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''Good students sacrificed for quotas''

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arungopal agarwal
Quota system
by arungopal agarwal on Aug 16, 2010 05:24 PM

Country is already loosing intelligencia as they are migrating from India. Not only good students are sacrificed rather quota students are not getting chance, as grand sons of beneficiaries are stealing the majority seats, actual needy for whom quota was made are kept aside.The basic purpose is defeated.

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Thats not true
by Anandh on Aug 16, 2010 12:57 PM

Good students from decent economic background are suffering because of quota system.

But the whole point missed here is, there are far more excellent students do not even get an opportunity to go elementary schools.

Thats what we see after 60yrs of independence

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Indians at each others throats dirty politicians laugh
by Sanjay on Aug 16, 2010 03:53 AM

It shame that there is lack availability of a good education for all. Student have to scramble for seats and quota is there because lack of availability of seat. Politicians makes us fools and there is non development all around. We must free ourselves of the Babus Raj who has prevented the development of this nation and has corrupted everything in this nation. Why there is not enough seats to satisfy demand and why they limit seats to make profit. Does anyone question recent activities of University Grant which has limited many schools. Why government is not the promoter of quality education.

When we were a Hindu nation we were first. Vedas has less caste or no caste but merit then modern society, full of division of labor.Is the lack of education that has made the society unable to defend its cultural heritage. Are our culture of Rani Laxmi Bhai, Jhassi ke Rani who led entire country against British rule, or is Hindu culture what British propagate. Are we of babus who the British even made Mangal Pande pay a bribe for position, or are we the great Hindus who always stood first and believed in merit like Valmki a thief who wrote the Ramayana, being richest of nation, first crime free society, the having greatest scientific achievements of any nation, first in mathematics, first in agriculture,first science surgery,having the strongest military.It is a choice become a person who cannot even defend themselves or become a Hindu and be first.Hindus have a tradition being first.

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In Mumbai colleges there is reservation for linguistic minoritie
by howudoudo on Aug 14, 2010 07:33 PM

... a student from linguistic minority with 62% marks gets admission into such colleges while a local candidate with 90% marks does not.

Why is there quota system for such rich students. This is unfair. right?

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Education is back bone of Democracy and A good Society
by ajoy on Aug 14, 2010 02:46 PM

Due to the quota system, Education system of our country is deteroiating day by day. People who is not able to study the particular course is joining the course and using illegal means to get pass. The our politician is also involved in it equally.Sahab, try to understand the situation, there is same reservation in teacher appointment. Now, you can understand how many ST/SC wants to study commerce, Our Govt has reserved seat to appoint ST/SC as teacher in Commerce College/Universities.As per my opinion Govt has to keep this reservation for next 60 years to fill this vacany. if they succed to fill it then it could be the badluck to our education system and student also.
It doesn't mean I am against ST/SC but I request our colleague and Govt If you want to keep this system. Kindly be fair without deteriorating our education system and arrange education for all class.Because everyone has need of education.
Be shame on this sytem, because after 60 years of our independence, we have only 66 % literate people.

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Good students are sacrificed for the quota system
by ajoy on Aug 14, 2010 02:23 PM

Friends, Due to this quota system, I know most of my Upper Class good Student, who is financially weak and want to study in govt. colleges and universities have end his study joined the small jobs. In one case, One of my freinds who does not have money do to MBA, wants to join Mass comm course at Ranchi in University , he qualified in written exam but not selected in VIVA. Now, what he will do?, Obviously he has to join jobs in any retail outlets. Due to this Quota system corruption is increasing day by day. Now, he has only option to join this either he has to pay bribe or otherwise he must have good approach. There is 50% reservation. Do you think, this is logical? If Governement wants to give free Education to any caste/community. Then they arrange for them but why other Caste/community is suffering from them. Whether Govt. does not has any responsibility regarding Upper Caste? Whether Govt. has any plan or package for those upper caste people who is poor? Is there any Reservation for them? Whether Upper Caste is not People of this Country? The people who is not capable for that is getting chance and people who is labouring hard for it the govt is pushing back to them. Initially, This Reservation System was only for 10 years, now it reached to 63 years of our independence it is continuing. There is only two possibilities of continuing it either our govt is failed to implement it or there are not able to grab this oppurtunity.

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