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Tendulkar should have retired after World Cup: Imran

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Drramji agarwal
sachi's retirement
by Drramji agarwal on Jan 31, 2012 07:41 PM  | Hide replies

Ponting goes on 21 matches without scoring century but in India there is so much hue & cry after Sachin going without century in only 11 matches.Mr Rajdeep from CNN-IBN who is after Sachin right from the the day India won the World Cup.He raises the issue of Sachin's retirement.We Indians are jealous of our own heroes.

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Re: sachi's retirement
by aaaa on Jan 31, 2012 09:08 PM
Most of the Hue and cry is from Mu$$us.

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solid singh
by solid singh on Jan 31, 2012 07:28 PM  | Hide replies

Napolean - " the word impossible is not in my disctionary".

Tendya - " the word retirement is not in my dictionary "

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Against Pseudos
Re: sachin
by Against Pseudos on Feb 01, 2012 02:42 AM
Napoleon was also great. :-)

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Why are you in a hurry Imran
by AdinGoyyale on Jan 31, 2012 07:18 PM  | Hide replies

He will definitely retire after the next world cup.

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solid singh
Re: Why are you in a hurry Imran
by solid singh on Jan 31, 2012 07:19 PM
good one.

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Against Pseudos
Re: Re: Why are you in a hurry Imran
by Against Pseudos on Feb 01, 2012 02:48 AM
Bronze Bucket:

You mean you want to win World Cup in Aus? Not fair. ;-)

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Proud Indian
Don't worry
by Proud Indian on Jan 31, 2012 06:56 PM  | Hide replies

Don't worry. People's anger is going to force BCCI to drop Sachin, Dravid, Lakshman, Gambhir, Sehwag, Dhoni and Ishan Sharma from the next test series. Youngsters must be given the chance and sufficient time to prove their worth for at least an year. Till then, let the oldies go back to the domestic Cricket and perform there. If the younger lot keep failing even after an year compared to the oldies, they can always come back. It's as simple as that. No one is asking the oldies to retire from all formats of Cricket in India. Just spare us for the moment and don't show your faces in the next series at least.

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rahul deshpande
Re: Don't worry
by rahul deshpande on Jan 31, 2012 07:00 PM
I agree with Proud Indian but i would rather not have the half baked Imran Khan telling us what to do and what not to do when he has Misbah at 38 to captain Pakistan. It's a problem with the Indian Team and I believe it is best that Indians solve this problem not a person across the border who always had an ego problem with the genius and greatness of Tendulkar to the extent that he always harped about fat Inzy being superior. Oh please Imran get back to your rallies with your Bed Mate Hafeez Sayed and spew your venom on Indians cuz that's the only thing you can possibly do other than dream that someday Pakistan might beat India in a game of cricket.

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by RAMAMOORTHY on Jan 31, 2012 06:43 PM

tendu should retaire after wc. no use of hanging in the team and getting lot of critisisum from public. he have all name in his record and no further recored reqired other than odi highst run but that cannot make in his life other than he play with kenya or holland and in this condition he cannot do that also. better retaire with good name instead of bad days ............I MEAN KIKED FROM THE TEAM BY MEMBERS OR...

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by RAMAMOORTHY on Jan 31, 2012 06:40 PM  | Hide replies

tendu should retaire after wc. no use of hanging in the team and getting lot of critisisum from public. he have all name in his record and no further recored reqired other than odi highst run but that cannot make in his life other than he play with kenya or holland and in this condition he cannot do that also. better retaire with good name instead of bad days ............

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Against Pseudos
Re: correct
by Against Pseudos on Jan 31, 2012 06:43 PM
Ok. Anything else? :-)

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Re: Re: correct
by Indian on Jan 31, 2012 06:45 PM
AP: always there to defend sachin....
amazing, not seen a loyal fan like you....

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Against Pseudos
Re: Re: Re: correct
by Against Pseudos on Jan 31, 2012 06:47 PM

Nor have I seen "cricket fans" like you!! ;-)

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Re: Re: Re: Re: correct
by Indian on Jan 31, 2012 06:55 PM
Pro Pseudos:
no harm in supporting any player.

but going ballistic and making a god out of some ordinary guy is indeed delusion, which u seem to suffer.....

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solid singh
Re: Re: correct
by solid singh on Jan 31, 2012 06:55 PM
hi pseudo . graet to see u back

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solid singh
Re: Re: correct
by solid singh on Jan 31, 2012 06:56 PM
pseudo , welcome back.

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by Kabeer on Jan 31, 2012 06:23 PM  | Hide replies

Timely announcement in cricket is an art, and not many dont know when to call it quits.

There always was a dilemma that one still has more to offer and thereby prolong announcing retirement until the bad phase sets in from which they cant get out and ultimately retire in humiliation.

If you announce your retirement a little prematurely you must have lost the best opportunities to score more runs and get wickets, if you are bowler.

To put it simply, as celebrity cabareet dancer put it, announcing retirement in cricket is like stripping clothes in a cabaaret dance.

The ultimate artist knows when to stop giving the impression to her audience that there is a lot more interesting to come but only the best performer knows if she strips that last garment it would only be much uglier.

In that sense, Imran is perfectly right.

Sachin had a great world cup and he won it in India and that too in his home ground.

Had he announced his retirement before the final match began, which afterall India had won, all his fans in India and worldwide would still be believing that he still had much to offer to the game of cricket when he actually has none just like the celebrity cabbaret dancer who knows had she stripped that last garment only ugly things will be on display.

Sachin fell for that greed and lost his worldwide appeal and perhaps even a possible Bharat Ratna.

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Against Pseudos
by Against Pseudos on Jan 31, 2012 06:52 PM
True if "ugly" dancers are on the floor. :-)

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by Kabeer on Jan 31, 2012 06:22 PM

Timely announcement in cricket is an art, and not many dont know when to call it quits.

There always was a dilemma that one still has more to offer and thereby prolong announcing retirement until the bad phase sets in from which they cant get out and ultimately retire in humiliation.

If you announce your retirement a little prematurely you must have lost the best opportunities to score more runs and get wickets, if you are bowler.

To put it simply, as celebrity cabareet dancer put it, announcing retirement in cricket is like stripping clothes in a cabaaret dance.

The ultimate artist knows when to stop giving the impression to her audience that there is a lot more interesting to come but only the best performer knows if she strips that last garment it would only be much uglier.

In that sense, Imran is perfectly right.

Sachin had a great world cup and he won it in India and that too in his home ground.

Had he announced his retirement before the final match began, which afterall India had won, all his fans in India and worldwide would still be believing that he still had much to offer to the game of cricket when he actually has none just like the celebrity cabbaret dancer who knows had she stripped that last garment only ugly things will be on display.

Sachin fell for that greed and lost his worldwide appeal and perhaps even a possible Bharat Ratna.

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