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'Life has never been so bad'

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This is usual for stupid REDIFF. When industry, they put a poor man's 1982 interview.
by YuanKush on Feb 27, 2007 09:15 AM  | Hide replies

This is usual for stupid REDIFF. When we
develop industry, they put a poor man's 1982
interview & his sad picture.
Now they put a lady's stories.
So, nothing is there in any parts of the world.
Why these readers are crying, didn't they see anything in before.

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kannan k
RE:This is usual for stupid REDIFF. When industry, they put a poor man's 1982 interview.
by kannan k on Feb 27, 2007 09:25 AM
YuanKush... you have no idea how some poeple have been suffering. please understand there are people like this woman all over the place and unfortunately there are many of them. look in the suburbs.


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RE:RE:This is usual for stupid REDIFF. When industry, they put a poor man's 1982 interview.
by YuanKush on Feb 27, 2007 09:26 AM
Please read my above post.

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hemant  kumar
RE:This is usual for stupid REDIFF. When industry, they put a poor man's 1982 interview.
by hemant kumar on Feb 27, 2007 09:27 AM
How Much you pay for your maid and then calculate her income and just try to live in that amount for one month. you will get feeling for stupidity.

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RE:This is usual for stupid REDIFF. When industry, they put a poor man's 1982 interview.
by on Feb 27, 2007 10:34 AM
This is not at all a stupid story, it may seem stupid to u, sitting in AC in front of computer.Ask people like Govt clerks who get 5000-8000/-, they cannot cry like this woman nor can send their wife and children to work. It is even difficult for such man to buy urad dal of Rs75/- Kg,milk Rs 22/-L, egg of Rs 2.50/- and vegetable costing Rs15-30/-. It has really become difficult for a common man to survive. I dont believe How India is shining. It is just political game to say that this is best time in India just to veil issue of non availability of proper food and other commodities to common man.Actually the common man is lost in the puzzle and he is just made to think except him everyone is prospering and happy by this kind of propoganda

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RE:This is usual for stupid REDIFF. When industry, they put a poor man's 1982 interview.
by venkat on Feb 27, 2007 09:42 AM
Mr.Yuankush!Rediff is not stupid.It is the realpicture in all the average middle class families in our country.It is inour nation that the rich become rich and poor become poorer due to stupid vote bank politics.Can you survive without proper eating?Govt is not bothered about agriculture or basic requirements of a common man.You can't eat money.Salary structure has to be rationalised in all sectors -commercial/technical/nontechnical.Do you know thata computer assembler doesn't get even onethird of what an IT ian who work with that computer!

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RE:RE:This is usual for stupid REDIFF. When industry, they put a poor man's 1982 interview.
by hello on Feb 27, 2007 09:48 AM
An actor will get 1 crore, a light boy will get
only Rs. 10,000 per month. Who do we complain.

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Gino Panjikkaran
RE:RE:RE:This is usual for stupid REDIFF. When industry, they put a poor man's 1982 interview.
by Gino Panjikkaran on Feb 27, 2007 10:30 AM
That also for actor tax free and for the light boy with double tax

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RE:RE:RE:This is usual for stupid REDIFF. When industry, they put a poor man's 1982 interview.
by hello on Feb 27, 2007 09:51 AM
It is true that Govt. policy should be directed
to benefit the poor. We should satisfy basic
necessities of the people.

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Higher taxes on the rich
by kumar on Feb 27, 2007 09:14 AM  | Hide replies

i say higher taxes on the rich. dont know if this is the solution.

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RE:Higher taxes on the rich
by Jit on Feb 27, 2007 10:20 AM
To make the politicians richer?

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Amit Jain
RE:Higher taxes on the rich
by Amit Jain on Feb 27, 2007 09:40 AM
define "rich".

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RE:RE:Higher taxes on the rich
by kumar on Feb 27, 2007 10:50 AM
i dont know. maybe the top 10% of the population

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RE:RE:Higher taxes on the rich
by Raj on Mar 01, 2007 12:09 AM
By: Raj
(Celebrities, Sports person, big business's, and so forth) hope you got the idea what I am trying to say... Also we should bring younger politicians who have energy and passion towards our country... rather than old slouchy politicians who are good for othing...

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Let us analyze the situation!!!
by YuanKush on Feb 27, 2007 09:08 AM

There were no IT miracle happens.
We were the same growth as in 1990.
How do we raise all these indexes, poor etc.
Please give me some ideas.

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tanu singh
it hurts
by tanu singh on Feb 27, 2007 09:04 AM  | Hide replies

This really hurts when we listen that common people is not able to manage his bread and buttor in a coutry which is second largest producer of wheat. We are also part of this problem somewhere. High class or high middle class people are ready to accept any price of anything because they have money. They never think about that this is going to badly impact lower class. See the price of real estate in India. I remember just two years ago the price of a flat was 1000rs sq foot. Now it is 3000. If you want to buy a house of 1000 you need thirty lacks. HOw many people in India have that much money except those who are in IT profession. No wonder if ISRO is fighting to get good candite for their mission. According to survey, very reputed institutions like ISRO, BARC and public sector now getting lower second class people.
So the disparity in income is going to create lot many problems in the future if it is not planned properly. Request to send good intellegent people to parliament rather than sending people like Mulayam, Lalu, Phoolan Devi, any many more like them.

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Anamika Arora
RE:it hurts
by Anamika Arora on Feb 27, 2007 10:28 AM
you think mulayam, lalu, phoolan devi are not intelligent......then how do u think they r surviving and staying there after defeating so many..u can say they r not doing anything for their country but u cant say they r not intelligent

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tarun rana
RE:RE:it hurts
by tarun rana on Feb 27, 2007 11:32 AM
mulayam, lalu, phoolan devi are not there because of their intelligence but the lack of it shown by the indian public who vote for someone who gives them free tv's when they cant get proper food

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RE:RE:RE:it hurts
by Raj on Mar 01, 2007 12:13 AM
They are only surviving because they have power.. when i say power that means police is with them.. people around them are with them since most of them are uneducated so they don't understand what is benefical to our economy.. all they care about is they get money when the election comes and they will vote for these slouchy politicians

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Abhijit Bhowmick
Where's the Technology prowess that we boast of !!!!
by Abhijit Bhowmick on Feb 27, 2007 09:01 AM  | Hide replies

Different segments of the society will have their own problem. Starting from the poor, lower middle class to the rich. Rich and higher and lower midle class will live, with lower midle class just survive and poor or poverty stricken family struggling to survive. Our's is s system where the poor gets poorer and rich richer.
When we know we have a huge poulation to feed why dont we grow more crops (high density crops). Yes even if we are self-sufficient, everey year tonnes of food grains gets rotten in the warehouses of FCI. Government is more interested in FDIs, Forex reserves and earning taxes, but what use it is for a person who cant meet their daily requirement for food. Our purchasing parity looks good but with the current inflation rate, I dont think it's going to look good.
Our cabinet should please look at them:
1.Stop export of all essential commodities who price rice should be considered as 0-tolerance

2. RBI fix the inflation rate of 2.5 % down from 5.5% as normal

3. Use technology to harness renewable source of water

4.Whip government officials at all levels who dont perform and shows lacklustre attitude in implementing projects

5.With the kind of earning goverment gets every year, why dont they provide education free for the poor. Instead of quota system based on caste (an age old mindset and also for vote banks), why cant we have quota on basis of economical standing of a family.

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RE:Where's the Technology prowess that we boast of !!!!
by hello on Feb 27, 2007 09:04 AM
If we provide all those, where will we get money
for development?

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peri kamesh
Essential commodities.-for all
by peri kamesh on Feb 27, 2007 08:44 AM  | Hide replies

It is the duty of the govt,politicians,Industrialists,judges,all other professionals,govt officials,elite citizens and all intellectuals of the society to ensure all citizens get fair oppurtunity to live.Every one/citizen maintains atleast minimum standard of living.
In country like india majority of the people does not know laws of the country,their right etc due to lack of awareness,poverty,lack of education,lack of general awareness etc

So the intellectuals we have referred above has to plan and safe guard these people interest.
When a common man is not able to live better,(take the case of madam vanaja)certainly we have to conclude that the above referred people have failed to do their social obligation to the society.It is a serious phenomina.
Urgent attention and action is required in this regard.

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RE:Essential commodities.-for all
by hello on Feb 27, 2007 08:59 AM
Let us say, if the IT miracle doesn't happen,
where did you ask these things???
I can ask with another user name, but I am
asking with same hello as a question?

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Giridhar Srinivasan
Once a land of Milk & Honey !! ???
by Giridhar Srinivasan on Feb 27, 2007 08:43 AM

All these factors of growth quantification used by economists are royally meaningless as far as a citizen like me and many others is concerned. what can i eat with de prices of veggies, milk & eggs soaring up? Milk? oh,commoon ... once India was known as The land of milk & honey that attracted every worm on earth to conquer us!! today, we even IMPORTED pulses from Australia!! what a shame?? INdia is still largely known as a predominantly vegetarian country in the world.. & we import pulses? milk prices soaring up? eggs? fish? everythg!!! Even when price of petrol has come down, that of veggies has NOT!! but they increase when petrolprices increase!!!
All this is due to the low value of Indian rupees.. thanx to the govt that devalued money for better Forex!! nonsense.. people die of poor food.. they become weak.. No doubt, we perform poorly in sports!! Life on earth is vitally linked to the food we eat..

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Ramesh Ankammagari
Mera bharat mahaan
by Ramesh Ankammagari on Feb 27, 2007 08:42 AM  | Hide replies

Mahan o.k.. but in what?

If infliation is like this how it can be justified that we are developing @9%. Food prices are going very fast, not only food yaar for every thing now we need to pay more than europe and US prices but our common people earnings are not increasing like that. Whats the bloody politicians and burocrats (Government) are doing. I am thinking to come back to India, but getting questions like for what... to face hard life with expenses, bribary, cheating. People also lost to be honest and lost to maintain of values. We are not developing infact diminishing. But some where my heart is saying it will change very soon and we will overcome these problems...

1. Please elect and send good people to parlament and assemblies.
2. Stop bribing (revolution should come from people only), teach lessons to officials and politicians. Just accept to give and call ACB people to caught him surrdenderly.
3. Some people are blocking the market, people should go and pull out that mall from that godowns and should teach those people.
4. We should only allow everybody to do the business according to acceptable law.

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nitin gupta
RE:Mera bharat mahaan
by nitin gupta on Feb 27, 2007 09:49 AM
1, can you name a few good people worth electing?
2, can u survive without bribing?
3, impracticle suggestion.
4, highly desirable but again impracticle.

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RE:Mera bharat mahaan
by Kautilya on Feb 27, 2007 10:44 AM
To answer your question, inflation is rising because government is increasing money flow in the market to promote growth. Thus there is more money in the market for the limited goods and services. Value for money has gone down, but the demand for money has increased. Thus interest rates are high to. Inflation is likely to increase as long as government keeps setting higher targets for GDP (Gross Domestic Product). I think India should slow down a bit and take steps to first prepare for higher growth by creating basic infrastructure (doesn't mean buildings and roads only) necessary to support fast growth. Otherwise this will be a blind growth and benefits will be limited to certain category and will take a long time to improve conditions for masses like mentioned in this article.

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arun shekar
Proud to be an Indian?? Me not
by arun shekar on Feb 27, 2007 08:11 AM

wish there were political systems based on public debates and flexibility to change policies for the sole benefit of everyone rather than for vote banks and pressure created by traditionally clothed drama-queen hypocrites who wants to spread their family spectrum with others money and feed their ego. we Indians talk abt karma, being born in India(for most) itself is a sign of bad karma in our past lives, live with it.


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George Thomas
Agri ifrastructure
by George Thomas on Feb 27, 2007 04:52 AM  | Hide replies

We are really weak on food security. NZland a country of 4 million produce food for 200 million people. assuming that 2 million are old,children & non farming professions!!! Going by that we should be producing food for the entire world. we spent nearly $50 bilion a year on importing petrol. Brazil uses E85 ie a blend of alcohol & petrol with 85% alcohol!!! Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane which is the primary source of molases. We are the 2nd largest. Also we are the largest producer of sweet shourgum another excellent substitute for molases as it takes half the time to ferment compared to molases. why isnt that we have used our inherent strengths MR PC? Brazil employes highly eficient mechanized farming say bout 1 person for 50 hecters. What about wasted water resources during monsoons. TN has no mechanisim to capture the extra water that runs of into the sea throug cauvery. these are criminal wastages. Think about cutting down 50% of petro consumption over next 5-7 years ....25billin $ can be spent on agri infra, physical infra, Education & medical. Also our farmers will benifit by selling sugar cane & shorgum. Think about the cut down on emmissions due to use of alcohol. For all these inefficiencies we cant blame anyone else except ourselves. Mr PC you have done a pretty good joib(running the country with the budget that is built on the taxes paid by 35 million indians who are only 3.5% of our population) but this country needs more. PL go to Brazil & israle & get their tech out here. Give them tax sops. This may also stop uncontrolled rural to urban migration.

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Sandeep Sharma
RE:Agri ifrastructure
by Sandeep Sharma on Feb 27, 2007 06:09 AM
I liked your comments and they look quite workable. Lets hope someone in the ministries read it and try to work out a proposal.

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RE:Agri ifrastructure
by Ascetic on Feb 27, 2007 09:16 AM
Two thumbs up!! I feel so guilty for not even doing my part to help any of our country's issues. Comments like yours slap me into consciousness again :)
God bless!

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Gino Panjikkaran
RE:RE:Agri ifrastructure
by Gino Panjikkaran on Feb 27, 2007 10:38 AM
Very right but when government tries to implement we the public start crying. In Delhi, when started CNG, there were lot of problems, but now almost all vehicles are CNG based. But if we tries to implement it in KErala, Tamilnadu or other states, there will lot of problems. So whom to blame. We people itself. You see there are lot job oppurtunities in Kerala and other southern states but people don't want to work or they don;t allow them to work. They keep on blaming the others. So stop blames and try to find some other way. I am not justifying the governement because too much tax is there.

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RE:Agri ifrastructure
by raja on Feb 27, 2007 06:13 AM
Hi George,

200% agree with you.Its time for our politicians and policy makers to wake up before the whole process is irrevesible.
thanks,Prithviraj Nath

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Jagadeesan R
RE:RE:Agri ifrastructure
by Jagadeesan R on Feb 27, 2007 06:29 AM
Hi George,
Very sensible talk, in fact these guys have some bio-diesel policy but dont know how our guys are implementing it.

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arun shekar
RE:Agri ifrastructure
by arun shekar on Feb 27, 2007 08:15 AM
very useful analysis Mr. Thomas but unfortunately we Indians are good at boasting our rote knowledge and propound our ego to the world.

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