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Why I won't watch Zinda

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by Krithi on Jan 20, 2006 06:45 PM

Very well said.
I think its time to wear 'Raja Sen Rocks' T-shirt.

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Legal Dust
learn to respect
by Legal Dust on Jan 20, 2006 06:42 PM

Well Mr.Sen!U ve made the points of actually seen Oldboy and being a fan of QT loud and clear but this redundancy in the article is irriating, no matter how much u tend to hate Sanjay Gupta you have give him credit for bringing such unknown world cinema to India. By bollywood standards the technical aspects of his movies are amazing,do any of the big production houses in India (YRS,Factory et al)have the audacity to invest so much money in this dark genre of films?
Promoting Oldboy in India would be the last line of lunacy,Indian audience cannot to digest the climax of the original(appreciating it is far away).Moulding overseas cinema for the people here is a very difficult job with the kind of films Sanjay Gupta chooses.I will always respect him for the fact that he had guts to do the kind of job he is on right now.
But yeah!..he shouldnt have claimed originality of the script but not everyone is perfect.Mr.Sen you have exposure to world cinema but this holier-than-thou attitude of yours is annoying.

BTW:QT is not GOD.He has ripped many scenes from the 70s and 80s Hong Kong flicks.

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Mr Sen is Right
by Aditya on Jan 20, 2006 06:40 PM

Mr Sen is right in poitning out the thing here. People should acknowledge when they are copying things from others.

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Raja Sen is pathetic...
by Maks on Jan 20, 2006 06:36 PM

My only question to the Great Mr. Sen is that if you haven't seen the movie, then how can you write a review on it? Moreover, does rediff know the meaning of a movie review?
It's not that I'm in the favour of Zinda or Sanjay Gupta. But I have always noticed that Raja Sen always tries to laden the readers with his personal opinions... Who cares the crap abour your personal opinions, Mr. Sen? It's time for Rediff to kick out this Raja Sen.

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i disagree
by sanket on Jan 20, 2006 06:10 PM  | Hide replies

Kaante/ Zinda are indianised. I havnet seen zinda but i m a gr8 fan of kaante.n i like tht film not for its action (in fact it hardly had ne) or nething but for its dialogs.. the screenplay u c
.. n it is going to be on the top of MY list for ever.
ask how many hav cn RD / Kaante ..
the ratio will be 1:15
thts bcos ... its indianised ... we can connect to it...
hey no matter wat .. remember .. we are still Indian..
n im proud to be tht way

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RE:i disagree
by mackey on Jan 25, 2006 02:19 AM
How is Kaante indianised ?? because it was in Hindi ??? Sarkar was indianised with characters that fit the society they live in, and homage that was well attributed in the begining of the movie.

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Because I am Software proff.....
by Priyanka on Jan 20, 2006 06:03 PM

I have seen the fabulous movie...and would not like to watch again. Thatz bcoz I am a software professional....breathless while watching it!

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Pradeep Varma
why i won't watch Zinda
by Pradeep Varma on Jan 20, 2006 05:38 PM  | Hide replies

100 % i agree with Mr.Raja Sen. People like Sanjay Gupta is not qualified enough to be called film makers. I have seen him marketing KANTE in some award show before the movie's release as something which never happened in Indian Film Industry. There are many such foxes wearing sheep skin in Bollywood like Mr. Sanjay Gupta.

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RE:why i won't watch Zinda
by anupkumar on Jan 23, 2006 08:59 PM
Great Prasoon..!! What a messg u r giving..!! As long as people are like you, india will keep producing copy cats and will never encourage innovators. do u understand the key thing in all these..?? When somebody gets to know that there is an easy way there to get fame and make money, will he or she ever try to work with his brain and bring out something new..?!No wonder that we never produce nobel lauretes...!! good, keep supporting these copy cats and let the word innovation itself go to dogs in india....!

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not agree
by prasoon on Jan 20, 2006 05:31 PM  | Hide replies

i am not agree with mr. Raja. If one messes with a good plot during conversion, that's bad.But through 'zinda' mr. Gupta has done a commendable job. So, rather i would appreciate mr sanjay gupta for a fair deal by making 'zinda'. As many of indian viewers who neither watched nor would have gone to watch 'oldboy', got the theme and story through 'zinda'. Well done mr. Sanjay Gupta!!

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Deepak Jeswal
RE:not agree
by Deepak Jeswal on Jan 20, 2006 06:37 PM
When one remakes, he applies for rights, pays money to original and then directs the films. What Sanjay Gupta is doing is no better than 'chori'... if u r the one who says theft is fine, and all thieves/robbers shud be left off, then only support Sanjay Gupta.

Nothing against remakes, and all that - but ASK PERMISSION FROM ORIGINAL AND CREDIT IT!!!!!

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Bollywood - A national shame
by Ashish on Jan 20, 2006 04:28 PM

Firstly, I will stand by the subject. I do not qualify excellent scripts such as 15, Park Avenue as bollywood. Bollywood to me is what people like the Bachhan's take crores for, well knowing that all that they are doing is performing an (quote)art(unquote) of pelferaging from other movies.

Kudos to Chota B for ripping of Morpheus in Dhoom and behaving that Dhoom is a super hit movie. It shames me to see people treat these downtrodden people like gods. Did they even pass their 12th Standards?

Easy money is Bollywoods mantra. Fool the poor ignorant rickshaw walas and con them of their couple of rupees, in turn earn millions and laff of this gig. Did you even mention what Ritesh Deshmuck thinks of Brad Pitt, simply ripping off Fight Club.

We should realise that we as cinema goers support this kind of crap which is being spewed out of bollywood and legitimize this blatant copying of art. Its time we stop and not create a market for these bozos. Kick them where it hurts. After 50 years back Indian Actors and Actresses were nothing but "Nautankees". Wonder how they became Gods in the 21st Century

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