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PIX: Gaddafi regime totters; 'Massacre' in Tripoli

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om shanti
At the cross-roads...
by om shanti on Feb 22, 2011 10:17 AM  | Hide replies

When will we march to India gate?

Muslims really have the guts.First,they stood by Mahatma Gandhi to start the freedom struggles,the Khans financed our freedom struggle.But then,Gandhi ditched Jinnah to make Nehru the PM of India.

Today the G-dynasty has become the biggest threat to the nation.Trillions are siphoned out thru kickbacks and scams to foreign account under the curtain of dummy democracy.

Meanwhile,70% of the population still lives below the poverty line and 35% population still illiterate.Just think,45 crores people of India still does not know how to read and write and survive on thumb impressions.

We hindus can just bring down Babri Masjid in the name of religion.But in reality,we are corrupt and we protect the Italian mafiosi and allow an ex BarMaid to dictate 1.2 billion population.Nothing to expect from the dummy opposition,whose head apologises to the scam start going against the party's standing.

So,please decide whether to remain slave as hindus have been for 500 years under Mughals and 300 years under British or come out to the street for a revolution....

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Re: At the cross-roads...
by giveanid on Feb 22, 2011 10:39 AM
om shanti, Lets start with your home country, China!

"Gandhi ditched Jinnah to make Nehru the PM of India."
This is what happens when amateurs/dummies meddle with history. Let me ask you this. Which year did Jinnah propose the two nation theory? Which year did India became independent?

"Today the G-dynasty has become the biggest threat to the nation.Trillions are siphoned out thru kickbacks and scams to foreign account under the curtain of dummy democracy"

Advani apologized. When will you?

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om shanti
Re: Re: At the cross-roads...
by om shanti on Feb 22, 2011 10:50 AM
Fool people by a rosy picture of robust growth while 45 crores people does not know how to read and write and survive under thumb impression


70% people still live below the poverty line.

Where is real growth? Growth is only in foreign accounts of G-dynasty and their cronies which are swelling by leaps and bounds !

Keep people illiterate and come to power by gifting cheap liquor and rupee,this is the congi principle.Balance vote you get from minorities fooling them with religious sentiments and working against the nation by not following strict population norms for people of all religions in equal terms...

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om shanti
Re: Re: At the cross-roads...
by om shanti on Feb 22, 2011 10:47 AM

And this is the way you think,when you mugg up congress manufactured history from school books...

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Re: Re: Re: At the cross-roads...
by Venugopalan on Feb 22, 2011 10:57 AM
you say,"We hindus" ..who gave you the mandate to speak on behalf of all hindus..? you can have your own opinion.. every one is entitled to their opinion/comment..don't try to impose your views on others..

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Indraneel Mandal
Re: At the cross-roads...
by Indraneel Mandal on Feb 22, 2011 10:56 AM
Its not abt religion. But India definitely needs drastic change. That only take place when the general public has the guts 2 take 2 the streets in open protest.

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Ramanath Babu
Re: At the cross-roads...
by Ramanath Babu on Feb 22, 2011 10:31 AM
No one will reply to you. All are ball-less napumsak!

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How come Rediff does not report about Indian
by Surya on Feb 22, 2011 10:17 AM  | Hide replies

tribals getting massacred in India?

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Zero h
Re: How come Rediff does not report about Indian
by Zero h on Feb 22, 2011 10:25 AM
and you escaped!!!!???

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Re: How come Rediff does not report about Indian
by Venugopalan on Feb 22, 2011 11:20 AM
DO you bother when policemen are getting massacred by naxals in India... well, policemen are not ordinarly people...?

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Re: How come Rediff does not report about Indian
by Raghu on Feb 22, 2011 10:26 AM
Mamu, why do you have buring at the rear end when some mosquitoes are sent to their creator in Libya?

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Indraneel Mandal
Re: Re: How come Rediff does not report about Indian
by Indraneel Mandal on Feb 22, 2011 11:02 AM
Nice 2 know that 4 u humans & mosquitoes have the same value. I hope u can maintain that attitude when u r facing a gun urself.

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