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Dara Singh sentenced to death

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Right punishment
by Venkat on Sep 22, 2003 06:57 PM

He should be punished with whatever sivere punishment is available in the law. Doesn't the culprits remember their parents and wives when they brutally killed stain along with his kid? There is no need to show mercy

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Correct decision
by Aniket on Sep 22, 2003 06:51 PM

Its a very good decision by the court to give death sentence to that 'killer of small children'
About the lawyers plea tht he is sole bread winner and has poor economic background, i think the culprit should have thought about it while commiting crime. Now that he is found guilty, these excuses are unfortunate and he deserves death sentence as there is no bigger punishment than this in our legal system, else he would have deserved that.

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P M Balaji
Death Sentence to Dara Singh
by P M Balaji on Sep 22, 2003 06:51 PM

While committing the sin, had anyone thought what is going to be the fate of Staines family.... Please do not pardon Dara singh..
Long live justice

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judgement is 100% perfect.
by S.K.Dash on Sep 22, 2003 06:51 PM

Dara singh should be hanged, because he is a notorious criminal, not having kind while killing three innocents. This type of person should not live in our society. so that it will be a lesson to other criminals.

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James Rumao
What they desreved
by James Rumao on Sep 22, 2003 06:47 PM

They got the punishment what they were desreved. It is great lesson for others. Now they think before doing any kind of mercyless act.

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