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Sad end to my Olympics

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just a comment on Dhanraj's article
by shriram on Aug 30, 2004 10:22 AM

I think Dhanraj should be more hurt by the fact that India played so poorly in this Olympics and could not win a medal. Instead, he seems to be more hurt because he himself could not play the last game. Its a bit disgusting!

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Ambrish Rupak
Dhanraj Pillai sobbing story
by Ambrish Rupak on Aug 30, 2004 10:20 AM

This gentleman with big mouth has become master of telling such stories/excuses after everytime he and his team fails to deliver the job.Instead of let his game speak he thinks that with all such funny acts he can evade responsibility and get public sympathy.His wrong passes and poor tackling although being one of the veterans has cost the Indian team deerly. It is better that he keeps mum and retires from the game with grace.

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Shame on you India!
by Pras on Aug 30, 2004 09:52 AM

Its a shame to have players like Dhanraj Pillay justify their actions, when no gooders like Mr KPS Gill, Mr Jyotikumaran and Mr Gerard Rach insulate themselvs from every setback. The senile old Mr Gill running the IHF fiefdom has barely held a hockey stick all his life. Mr Jyotikumaran as ever is no more than the old man's private secretary. As for the scamster (under investigation in Germany) Mr Rach, well if theory could make u world champions, the IITs and IIMs in India could surely generate the best hockey talent on earth. Players of the calibre of Dhanray are a rarity in any sport, but for a bunch of losers like us, we dont evene flinch an eyelid before closing the door on such talent. India's fastest, most talented and the opposition's most feared player is left correcting his comments coz of a bunch of old hags, who are hell bent on living out a comfortable retired life. So what if it means ending careers over a glass of whisky or dopping coaches as if they never existed. This happens only in India! Long live Indian hockey, for u have parasites like Gill & co to serve.

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Kalyan Ved
We need patriotic Sports officials
by Kalyan Ved on Aug 30, 2004 09:45 AM

Mr. Pillai has made a fantastic review of Indian Hockey performance in the Olympics. The controversy is completely unwarranted. That explains the narrow mindness and immaturity of the Indian Olympic official. That is the very reason, we have sent 76 best of us to the olympics and have not secured a single gold in decades now.

Is there anyway, Indian Olympic Committee and the sports sector can be privatized like other public companies. Then only our sports talents have their way out of self-burying politics and backstabbing, so that we can just focus on the victory for our beloved Country and nothing short to that.

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Dhanraj Pillay's comment
by Vijay on Aug 30, 2004 09:37 AM


You may have 16 years experience in the field and we are proud of it but nothing matters most than winning as a team. you have to learn to play with the team and act as a team person. sharing blames and working with the coach is an integral part of the learning and its surprising that 16 years has not thought you that.

Please understand that only one thing matters - INDIA should win - anything else is secondary and does not count much - not even experience.

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throw dhanraj out
by dean on Aug 30, 2004 09:35 AM

Dhanraj is good player but he is very selfish , he is not ready to make changes world of hockey has changed a lot .It is the coach who makes the tactics not dhanraj or otherwise he should the coach , and its the players duty to perform it.So it is now one thing clear that it was players who are responsible for the losses not the coaches,and players like dhanraj should thrown out of the team.

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Gook Luck
by vijayakumar on Aug 30, 2004 09:33 AM

With dhanraj pillay moving out of the scene, we really miss one of the best. But, as with anything, there is an end to anything. I sincerely agree with dhanraj's views. The treatment meted out to him is the worse he can be offered, for he had served the country great purpose. The same thing is happening in every sport in India. The people who are running hockey administration should have played hockey atleast at the national, if not international. Here in Indian sport, the people are being selected and included in the team based on the merits other than which is actually required.

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you are inspirational dhanraj....
by jj on Aug 30, 2004 08:10 AM

Dhanraj pillai is one name that will be written in golden words the history book of Indian Hockey. This is one man who always played his heart out and never complained , no fuss no start tauntrums and yes who always said the truth , no buttering of officials here, who thought that he was showing being arrogant and what now.

To be honest the problem with Indian sports does not lie in athletes but with management, hockey is no exception.

Lets hope that people at right places learn from mistakes and from now on try to do some good for the Country.

Jai Hind.

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Hockey and Indian sports
by umesh on Aug 30, 2004 06:11 AM

I am sad to read the article of Pillai. he is an excellent player and he should hv been treated better by the management. It is sad that indian sports are governed by the retired baboos and policeman who has nothing but their ego at stake all the time..they treat the national players as their subordinates and play with their career.. this sense of imense power and control over other individual is the route cause of miserable performence by India in sports..boys should be allowed to come up and express their opinion. They should be respected for their differing opinion and new approch and experiments should be done to improve the game. The job of the adminstrators is to provide them good facilities, solve their logestic problems and protect them from undue harrasement. The job of the selectors is to provide the best players available and keep a note of player who could not make it but likely to come up in future.
It is not the facilities but the lack of particepation by a huge population which has put us in sorry state of affairs in sports. Is not it shame that we have no qulifiers in games like long races where not the facilities but hard work and comptition matters.

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