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Student suicides: How to prevent them?

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boost their morale
by raj on Jan 05, 2010 12:56 PM

morale boosting is something the parents can do to save this from repeating. instead of comparing their performances with their siblings or friends, it should be compared with demselves by their parents. instaed of showing that u are beetter than your counter-part, show them how they favoured better now than their previous perormances. encourage them, pat their backs quite often however small their achievement be, show them that they are better now than they were b4.

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counseling to parents and teachers is important
by Chanakya on Jan 05, 2010 12:45 PM

my eldor son in 11th and daughter is in 7th this year..as parents we adopt a balancing situation at home - my wife sometime get hyper on them on their studies and marks and this is the time I counsel them and keep them cool to do their best in next.

However, what I understand from them from time to time is that the teachers, particuparly in english medium/convent schools have a tendency to pick each and every silly errors and give the lease marks in prilims etc. with an excuse that more marks in prilims would make the student take it easy for the finals. The correction of answer papers and marks too, some time, depends upon the mental state of the teachers as it was proved in a couple of occasions when my son got a couple of marks more that his peer who have written it better.
Parents, on their part pass on too much of pressure on kids by sending them for various specialised tuitions at different places for different subjects making the kid's life miserable with loads and loads of homeworks and problem solvings, over and above the usual school stuff.
We can save the young kids only by changing our approach towards them and for which we need to have:
counseling of the teachers at school by either a duly constituted body or NGOs, counselers
counseling of the parents together with teachers
verifcation of answer papers by a govt authority to ensure that the marks are given correctly.
special counseling to students who are not so bright with their parents.

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rahul mishra
spend double the time and half the money ON ur children'S
by rahul mishra on Jan 05, 2010 12:33 PM

spend double the time and half the money ON ur children....this is the only way to make them strong willed....donot teach harry potter to live in dreamy land teach premchand to live in origanlity......right values is must ....

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rahul mishra
spend double the time and half the money of ur children
by rahul mishra on Jan 05, 2010 12:32 PM

spend double the time and half the money of ur children....this is the only way to make them strong willed....donot teach harry potter to live in dreamy land teach premchand to live in origanlity......right values is must ....

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shashwat kirwai
by shashwat kirwai on Jan 05, 2010 12:30 PM

Parents are first school for any child.
one of the parent should stay at home to look after the child.
Career , money and all social stupidity is of no value against life of ones offspring.
it is duty of every parent to make their children tough mentally and physically and also moraly.
If still careers are so important than why not throw the child in river as soon as they are born and start preparing for next one.

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Student helpline
by amotnam on Jan 05, 2010 12:26 PM

I think there are lot of counselors available but students are not aware. I think career counselor and stopping suicide helplines should be available to all students and published in school.

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Arun Premraj
by Arun Premraj on Jan 05, 2010 12:26 PM

stop blaming 3 idiots also.. a suicide is shown but the message for not committing suicide is shown as well..
dont blame movies for everything..
parents should be more aware of their children's lives and health..and not be lost in their work..
suicide decision isn't formed in a day.. it is a culmination of a period of struggle..not an instant choice...
it is important for parents to spot the signs in this time period.. and not blame the last action on some movie..

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ashok mani
Copy th eWest.......
by ashok mani on Jan 05, 2010 12:24 PM

We copy a lot of the West: Food, Clothes, Music, Life Style. We don't have to 'invent' many things. Look at West and they seem to have analyzed such issues and problems and have set up ways to manage such 'societal' issues. We need to set up the same here and make this set up and bring out public awareness. WE will save time and lives, in such a case.

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