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h@h@ h@h@
by A P on May 02, 2010 03:46 PM

this stupid man wanted to gift a rickshaw to obama. may be he would have himself become obama's personal rickshawpuller and carry him all over wahington in his rickshaw!!! An what a great sight it wud have been , obama being pulled by this jer_k in a rickshaw. h@h@H@h@

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this stupid man must be kicked in his @55
by A P on May 02, 2010 03:43 PM  | Hide replies

for promoting rickshaws. its so inhuman to carry another person's burden., but this man instead of finding alternative means of livelihood for rickshaw pullers is infact encpuraging them to pull rickshaws, how pathetic!!

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Re: this stupid man must be kicked in his @55
by INDIA SHINES on May 02, 2010 04:04 PM
You guys are really sick mentality. Didn't you find that he is going to innovate a new means / idea. He is IIM, Ahmedabad, which your whole generation can never complete it. Look into yourself before you say anthing about others.

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Re: Re: this stupid man must be kicked in his @55
by cool on May 02, 2010 07:02 PM
I can bet, he can't be IIM-A graduate. He is a froud.write a mail to IIM-A to take action against this guy. Media write whatever someone says they don't cross check the fact.

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Re: Re: this stupid man must be kicked in his @55
by A P on May 02, 2010 04:18 PM
sh_ut up u f0_0l. I really pity IIM ahmedabad for producing such kind of ppl. there's no innovation in it, but plain stu_pidi_ty. may be u too can join his organization as rickshawpuller

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Ramesh Vishwakarma
Re: this stupid man must be kicked in his @55
by Ramesh Vishwakarma on May 02, 2010 11:19 PM
It is the same as you are carrying the weight of Ur Boss In Ur Office... all the day you are pulling...the office of Ur Boss and getting peanuts and begging for Raise only once in a years... come I will teach you... The Dignity of LAbour...

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beware from this man !
by cool on May 02, 2010 03:43 PM

i think this clever rickshaw wala is developing strategy to siffone off fund of public and Internationale world and spoil the reputation of India on international forum ... he should be blacklisted soon. he is variant of modern babas who deceive people on name of helping them. he can't be IIM-A graduate. One should write to IIM-A for his wrong claiming.

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by Ironman on May 02, 2010 09:07 AM

TATA makes a cheap car some stupid Hanifa promotes rickshwas for the world...i think President Obama should have known what was apporaching him from india. yet again some nerds to cheapen Indians name......When will you people understand india needs a completly differnt image for itself in the modern world more than Lungis' dhotis and latees....

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pkr ramesh
by pkr ramesh on May 01, 2010 05:02 PM  | Hide replies

Dont worry as and when economic conditions improve rickshaws will disappear as it has happened in most southern states.This guy is doing to get cheap publicity.and may be green card You need not go to IIM for this crap

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by gaurav on May 01, 2010 06:14 PM
plz dear...why we indians are like this...always pulling legs...We are in this state becoz of people like you..leg pullers

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pkr ramesh
by pkr ramesh on May 01, 2010 06:40 PM
Whose leg did I pull Mr gaurav?For this clown to go to US poor guys in hot sun and freezing winter,without any roof above their head pedal ricks while passenger listens to music,reads newspaper,has soft drinks? Inhuman to say the least.Let this guy buy auto rickshaws have them medically examined,provide education for their kids That I would call service.this perpetuation of poverty is this guys goal Publicty seeker.And meets Obama feel ashamed as Indian that we exhibiting this to world

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john rambo
by john rambo on May 02, 2010 08:38 AM
Mumbai is now Populated more By Rickshaws than Human Beings and Dogs....10 years back it was ultaa kahaani!! Thanks 2 Alaam Bhai...

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by saurabh on May 01, 2010 04:08 PM  | Hide replies

i live next to his office. ye poora conept faltoo hai ....kucch nahi hota rick me ...pani, paper, music sab jhooth hai. ye adv ko bhi dhokha deta hai ..jitna rick ka adv ka deal leta hai use kam par hi karta hai aur poora paisa leta hai . dont believe this man.

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by kaisar on May 01, 2010 07:51 PM
Yes now you can not exploit rickshawalas and refuse to pay him money. Really bad for you.

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by saurabh on May 01, 2010 08:37 PM
i never do ....its u with this fellow doing ;((
please save our nation from such BAHURIPIYAS !!!

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Another case of froud !
by saurabh on May 01, 2010 10:19 AM  | Hide replies

I have traveled by these rickshaw in patna. Puller conditions are pathetic. They are no where different from other pullers. They pay Rs 35 everyday to this foundation as any other puller do. This guy is simply doing trading of rickshaw. He sells rickshaw of Rs 8000 at price of Rs 11000 to poor fellows. Rs 35 for one year comes out to be more than that. He is gaining sympathy of media and public. This guy is making media and public fool by claiming himself an IIM-A graduate. He is not IIM passouts. IIM_A graduate will never do such scam. He is another case of harshat mehta and lalit modi. I would request media to do cross verification of the facts with IIM-A. IIM should take action against such fellows. He has only 500 rickshaw under his foundation but he claims 3 lacs and als 5 lacs (it changes with every interview). Be cautious and prevent our India from another scam of public money.

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Re: Another case of froud !
by kaisar on May 01, 2010 06:44 PM
Illeterate you do not have knowledge to pass IIM-A qualification and passing foolish statement. Can you give 8000 to any rishaw wala they are ready to return you 18000 . If you are not capable take one rikshaw from him and than see.

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Re: Re: Another case of froud !
by saurabh on May 01, 2010 08:55 PM
I have never tried for IIM but i dont do false claim like you. I am happy with my B.Com degree.

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subrata banerjee
Re: Another case of froud !
by subrata banerjee on May 01, 2010 02:16 PM
I am at one with you sourav. Now a days the medias have been promoting and projecting the news which are baseless and fooling the public and at the same time take country's prestige in jeopardy. Please take care of this type of guys.

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Big froud agian !!
by saurabh on May 01, 2010 10:06 AM  | Hide replies

I have traveled in sammann's rickshaw in patna. his rickshaw pullers conditions are no where different from others. he also charges Rs 35 everyday from them as others do. he makes money by selling Rs 8000 rickshaw at cost of Rs 11000 to this poor drivers. everyday Rs 35 means Rs 11000 for one year. He is doing trading of rickshaw and gaining sympathy from media. He is also not a graduate from IIM-A .He makes media and public fool by claiming himself an IIM-A graduate. He is another case of Lalit modi and harshat mehta type planned scam of public money. He only has some 500 rickshaw under his foundation but he claims 3 lacs somewhere 5 lacs. He claims turnover of 4 cr . Is it audited report? No. he is looking for govt. fund as he has mentioned in his interview too. be cautious to avoid one more scam of India. I would request media to do cross verification of the facts.

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Re: Big froud agian !!
by kaisar on May 01, 2010 07:52 PM
Fraud is in your blood, India will die if bribe is stopped.

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Madhu Shetty
Re: Re: Big froud agian !!
by Madhu Shetty on May 02, 2010 03:54 PM
what about ur bllod Kaisar???

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