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Sania gets tough Olympics draw

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RE:Only way Sania can win a gold is.........
by REDIFF ROCKS on Aug 07, 2008 09:24 PM
Dude that will apply to you as well. The only difference is she is pretty/goodlooking/talanted and ranks in the top 100 and might get a good role… on the other hand you are.... (I hope u get it.) Do something for your country first and then speak. Probably acting might me good start.. if you can get 1

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RE:Only way Sania can win a gold is.........
by Calspadeaspade on Aug 08, 2008 03:43 AM
Good reply. She refused to play Bangalore tournament where she had a chance to play the best with some lame excuse and a chip on her shoulders.

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RE:Only way Sania can win a gold is.........
by sds on Aug 07, 2008 09:47 PM
Good reply

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by debarshi on Aug 07, 2008 08:02 PM  | Hide replies

in general indians are lazy persons and that attitude comes up in any sport event....they do better in sports which involves minimum physical exhaustion...problem is if one of them tried to turn up the table, 1 billion people started dreaming around him/her and soon this poor fella are suppressed under expectations and money flowing around her...now u see the problem??...if supporting somebody degrades her performance then rightout stop supporting and let her grow rubbing the shoulders with international players....another point, i personally believe champions are of their own genre...look at Federar , he might be undergoing bad time this year but he will be back soon and nobody can question his tennis ability, its just matter of time...problem with sania is she didnt show any champion quality at int. level so far, please dont say reaching career high 28 means she is a champion....she just has won one singles atp chpship that too 2nd or 3rd tier....only good thing with her is that she is still 21 so next 3-4 years will be her pick....so better she proves she can beat Vennus Williams on her day better for us..

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by Calspadeaspade on Aug 08, 2008 03:46 AM
Well said. Let us compare her to the chinese player who reached semi finals in the wimbledon. Look how humble she was and her attitude was great.Poor girl she gave all her earnings to the earthquake releif in her country. Sania wants to be pampered.

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Aspiring sports-stars please note.
by Khalid on Aug 07, 2008 07:56 PM  | Hide replies

Even if you have negative-minded people, like Hari and Debarshi around, there are people like Anamika, Lucky and Vinayaka who will encourage you.

No wonder our women (Sania, Saina, humpy, etc) are doing so well. ;-) The women (players and supporters) have a better attitude!! :D

Our men are crabs! One comes up, the others pull them down!

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RE:Aspiring sports-stars please note.
by swamy on Aug 08, 2008 12:40 AM
dear women sportswoman, please have a good figure and decent looking face with large eyes, then there are people whom Khalid mentioned who will worship you for loosing in the 2nd round of every tournament. No need to actually practice hard and win matches, you also have the opportunity to act in B grade south indian movies.

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RE:Aspiring sports-stars please note.
by Sharp on Aug 07, 2008 08:12 PM
Very True.Just looks at the number of Sachin enviours who post .

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pranjal das
by pranjal das on Aug 07, 2008 07:37 PM

At a time when all our athletes and players need all the support and encouragement for the Games, some nitwit (the writer of the above article), is playing spoilsport.
If not anything, he/she could atleast have kept his/her trap shut.

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ds verma
What's great?
by ds verma on Aug 07, 2008 07:28 PM  | Hide replies

At least Sania is doing that much, and has heralded the name of Indian women, but what is your contribution? You shouldn't criticse about what you can't do. Wish her goog luck.

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Naga rajan
RE:RE:What's great?
by Naga rajan on Aug 07, 2008 07:46 PM
bro, don b too emotional .... b practical n think practical .... no matter which draw she is in, its always gonna b a tough hurdle .... no one wud want her to loose, but v r jus realistic .... being indians, v wud b proud if she is gonna do, but can she? ..... thts wht it matters ....

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Devasis Roy
RE:What's great?
by Devasis Roy on Aug 07, 2008 07:46 PM
Are you guys a fan of Sania's tennis or her T&A ( do you need me to elaborate on that). She hasn't won a single WTP tournament, done nothing of significance but display her T&A.

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Sebastian A
RE:What's great?
by Sebastian A on Aug 07, 2008 07:55 PM
U dont have any ATP titles and no T & A.... So who is better u ro SANIA...

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Sebastian A
RE:RE:What's great?
by Sebastian A on Aug 07, 2008 07:56 PM
Hi Devasis Roy, You dont have any ATP titles nor T & A... So who id BETTER you or SANIA ???? Try to answer this ?

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Devasis Roy
RE:RE:RE:What's great?
by Devasis Roy on Aug 07, 2008 08:00 PM
ME of course - have MORE MORALITY

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RE:What's great?
by aaaaaa on Aug 07, 2008 11:09 PM
dude we r just jealous of sania bcoz she gets paid crores of rupees and awards for losing in the 1st round of every tournament whereas no one talks about people like humpy and rathore who made us proud

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Whats great?
by fanie on Aug 07, 2008 07:18 PM  | Hide replies

Whats so great about Sania other than reachin 4th round of one single grand slam.Any how she is not going to win atleast Bronze medal.She is more interested in making money rahter improving her game.

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Rakesh Sharma
RE:Whats great?
by Rakesh Sharma on Aug 07, 2008 07:20 PM
Can you please tell what have you achieved in life, anything worthy for which you can be proud of yourself and nation can be proud of yourself?

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RE:Whats great?
by aaaaaa on Aug 07, 2008 11:16 PM
why should we be proud of sania?for losing in 1st rounds and getting all that publicity?the headlines always read sania loses in a brave effort..bottom line is she just lost thats it..

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Abhishek K
RE:RE:Whats great?
by Abhishek K on Aug 07, 2008 07:49 PM
I dont understand why we people get sentimental. Sports is a war, if u win, applauses will be there else they shud be ready with the jeers. and its true that she hasn't showed any signs of true champion. Our country already had dearth of world champions and whenever somebody shows some promise we put the burden of whole nation on their shoulders without knowing what is their worth.
So ideally, we should forget about Sania till it shows her true champion colors.

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suresh babu
RE:Whats great?
by suresh babu on Aug 07, 2008 07:40 PM
what better u r doing , probably earning money for living a good life. thats the same thing she is doing. but atleast she is taking our country to different places around the world. people know who sania is, but what about u?

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RE:Whats great?
by aaaaaa on Aug 07, 2008 11:28 PM
she is not taking but she is going to different places around the world..it's our misfortune that we think she is an icon...let her reach top10 i would agree she is an icon..let her beat a big player atleast once eg..williams sisters,sharapova,kim clisjters,etc

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Rakesh Sharma
by Rakesh Sharma on Aug 07, 2008 07:05 PM  | Hide replies

All must stop criticising Sania. With all her limitations, she did achieve something that most of the Indians have not. And her biggest achievement is her guts to stand against stupid and insane mullahs. She is the real man among billions of coward muslim men. Hail Sania. May god bless you Sania.

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kiran kumar
by kiran kumar on Aug 07, 2008 07:23 PM
I would like to see her achievements similar to what Amrit Raj's have done to Indian Men's tennis. Getting into thirties itself is an achievement, considering the state of her opposition within India.

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Rakesh Sharma
by Rakesh Sharma on Aug 07, 2008 07:27 PM
Vijay Amritraj's highest ranking was No. 13 in the world. Sania has come close to 20. We must not forget the meagre facilities available in India. Still she has come close to 20, though she is at No. 60 now. Criticism is no way to encourage a player.

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by mastercard on Aug 07, 2008 07:51 PM
it seems that this sharma guy is still suffering from inferiority complex, that is why he is venting by calling all muslim men coward.
wake up buddy! muslim rule in india ended a long time ago. you dont have to get frustrated anymore.
On the other hand if you are angry at your ancestors for not standing up and being men enough to fight a hugely outnumbered muslim men who ruled them a few centuries ago then your frustration is understandable.

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by Guest on Aug 07, 2008 07:27 PM
well said

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It doesn't really matter
by mang on Aug 07, 2008 07:00 PM

because any way she would be out by second round, as in any the other tournments...

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Ash K
by Ash K on Aug 07, 2008 06:59 PM

Well, atleast Sania will have an excuse if she fails.

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