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RE:To Kiss or not
by Madhab on Apr 24, 2006 09:01 PM

Mr. Solanki,
Which Indian values and culture you are talking about? One that is based on caste, creed, dowry death, rapes in broad daylight, pissing roadside in full view of hundred other people, female infanticide, corruption, looting public money? You Indians are the most crazy people on earth. Instead of putting your mind and energy on development of the country based on justice, equality, corruption free environment, you guys are wasting your time on petty stuffs like kissing in public. When the entire India TV channels are full of naked women dancing in remix tunes, you have no logic to ban things like kissing in public, dance bars etc. Lakhs of Indian women go to prostitution due to your own archaic laws and social systems. Do something for more important issues than on petty stuffs. The world is moving in electronic speed, but Indians' mind still remains stuck in medieval thoughts and rules.

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Your Say: To kiss or not to kiss