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There are so many wealthy posts not dominated by Brahmins
by BostonPunekar on May 02, 2007 06:59 AM  Permalink 

the statement by this chum that " His question was, why should 97 per cent of the people be under 3 per cent? The condition in 1925 was, out of the 23 gazetted officers from Tamil Nadu, 22 were Brahmins. Out of the 7,680 doctors and advocates, 5,452 were Brahmins. So, his question was, why should 3 per cent occupy more than 80 per cent of the posts?"


1>> 95% of Dimond merchants are Gujrathi traders.

2>> 85% of stock brokers on NSE and BSE are Gujrathis

3>> 85 % of retail traders are Marwadis.

4>> 90 % of Textile traders are Gujrathis

5>>> Tamil followers of Periyar have less than half percent representation in Indian defence forces

6>> 70 % of Software professionals in USA on a H1B are Andharaites.

7>> 90 % of road side dhabas are owned by Punjabees.

8>> Punjabis and Sindhis together hold more than 80% of all real estate and construction Business.

So Periyars followers so many categories of professions and trades which is earning the individuals lots of cash and money.

Common Perriar followers get greedy and get jelaous..!!!

How come you missed this data and Not managed to get those categories under reservation Quotas.

We wish to see 89 % Quotas sucessfully implemented on these professions also.

How is it possible that someone climbs the social ladder on his merit and become sucessfull and u are not able to see it???


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RE:Idiots all
by biz Narayan on May 02, 2007 08:29 AM  Permalink
Basics of algebra were known to Indians, mostly to Brahmins but other castes knew it too. B Tech in construction, design, mba or its equivalent was awarded to people of other castes.

Brahmin had philosophy and religious services, and was separate in his own way.

Periyar's masters attacked brahmin to convert the philosophy into a racial one, to convert the hindus. Most of these egalitarian hindus would run away if you say them Rama Rama, thats what Peiyar has achieved.

Most of periyar supporters are racists, they will self destroy themselves in few generations.

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RE:Idiots all
by Mangalmay GUPTA on May 02, 2007 06:40 AM  Permalink
Have you ever seen a mirage?
YEA! human vision is always, A L W A Y S ! a defective, why defective ? I N C O M P L E T E !
So is human brain!
Therefore lets not argue!

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We need Periyar guys other jobs in different sectors. It is boring beating the same bush again w/o any use.
by proudind on May 02, 2007 05:56 AM  Permalink 

We need Periyar guys other jobs in different sectors. It is boring beating the same bush again. Don't they see anyother things concern about?

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defending concept or contempt?
by Mayya Suresh on May 02, 2007 04:27 AM  Permalink 

Whether you say Potato or means the same thing that generates the third state of matter in your stomach.
India has transformed well and thanks to education things are changing. But there are some guys who want to still use the old methods to gain popularity..and that is beat the dog...Brahmins. They are minority, they can't do anything and blame them for all the ills, you are in power.

Periyar or Periyarism should in principle be on the hit list of RSS. What periyar managed admirably is to force lot of Brahmins to convert to Christians.

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To dinesh Kumar
by r patil on May 02, 2007 01:09 AM  Permalink 

did not understand what exactly u want me to give.AnywayAs you know I come from non-brahmin community.My father and all his school friends and relatives also studied till 10std .That is the reason he did not made us quit schooling and made my brother study atleast 10std and we joined college and graduated.MY cousins who studied in varnacular school did their masters ,one did her PHD in phsics other gave her MPSC twice first time she became class II officer and at second attempt she became class I
officer .On top of it my cousin who is classI officer is handicaped lost her one leg in accident and lost her one year of schooling.Till she became 24 yrs she had undergone so many painfull grafting surgeries.
The greatest thing about her is she refused to take handicap reservation,she actually wanted to be a doctor but standing for 6 long hr in practicals was impossiable for her that is why she did BSc and later MSC and MPSC.

What Iam trying to say is that to become a rocket scientist your father need not be a rocket scientist.It is ussualy we come to know about different field from our freinds and teachers and news paper than our family.I did my
Engineering in merit distinction while having a 10std passed father and they were dozens like me.I agree that before getting engneering seat I took Bsc with PCM group and not with Biology group because I did not knew anthing about micro biology ,bio technology and the job benefits came along with it.

Since reservation is from so long in Tamil nadu
I can safely say many of the reserved young population is atleast graduate or atleast 12 pass.This is enough to make their children rocket scientist if they wish to become one and hence they should be removed from reservation list.When you say population of obc is 46% but getting 30% reservation that is not technically correct i beleive because, new born children,middle aged and old age people are also counted in that. Further when Ambedkar wrote the constitution we were not told that college seat and salary jobs were going to be divided as per the population,more population more represtation .Infact we were promised that we were not going to be discriminated on caste lines and EQUAL opportunity will be provided to all irrespective of the cast and social status.

By the way I am second generation to go to school and 1st generation to attend college.
My another cousin who did 12 after studying in varnacular school till 10th she was married of at age 17.Now she has put her children in english medium and takes tution of english medium school children on marathi subject because she has studed in marathi school.
The best part of it all is she takes up studies of her children by reffering to marathi -english dicnory ,because she is not that good in english.Iam very sure she will make her children atleast graduate.

I agree with subbu many FC can get back door entry in reservation by making their cast as backward on paper.I personally know one tamil couple who both are engineers they are proud to their upper status of the cast ,but for political reason their representives have made their cast MBC.

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did this rajasekaran guy get through ias by way of reservation???
by Tigger_and_Pooh on May 02, 2007 12:27 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies


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well friends
by dinesh kumar on May 02, 2007 12:27 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

u portray things to be wrong.
i say it is not so,

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RE:RE:well friends
by Sriram Vanamamalai on May 02, 2007 12:29 AM  Permalink
Running away from competition after all huh?

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non Brammins should not be happy because of the anti Brahmin movement in TN.
by BostonPunekar on May 02, 2007 12:06 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

If in the name of following Perriars ideas, social justice and the process of constructing some ficticious stories and instigating a whole platora of population against a primarily non voilent and intelectual Brahmin community , forcing them out of Tamilnadu and making them foreginers in their own native villages by sqeezing their merit and prospects to earn a living. The Tamil Brahmins are now technically "refugees" in their own native lands. Only thing different was they were sqeezed out using very covert and silent means, and that you dint observe the physical aspects of a forced migration that we saw in case of Kashmiri Pandits who were forced out of Jammu and Kashmir.

The non-Brahmin fellow Tamilians should not sit idle, reason, when all the IYERS are kicked out of Tamilnadu, you will need a second caste and community to discriminate against and vent the anger on for social injustices and make them the "SCAPEGOATS" for the next 30 years. When all the folks of this second community are kicked out, the third community will be targeted.

If you count the number of castes and sub castes in Tamilnadu no single caste is a dominant caste , you will always have a sub grouping to isolate them and sqeeze them.

Hence keep the glees and smiles to yourself, reason, after the TamBrams are extinct in Tamilnadu , some other caste will also have to get ready to be the "SCAPEGOAT" in the name of social justice and socian equality and social reform to be "popularly" kicked out.!!!!

Till then ENJOY..!!!

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RE:non Brammins should not be happy because of the anti Brahmin movement in TN.
by RD VALLUVAN on May 02, 2007 06:18 PM  Permalink
Dear Mr. Boston,

Can you give one good example at which place did a single Brahmin (TamBram u ve coined a new caste) kicked out? For the past few generations, they have decorated all the levels in Judiciary, Beurocracy and in key Biz fields too? I wonder from where they have earned money to be an Entrepuner? One small definition I heard from my Brahmin friend is 'A Brahmin should always beg and earn his every meal! He should never save even for his next meal' I swear no one is in that state right now! They have lived a royal life for the past few 100 years. They have found a new destination after India ie US. they have all moved there may be after some few years there may be a movement like the DK in US to fight the atrocities of the TAMBRAS in US.

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RE:non Brammins should not be happy because of the anti Brahmin movement in TN.
by dinesh kumar on May 02, 2007 12:18 AM  Permalink
was a complaint made to the united nations.
ignorant people over there are only looking at darfur.
the massive tragedy where 3 % of the population
occupying 60 % of the posts, was changed,with
unimaginable violence has been left unreported to the un.

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RE:non Brammins should not be happy because of the anti Brahmin movement in TN.
by Sriram Vanamamalai on May 02, 2007 12:25 AM  Permalink
Your sarcasm stinks because what is a joke for you is a reality for many. Killing need not involve blood and guns and poison my friend. You people are killing the minds of your own future generation by awarding the reservation because it sure will not help in attaining true knowledge.

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by GB on May 02, 2007 12:01 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

IF Brahmins really hate Periayar, DK, DMK etc. why so many brahmins are the hosts of several TV shows of SUN TV (founded by Karunanidhi)? This shows what an opportunist a Brahmin is?

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by subbu on May 02, 2007 12:04 AM  Permalink
Mr. GB. It is not opportunism. that is the only way they find to earn their living and that is the will and wish of these K's(to subjucate brahmins). If u had given opportunities to brahmins u would be working under them.

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by Sriram Vanamamalai on May 02, 2007 12:04 AM  Permalink
How many are really tell me. and BTW how do you know they all are Brahmins?

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by greatrr on May 02, 2007 12:41 AM  Permalink
As long as people dont have cheap caste based narrow mindset anyone can work with anyone.. brahmins atleast dont have that!! Why would you care if they dont have a problem? They arent looting anyways..

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Periyar was against Brahminism, not Brahmins'
by Sadhan Pande on May 01, 2007 11:58 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

The person saying so is totally ignorant or confused!
Periyar was a brahmin himself and to express his dislikings on WHATEVER, he chose to take out a procession with LORD RAMCHAMDRA's image which was garlanded by shoes and engaged men were using broom sticks on the image.

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RE:Periyar was against Brahminism, not Brahmins'
by vydhyanath s on May 02, 2007 12:05 PM  Permalink
Maybe, this GR is living on the crumbs thrown by the people of EVS tribe.

Then, how can he remember the insults like the one you have rightly quoted. To hell with these fanatics.

Enough of cheap publicity Mr.Civil Servant. concentrate on development of the society for which you are paid for from out of the taxes paid by millions of people predominently of better class. Donot be a stooge to the third graded politicians (scoundrels who have resorted to politics) and ultimately end up no where as you know everyone has to face ups and downs.

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RE:Periyar was against Brahminism, not Brahmins'
by BostonPunekar on May 02, 2007 12:04 AM  Permalink
PERIYAR was not a Barhmin he was from the Naikar caste.

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