,but because ofthe personnal interst of the selection board and this is a shame for the entire country.If his age really is the matter then sachin,dravid and all those seniors should not be in the team.Infact Kaif is given more and more chances as he is playing worst and worst!!!

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Navin Chand
Reply to nessage on Bring back Sourav
by Navin Chand on Mar 09, 2006 12:11 PM

I fully agree with Alex Prakash's suggestion that we should learn to respect our Heroes but dropping of Sourav doesnot mean insult or non-respect. I don't find any fault with Greg Chappells comments in a British newspaper. When every Tom Dick Harry in India is allowed to speak on cricketing issues, why prohibit a knowledgable person like Greg to speak his mind. Our fault is that we attached too much importance to those comments (thinking it as an insult). All the persons should be free to express their opinions and we should be free whether to take it seriously or lightly.
Navin Chand

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bring back sourav
by savy on Mar 04, 2006 03:06 PM

Like my good friend from australia would say quote" GMTA = great mind think alike" here the reverse is that BCCI has got a group of loosers. On one side we have the likes of Kiran More and Chappel and the not to speak of selectors who have not played a single test match in their whole life.

Cricket in India is going thru a phase of a nighmare. Its a eclips and i sure hope that this things blows over. Sourav shoud be at once bought back as captain and Yuvraj made the Vice Captain.

The wall should be made to do wht he does bat. Just Bat. and chappel be given the next available flight back to the desert of australia.

PS/ My articles are never being printed on the blog. if this article is not printed, i will have to stop writing for rediff. there are many other papers who would like to read my articles.


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Irfan vs. Sania
by Sara on Mar 04, 2006 02:11 PM

What is the whole thing with Irfan and Sania Mirza...is he really going out with her or sumthing?/
they are such a mismatch..if they are

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Mr.Greg Chappell what r u trying to prove
by ram on Mar 04, 2006 01:22 PM

Shame on the part Of BCCI.Mr GC is going on full guns on Saurav Ganguly.He just had successfull shot on DADA's career as a player and now he is targeting on DADA's CHARACTER.Kudos to Mr.Chappel ..... u betterr deserve a seat in Australian Elections coz u have great hand in playing politics which we indians only know.... better show them to ur own country mates..
As we all know he is the only man in the indian cricket team who is born with a silver spoon and he dont have any such pathetic need to survive like that...... DADA dont worryyy we r all with uuuu jus concentrate and make a come back with a BANG......Mr.pawar the ball is in ur court and how do u see all the proceedings going onnnnn???????Is this not humilaiting the most successfull captain to utmost extent????? respond so that we all indians will be proudfull that a foreigner cant exploit us ......

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Sushanta Bala
Re: Selection
by Sushanta Bala on Mar 04, 2006 11:57 AM

We in Auditing profession are guided by a concept called 'independence'. Selectors, coach and captains also assume auditors' role. The auditors' independence demand that the auditors (or managers at top level) should be independent and also show independence. If we fail to do this, our audit report loses its sanctity and can be declared null and void.

What Chappel, More and company Ltd have been doing in open daylight, makes everybody understand clearly that they are not independent. They are up in arms to kill Ganguly's career who still in fit enough to be called as one of the 4 best batsmen in the Indian side. The Indian team members, despite restrictions on their tongues, have also come a big way to support Ganguly. I dont understand why Indian media is not loud for an 'ouster demand' of Chappel and More? Why people fear Greg and More, including Power?

This is high time that Chappel and More be rendered pink-slips. If we Indian janta cant make that happen, shame on us and lets call back the Britishers again!

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