This is absolutely nonsense. When countries in the world are becoming more and more liberal, our country is culturally traveling backwards in time. This is a gargantuan shame. There should not be any moral policiing at all. Why should the so called "cultural guardians" and "moral police" be bothered about trivial things like this? There are other burning issues that need immediate attention. There should be some amount of basic and sexual freedom. Our country lacks both and we act like puritans.
I think, it is spoiling our culture. Our Parents go out for walk in the park. Its a shameful act to do in public. If these couple really love each other then they should marry and then they have legal right to do whatever they want. But such things should be avoided in public, it spreads nuceience everywhere. Our kids try to do what they see, so it is a good move to fine them.
Its true that one has to draw a line somewhere saying that beyond this anything is indecent. But a kiss can't cetainly be that line. If one is parting with his beloved, say in a railway station, a kiss is something which comes very naturally. They can't go about searching for a place where there won't be anyone. I frankly don't think the law makers have to be told of all these things. They know very well what is permissible. Its been a story for sometime now that a section of the society (some people who unfortunately are in authority) are bent upon forcing their own opinion on others. They need to be told quite strongly that they have to take a consensus before making any rule that deals with common people.
RE:moral policing a hypocrisy
by ABC on Apr 20, 2006 07:20 PM Permalink
You know, hypocrisy is a word not to be used in such places. What's wrong with "moral policing"? Is there anything wrong with the term "moral policing"? Does it sound as bad as "immoral conduct"? Then, why do you need to raise such a hue and cry over this saying hypocrisy? Tell me something, what BAD is going to happen because of this moral policing. If you want, I can tell you what GOOD is going to happen coz of htat but I think you'd be intelligent enough to understand that yourselves. "hypocrisy" is nowa days the words used by kids of the age 18-25, who are not working, who try to enjoy their life to the fullest (nothing bad in that..), and try to follow the west (nothing wrong in htat either. but take only the good things. I dont see anything good taken by kids from their counterparts in the west!). They need something to show off their liberal mind (which they dont have regarding the subject under discussion wehn it comes to their family.). So they use the words "hypocrisy", 21st century kids, Generation next...etc.etc. basically, these are kids with no brains and no concern about the society or the next generation. I'm sorry, i;m not talking about you. Jst makin a general stm
RE:moral policing a hypocrisy
by Shahid on Apr 21, 2006 12:11 PM Permalink
if u think that we are very well back here then why dont u come back instead of living abroad.
RE:moral policing a hypocrisy
by Krishnan on Apr 21, 2006 12:46 PM Permalink
Yeah, they can amend the law to allow kissing in railway station , airports :d
well I feel moral police perfectly right in doing these things. Because this is what makes India complete India. Our culture our values are extremely important. When you visit europe and US you will find all these things that are mentioned but this really pisses people off sometimes and even they are disgusted by all this but since they dont have any laws for this they cant do anything. If you want to kiss then you have lots of places (like your house) where you can kiss and stuff. but why display your affection in Public and decline the morals of children . Please dont let globalization let change our values . I am sitting abroad and sincerely feel how well off we are back home. great going moral police .. gaurav
RE:To Kiss or not
by Madhab on Apr 24, 2006 09:01 PM Permalink
Mr. Solanki, Which Indian values and culture you are talking about? One that is based on caste, creed, dowry death, rapes in broad daylight, pissing roadside in full view of hundred other people, female infanticide, corruption, looting public money? You Indians are the most crazy people on earth. Instead of putting your mind and energy on development of the country based on justice, equality, corruption free environment, you guys are wasting your time on petty stuffs like kissing in public. When the entire India TV channels are full of naked women dancing in remix tunes, you have no logic to ban things like kissing in public, dance bars etc. Lakhs of Indian women go to prostitution due to your own archaic laws and social systems. Do something for more important issues than on petty stuffs. The world is moving in electronic speed, but Indians' mind still remains stuck in medieval thoughts and rules.
Why dont you raze the khajuraho temples to the ground ?? why keep them standing? Arent they part of our culture? Or were they biult by Americans? Kissing ????? These temples depict actual lovemaking. Our so called "culture" says love unless certified under marriage is dirty, dangerous and despicable. For our culture, love and sex are dirty and ugly words. Ironically, love stories make the most money in bollywood. Some of our most famous stories are love stories. Some of our greatest literary works explore sexuality. Still we continue to be narrow minded. WHY?? because we really dont understand what it means to truly love. Why do these couples kiss in public places ? Because almost all of them are shunned by their parents, ridiculed by their colleagues and hunted by the law. Believe it or not, they really dont have a private place to go to !!!
If your child or little sister sees two people kissing in public, look him or her in the eye and tell him they are in love, and they are expressing that love to each other. Thats it.Look at it as something beautiful. If you see two people having sex in public, then call the police.
In public, people should be encouraged to restrain their emotions. Kissing your wife or girl friend in public merely apes the western practice, and is against our culture and traditions.
Moral standards should be enforced otherwise it will set a wrong ideal for our children. Societies which had indulged in similar orgies of lovemaking have perished.
If our children are to develop healthy attitude towards genuine love, its expression in public, which is vulgar, should be strictly prohibited.
RE:kissing in public
by Tushar Malhotra on Apr 22, 2006 11:29 AM Permalink
Why can't we indians stop being hypocrites?? And by the way can you tell me which society has perished for the reasons as you mentioned? Thousands of years ago, the walls of our temples were painted and inscribed with the positions of Kamasutra. That way even our Gods are vulgar isn't it??
RE:kissing in public
by anirudh on Apr 20, 2006 08:12 PM Permalink
genuine love has no restraints.. its only how we see it. If we see love as dirty and obscene, we are wrong.
RE:kissing in public
by smack on Apr 21, 2006 02:35 AM Permalink
a) how is kissing in public a sexual orgy? b) exactly which cultures have taken part in sexual orgies and perished? You're entitled to your opinion of course...but doesn't mean you can make up shit to support your argument.
why should osculatory interaction between two lovers itillate some one else? There were once two monks who had taken the vow of chastity-never to touch a woman.They were about to cross a river.One monk was old and his companion was young.Atthe river bank, they met a beautiful young woman.She pleaded with them to lift her across the swollen river.The old monk immediately carried her on his shoulders and helped her across.He deposited her sadely on the other side of the river.The young monk was shocked. After walking a long way, he mustered up courage to ask the old monk as to how he violated the vow of chastity by carrying the young woman across.The old monk replied,"Son, I carried her across and left her on the other side of the river a long time ago.I have forgotten about it. You are still carrying her in your mind!"
RE:to kiss or not to kiss?
by Abhai Tripathi on Apr 21, 2006 12:53 PM Permalink
Good one denis!! But the problem is that in our country, there is already so much bull shit all around, it keeps splattering and covers the real thought processor.