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Why Patels are angry with Modi and the BJP

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by on Aug 26, 2015 09:18 AM

This agitation of the Patels demanding OBC quota simply because they are not getting admissions with lesser marks than that required for open quota is as ridiculous as the very basis of quota system in India.If the Gujjars could achieve it in Rajastan why cant the Patels do the same in Gujarat

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Yet another question for
by piri on Aug 26, 2015 07:46 AM  | Hide replies

Narendra Modi for which his kraa....kraa.....kraa.....in a loud and rasping voice accompanied by wild gesticulations and the words *development*, *asmita*, *ache din*, *selfie*, etc. may not work too well !!!

Perhaps Modi needs to (and may in all probability, will) further raise the pitch of his rasping voiced hindi a few notches and also swing his head from side to side and flail his arms more frantically to try and make commoners in his backyard as quiet as they used to be !!

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vijay gowda
Re: Yet another question for
by vijay gowda on Aug 26, 2015 09:21 AM
100% true piri..LOL..chaiwala is damnLiar

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Rakesh Dandekar
Re: Yet another question for
by Rakesh Dandekar on Aug 26, 2015 10:06 AM
According to me this may created by BJP only because till 2014 it was not there and all of a sudden how this arise. Secondly the reservation to be stopped 100% and ask the student to come up for their hard work and get good employment in India instead of they go to abroad for searching job. In this way india definately shining instead of our Hon'ble touring around the world. Dr. Ambedkar said to give reservation only 10 years after independence otherwise this people will be lazy for ever but looking vote bank this is go on year after year. Now this govt is majority govt can the law. due to this there are imbalance in the cast ism but civil code of conduct is much healthier that this castisms. This is my opinion I do not think moderator will allow me to write this comments.

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nirav joshi
The purpose of reservation was...
by nirav joshi on Aug 25, 2015 11:58 PM  | Hide replies

At the time of freedom, the purpose of reservation was to uplift lower people (not caste) and it was only for 10 years.
But due to sustain vote bank the political leaders had extended.
But after so many years, we see that the real elgible people who are financially backward (not caste, but from financial position)still not getting benifit.
And also it has proven that all members of family get this benifit. So Govt has to make rule that one member of family once get the advantage of reservation then no other members of that family get the same.
Those who requires reservation they never have money to study further.

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Re: The purpose of reservation was...
by on Aug 26, 2015 09:13 AM
When Tau Devi Lal as home minister in the short duration Charan singh cabinet made this suggestion he was almost hounded out. There is no rationale for reservation in India. It is the law of might is right

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Rakesh Dandekar
Re: The purpose of reservation was...
by Rakesh Dandekar on Aug 26, 2015 10:13 AM
Not only this Britishers allowed bonus benefit for workers for taking good work and production. but during last 25 years all workers dead and govt. employees, bank people,Railways, Post office, other govt organization etc. Why this facility only these people. Our ex-service people and their widows are fighting OROP but govt. only assured but decesion has been taken WHY? Tax payers are regularly paying the income tax and other people are paying indirect tax to each and every purchase. Earlier govt is currupt but atleast this govt should think seriously and do some thing other wise coming general election will totally kichadi and again corruption will start.

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LOOKS ........
by carlos on Aug 25, 2015 11:39 PM


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aam admi
backward castes have lands and riches
by aam admi on Aug 25, 2015 10:48 PM

and enjoying reservations too , so they are eating away even the general category seats once their child scores more than gen. category child and still their reservations for given number of seats the same , this way hardly 30% seats are left for gen. category.
Further this reservation also mars merits and quality of the service they render because they are selected on lesser marks due to reservation quota.
It is double loss to Nation.
Further this reservation has no time limit, so it is expanding more and more and killing merit.
In fact earning of the family should be made the criteria, that too should be divided into two , one for businessmen and other should be salaried class.

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Jai Maharashtra
Sons of Sardar - Hardik you are a Shame of Patels.
by Jai Maharashtra on Aug 25, 2015 09:33 PM  | Hide replies

You dont deserve to be Sons of the Sardar, Sardar Vallabhai Patel would have hung in shame if he would have seen such thing. If you feel that you are neglected you could have approached SC. Damaging Public Property is no answer, threathening Bjp is no answer. Why dont you ask SC the question instead of Bjp. Even if Bjp would granted OBC Quota to patels it would not stand in the court of Law. Hardik Patel seems very immature but not his parents. His parents and friends should have explained him.

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Re: Sons of Sardar - Hardik you are a Shame of Patels.
by RAMUJAGIR MISHRA on Aug 25, 2015 10:48 PM
To my knowledge the Supreme Court will not object the reservation if it is based on some study with regard to economic and social backwardness and also that the overall quota does not exceed 50% of total .

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Jai Maharashtra
Re: Re: Sons of Sardar - Hardik you are a Shame of Patels.
by Jai Maharashtra on Aug 25, 2015 11:20 PM
Hardik Patel is educated and quite socially forward, If he understand law then he would have known that no State Govt. would allow them reservations. Then why such ruckus, his supporters are rioting and burning buses. Who is responsible now ?

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john immanuel
Re: Re: Re: Sons of Sardar - Hardik you are a Shame of Patels.
by john immanuel on Aug 26, 2015 09:33 AM

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jaideep shirali
Who is the majority ?
by jaideep shirali on Aug 25, 2015 09:03 PM  | Hide replies

In India, every one wants to be in the "minority" community, so I wonder who is in the so called majority, except Brahmins. If we are a nation of minorities, who's in the majority ? The richest communities, landowners Lingayats in Karnataka and Jats in Haryana are OBCs, so I'm not surprised at the Patel demand, like the Marathas in Maharashtra. Inspite of many chief ministers and the great Sardar Patel, almost every household with an NRI relative and yet these guys beg for reservations. At one time, all these guys wanted to do was marry a green card holder or foreign passport holder and leave India, maybe things are not so rosy overseas now. All this tells you that we're a nation that believes in mediocrity, not merit.

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Re: Who is the majority ?
by NEELAKANTAN R on Aug 25, 2015 10:39 PM
It is quite correct to declare all communities as forward and declare Brahmin community only as minority

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Rakesh Dandekar
Re: Re: Who is the majority ?
by Rakesh Dandekar on Aug 26, 2015 10:20 AM
dont do that becasue 90% brahmin are much richer then ordinary tax payment. if you call any one brahmin for a small pooja/havan they will change their dakshna which normally not afordable to comman man so dont do that let them enjoy their own community.

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ashok kumar
Nothing Wrong
by ashok kumar on Aug 25, 2015 08:53 PM  | Hide replies

If the Patel community wants to benefit by reservations and come up, what is wrong in it?

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Rakesh Dandekar
Re: Nothing Wrong
by Rakesh Dandekar on Aug 26, 2015 10:24 AM
no wrong they should be given benefit why only other people. earlier it is SC/ST now each and every cast except Brahimin all casts are OBC.

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chintan jhunjhunwala
caste based
by chintan jhunjhunwala on Aug 25, 2015 08:51 PM

caste based reservation is ruining india.it should be scholarship merit based education in which the not so well off from other upper caste get an equal opportunity .

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