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we shud get the real numbers
by miraj on Jun 03, 2010 07:45 PM  | Hide replies

Over the yrs, the only people hu have reproduced at high rate have been those from the reserved categories coz poor brahmins cud not afford a big family..i think we shud have a caste census that way we wud also be able to identify that brahmins are indeed minority and deserve reservation

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Re: we shud get the real numbers
by A P on Jun 03, 2010 09:33 PM
reserved categories have reproduced at high rates because they r illiterate, and this directly stems from caste system. had caste system allowed everyone right to education, this problem wud not have arisen

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prarthana kalaskar
the census has begun!
by prarthana kalaskar on Jun 03, 2010 07:27 PM

One of the officials landed on day 1!!
No mention of religion at all, caste question was tricky, I was asked if I belonged to any of the reserved category. If we refuse to answer, the officers are sensitive and can make a rough guess, which can be mostly right.

So where does this leave us?!

Any light on this?

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sreenivasan ramasubramanian
Caste in census
by sreenivasan ramasubramanian on Jun 03, 2010 07:26 PM

Why after starting the process this question should arise?This should well have been decided in a cabinet meeting if it is so important.If that has not been done why a controversy should be created?Yes,This is the standard ploy of Congress,The congregation of Cunning politicians,to divide the country and also exterminate the economically backward forward communities.

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by iota on Jun 03, 2010 07:20 PM

Is a Ploy by Sonia Maino and Congi - to DIVIDE the Hindus, and Consolidate her Vote Banks.


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ritesh dash
Invest on Education
by ritesh dash on Jun 03, 2010 05:18 PM  | Hide replies

Invest in all form of education primary, higher , professional . Let the parameter be not compromised. Let all get good education and simultaneously bring more jobs. Merit should not be compromised in research & development, medicine and other respective sensitive fields. My being non merit should not hamper someone else or society at large. Empowerment at basic level is must, and there caste should not come on way.

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ritesh dash
Re: Invest on Education
by ritesh dash on Jun 03, 2010 05:24 PM
I mean son of a snake charmer and son of a doctor both must get the best education, if possible snake charmer's son should get extra tuition if required. But if another friend is son of a tailor should in no way treated differently, financially backward whoever is should get the same quality education. Government must not see a child of one caste and other caste differently. Education, Health,Law must be same for all.

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Police Officer
by Police Officer on Jun 03, 2010 04:22 PM

What is the official parliamentary procedure to carve out an Independent Nation for 500 million BC community from India?

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Police Officer
by Police Officer on Jun 03, 2010 04:21 PM  | Hide replies

Divide India into 4 (OC/BC/SC/ST) special administrative regions to inject 'real' merit into the society.
They anyway hate each other.

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Bhanu Prakash
Re: And
by Bhanu Prakash on Jun 04, 2010 04:24 AM
you seems to be a deshdrohi or Pak agent and want India to be destroyed. Peopple like you will be crushed under rod rollers if you are caught with patriots.

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Re: And
by shane on Jun 03, 2010 10:35 PM
I want to join ST. Where can I apply???

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Pranab M
If reservation is there what is wrong in caste census
by Pranab M on Jun 03, 2010 02:42 PM  | Hide replies

You want to hide your caste but still want to get benefit of reservation, shame on you.

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rigved dubhashi
Re: If reservation is there what is wrong in caste census
by rigved dubhashi on Jun 04, 2010 01:45 AM
The caste divide is actually in the best interest of the so called lower caste precisely for this reason - reservations. Given a choice between abolishing caste system and continuing it am sure they will opt for the later. I have seen my friends coming from very well-to-do but so called lower caste families, hiding their faces while they stood in separate lines for admissions :-)

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by vijaynathnasik on Jun 03, 2010 02:35 PM


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jagannadh rao
Caste in Census
by jagannadh rao on Jun 03, 2010 12:53 PM

Our Netas have no progressive ideas to take us out of the medieval mindset. The Congress party is the most villanous party in dividing the people and the nation. Shah Bano judgement, Babri Masjid, Mandal, Womens bill, Domestic Violence Bill, Dowry act, Telangana muddle to name a few are the Congress creations to divide the Indians and India. The Yadavs and other's who are demanding caste based census may find themselves a minority if the castes are counted and then all will clamour for burying the caste based census data. Our political class are really the worst scoundrels and keep on devising more and more devilish ideas to divide this country and the people so that while all are busy fighting for reservations etc these cunning politicians will continue to enjoy the power and influence without any extra effort on their part.

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